Smile Upgrade: Kanye West Opts for Unique Titanium Dentures Over Traditional Teeth

  • 8 months ago
The revolutionary dental treatment that resulted in West's distinctive smile is tailored exclusively for him, accompanied by an astonishing cost of $850,000.


00:00 Kanye West, the enigmatic and often controversial rapper, has once again left his fans in awe
00:07 with a jaw-dropping transformation, this time quite literally.
00:12 The 46-year-old artist has reportedly bid farewell to his natural teeth, replacing them
00:18 with custom-made titanium dentures that bear an uncanny resemblance to the iconic smile
00:23 of jaws of the infamous James Bond villain.
00:27 This surprising revelation was first reported by a news organization in an Instagram post
00:33 that sent shockwaves across social media.
00:37 West proudly showcased his new metallic grin, drawing parallels between himself and the
00:42 steel-toothed adversary from Bond classics like The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.
00:51 The photos shared by the online portal exhibit the extravagant dentures, rumoured to be more
00:57 expensive than diamonds, meticulously designed by the rapper himself.
01:02 According to online portal sources, the groundbreaking dental procedure that led to West's unique
01:08 smile is exclusive to him and comes with a staggering price tag of $850,000.
01:15 Dr. Thomas Connelly, a prominent dentist based in Beverly Hills, and Naoki Hayashi, a master
01:23 dental technician, were interested with the task of bringing West's vision to life.
01:30 In a statement to an online portal, Dr. Connelly expressed his enthusiasm about collaborating
01:36 with West, stating, "It was a pleasure to work with every step of the process.
01:42 His vision for designing unique art transcends the dental progression.
01:47 The marriage of his vision with the dental scene was created a new look that is epic."
01:53 This isn't the first time Kanye West has made headlines for his dental choices.
01:58 In 2010, the power rapper claimed to have replaced his entire bottom row of teeth with
02:04 a diamond and gold implant, a revelation he shared on the Ellen DeGeneres show.
02:11 At the time, he explained his decision, saying, "I just thought the diamonds were cooler,"
02:16 and clarified that the implants were not a grill but his real teeth.
02:21 During the interview, Ellen DeGeneres, visibly surprised, questioned the authenticity of
02:27 his claim.
02:28 West responded confidently, "It's really my real teeth.
02:32 I replaced my bottom row of teeth.
02:34 I guess there is just certain things that rock stars are supposed to do."
02:44 (dramatic music)
