Sostenibilità, Capolupo: “‘Rigenera le tue vibe’ di Knorr parla alla Gen Z”

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “‘Rigenera le tue vibe’ nasce dalla consapevolezza che i nostri progetti e i nostri prodotti possono giocare un ruolo importante nel contribuire a ridurre l’impatto ambientale. La campagna vuole parlare alla generazione Z, che più di altri sente un senso di urgenza nei confronti delle tematiche ambientali”. Così Mariangela Capolupo, Head of Marketing di Knorr Italia, presentando la campagna di Knorr ‘Rigenera le tue vibe’, parte del progetto ‘BuonCibo Knorr’. Il termine ‘rigenera’ non è casuale, Knorr si impegna infatti anche nel campo dell’agricoltura rigenerativa e proprio in Italia è partito il progetto pilota.


00:00 [Music]
00:06 The Italian initiative was born in 2022 in the rice fields in the province of Pavia.
00:11 It is a project that sees the collaboration between ACNOR, Parbarit, Innovatec and the universities of Pavia, Turin and Milan.
00:19 It is a project that has seen the first four rice fields involved, but in total of 900 hectares.
00:25 The aim is to extend this program to a growing number of rice fields and hectares of fields.
00:33 The aim of these regenerative agriculture practices that we have begun to introduce in these fields is very important and ambitious.
00:44 We want to try to contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions, improve water quality and improve biodiversity.
00:52 It is a project that for us is actually part of a broader mission that in Italy we wanted to implement in the ACNOR Buon Cibo program.
01:04 It is a program that aims to provide some advice and inspire Italians to eat their favorite dishes, having the planet at heart.
01:13 "Rigenera le tue vibe" is born from the awareness that our projects and our products play an important role in contributing to reducing the environmental impact.
01:23 It is a campaign that for this reason wants to speak to Generation Z, which is the audience that feels more urgency towards environmental issues than others and which often also ignites the conversation in the family.
01:38 We started with a deep analysis of this generation and we worked directly with the kids to fully understand their daily life.
01:47 To get away from the small daily challenges, often eating something good helps a lot.
01:54 And if the ingredients of this dish are cultivated thinking of the planet, it works even more.
01:59 "Rigenera le tue vibe" is born from this, a campaign designed for Generation Z, which ironically and funnily speaks embracing their tone of voice.
02:09 It involves two of their greatest idols.
02:12 On the one hand, the The Colors, icons and voices of Generation Z with their Italo Disco that has climbed the rankings.
02:20 And on the other, the real guardians of good Italian food and the good vibes of these kids, the grandmothers.
02:27 "Rigenera le tue vibe" is our method to face the challenges of everyday life.
02:36 Sometimes it is enough to eat a good risotto approved by the grandmothers and discover that the rice is cultivated thinking of the planet.
02:44 This is part of the biggest mission of CNOR towards regenerative agriculture with important goals for our planet, starting from Italy.
