Meet the Conscripts Under Taiwan's New 1-Year Mandatory Military Service

  • 8 months ago
Taiwan has extended its mandatory military service. Rik Glauert meets the conscripts now spending a year learning how to fight for their country.
00:00 Saying goodbye to his family, 18-year-old Junyi has been conscripted into military service.
00:05 He's among the first batch of young Taiwanese men who now have to put in a full year with
00:10 the military.
00:11 "I can join the army.
00:12 When the country is in trouble, when it needs us, we can stand up and say, 'I can defend
00:20 my own territory or I can protect my family.'"
00:23 Conscripts like Junyi will learn how to shoot, use a grenade, as well as battlefield first
00:27 aid.
00:28 The previous batches only trained for four months, but Taiwan is extending its military
00:32 service to one year to better prepare its reservists for a possible conflict.
00:37 Neighbouring China claims sovereignty over Taiwan and has upped its threats to take the
00:42 island nation by force.
00:44 In response, Taiwan is using a so-called porcupine strategy to make China's much larger military
00:50 rethink the cost of an attack.
00:52 As well as lengthening conscription, it has boosted defence spending and is developing
00:56 a domestic weapons industry.
00:58 "There are many ways to increase and strengthen the defence of the island, but extending the
01:05 period for the military service is one.
01:10 So defence is kind of public good and it has to be assured by all the people of the nation,
01:20 especially for younger generation."
01:23 Like Junyi's, families across Taiwan will be impacted as conscripts need to spend more
01:28 time in service.
01:29 But most Taiwanese support the new defence measures.
01:32 "I think it's a good thing.
01:35 I think it's acceptable.
01:37 I think it's acceptable.
01:40 They are not rejecting it."
01:42 They're seeing it as a small price to pay to defend the nation's freedom.
01:46 China has denounced these new measures as worthless.
01:49 It says new recruits will be cannon fodder for what it calls Taiwan's separatist forces.
01:54 But among those going off to learn how to fight, there's a sense of duty to a country
01:58 facing an existential threat.
02:01 Justin Wu, Yuen Chun-Lai and Rick Lowat for Taiwan Plus.
