Casey Anthony's Dad Struggles Through Polygraph Test

  • 8 months ago
Casey Anthony's Dad Struggles Through Polygraph Test


00:03 So Casey has claimed that when she was young,
00:21 you came in the room and molested her.
00:25 So there's two parts to this test.
00:27 They're like two sides of a coin.
00:29 Both sides are equally important.
00:31 So the first side answers the question, did you do it?
00:34 The other part answers the question,
00:35 do you fit the profile of a person that would do that?
00:38 Well, the pre-test interview is where we discuss all the issues,
00:41 tell them everything they need to know.
00:42 Want to try and keep that foot movement to a minimum.
00:44 Try not to move your feet when you answer.
00:46 Don't try to convince me with your answer.
00:48 That's not necessary.
00:49 Just a soft-spoken yes or no.
00:51 You have to make that decision during the pre-test.
00:53 Is this person suitable for testing?
00:55 Are they lucid?
00:56 Are they able to sit through this test and focus
00:59 and pay attention?
01:00 You called yourself a 10 on the personal honesty scale.
01:03 You didn't lie about that, right?
01:06 You didn't lie about that, right?
01:08 Yes.
01:08 I mean, I didn't lie about-- no.
01:10 I'm sorry. - All right.
01:10 I'm sorry.
01:11 You got me worried there for a minute.
01:12 During a legitimate exam, there are no surprises.
01:16 We actually go over every single question
01:17 so they know exactly what they're going to be asked.
01:19 Because if they're not comfortable
01:21 or they don't really understand what I'm getting at,
01:23 then we're not going to have accurate results.
01:26 You've been married to Cindy now for how long?
01:29 42 years.
01:30 Congratulations.
01:31 You've had never cheated on a contest, have you?
01:34 Even an emotional affair, right?
01:37 I haven't.
01:38 OK.
01:38 All right.
01:39 Have you always been a 10 on the sexual integrity scale?
01:42 No.
01:43 Yes.
01:43 Yes.
01:44 No.
01:46 I guess when you're separated, it doesn't count.
01:49 I don't know.
01:53 Did you knowingly conceal Kaylee's whereabouts?
01:57 No.
01:59 I mean, I didn't know where she was at.
02:00 Correct.
02:01 That's all I'm asking.
02:02 So the question again, did you knowingly
02:05 conceal Kaylee's whereabouts?
02:06 No.
02:10 So you're struggling with that one a little bit.
02:11 Tell me why.
02:13 Maybe it's because I was so close to her house--
02:16 Yeah.
02:17 --that she was found.
02:18 Right.
02:20 But think about the times you went out looking for her.
02:22 Yes.
02:23 Did you know where she was that whole time?
02:25 No.
02:26 Are you sure?
02:27 I didn't know where she was at.
02:28 OK, that's all I'm asking.
02:29 I do not know.
02:30 That's all I'm asking you.
02:31 OK, George.
02:32 Kind of pull it together.
02:34 I just visualized in the woods at the mall.
02:36 I'm sorry.
02:37 The what?
02:38 The woods where she was found.
02:39 I'm sorry.
02:40 I'm sorry.
02:41 OK, you're going to have to compartmentalize.
02:43 Right now, as you sit here right now,
02:45 did you conceal her whereabouts?
02:48 Did I conceal her whereabouts?
02:53 I-- I did not know where she was at.
02:55 OK, so why are you struggling with that?
02:57 Oh, man.
03:07 Casey Anthony's "Parents--
03:09 The Lie Detector Test" premieres Thursday, January 4th at 9,
03:12 part of "The Pursuit," a crime and investigation
03:14 event only on A&E.
03:16 (bells chiming)
