Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman | The Source

  • 8 months ago
A lawmaker says the campaign for charter change has started and claims public funds are being mobilized. But local officials deny the bribery accusation.

Pinky Webb speaks with Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman.

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00:00 Welcome to The Source where we combine the headlines with in-depth conversations with the newsmakers themselves.
00:09 I'm Pinky Webb. Today on the program, a lawmaker says the campaign for charter change has started and claims public funds are being mobilized.
00:19 But local officials deny the accusation. Albai representative Ed Selagman joins us in the program.
00:26 And hundreds of thousands of devotees show up as the traslacion returns after a three-year hiatus.
00:34 Our lady of Fatima University Chaplain Father Nikanor Lalog II tells us later about the significance of the Black Nazarene to the Catholic faith.
00:54 A lawmaker from Bicol says congressmen from the supermajority coalition have launched a campaign to amend the constitution through a people's initiative.
01:03 He claims those who would sign the petition for charter change will allegedly be paid.
01:08 After the revelation, Senator Amy Marcos also alleged that over two million pesos is being offered per district in several provinces to buy voters' signatures.
01:22 Former Ako Bicol Party list representative Alfredo Garbin denies the accusations and the alleged release of money to municipal mayors in Albai.
01:31 Let's go straight to the source of the story. Here's the source of the story.
01:35 Albai 1st District representative Ed Selagman. Congressman Ed Selagman, welcome to The Source. It's so good to see you again. Happy New Year, sir.
01:44 Happy New Year to you, Pinky. Incidentally, I did not say that public funds were being used. I said funds were mobilized. Whether they are public or private, I have not yet verified.
02:00 Alright. Thanks for that correction. But maybe the public funds will be attributed to Senator Amy's claim that there are programs allegedly coming from the DSWD.
02:14 But I'll go to that a little later on. So let's go back to the context. There was a meeting on January 5. That is confirmed. That's what you're saying.
02:24 And even ex-Congressman Garbin was saying, "Kitang kita naman po, may meeting talaga noon January 5."
02:31 So, pinatawag po yung mga mayors doon sa meeting. And supposed to be, binigyan ho ba ng mga sheets of paper for to sign for CHACHA?
02:42 So, tell us your version of the story, sir.
02:45 Well, that is confirmed. There was a meeting last January 5 in the afternoon at the Ellis Hotel in Digaspe City.
02:58 This was called by the president of the Mayor's League of Albay, Mayor Sanceda. And during the meeting, it was disclosed that a charter change via People's Initiative is going to be announced.
03:18 And they should help in having the voters sign the petition. They were given the form to be signed by the voters.
03:32 And at the same time, they were given funds representing 50% of the amount of 100 pesos per voter who would sign the petition.
03:49 This is fully documented. I have the papers showing the amount received and the purpose for which they were given.
04:01 And three of the mayors in my district already returned the amounts because if the People's Initiative is inspired by noble and patriotic objectives, we must not buy the people's initiative.
04:23 Congressman Lagman, you were saying that basically, you have evidence. What exactly do you have in your possession?
04:32 One, I have the form which were distributed on the amendment to be proposed to the constitution, which is basically making the voting in the constituent assembly composed of representatives and senators, joint voting.
04:54 This would fast-track the amendments to be proposed by the constituent assembly because the numerically superior number of representatives will definitely overwhelm the fewer number of senators.
05:13 And it should be recalled that the Senate has been the burial ground for proposed amendments.
05:21 Okay. So you have the form, you were saying, that is your evidence. What else do you have?
05:27 I have also the form which specified the amount to be received and also that it was 50% of 100 pesos per voter given to be signed by the respective municipal mayors.
05:45 Congressman Edsel, when you say that you have the form and you have the amount stated to be received, 50% now and 50%, exactly what is this? Can you show it to me, sir? What do you have?
06:01 This is the form.
06:05 Okay. And then, I'm sorry Congressman Edsel, I can't see it. Please explain.
06:15 Is it okay now?
06:19 Yes.
06:20 Thank you.
06:21 Yes.
06:22 Okay.
06:23 So, I'm sorry Congressman Edsel, I can't see the fine print, what is written there, if you don't mind, sir?
06:31 I will read it.
06:36 Thank you, sir.
06:37 Name, the name of the mayor, the municipality, then this is to acknowledge the receipt of the following for the people's initiative.
06:52 Target voters, 2,500. Mobilization fund, 2,500. 100, then 250,000. Initial release is 50%.
07:15 Forms, 10 pack per page, 500 pieces. USB voters list and primer, one piece, received by the municipal mayor.
07:31 Note, forms to be accomplished in two original copies.
07:39 That is the first form.
07:43 Then the next form was the proposed amendment.
07:50 This is what appears in the proposed amendment.
07:56 Yeah, okay.
07:59 This is the form for the proposed amendment.
08:04 Cong Edsel, that's the one making the rounds on social media. I think that's even the same form that Senator Aimee Marquez sent to the Senate reporters.
08:13 That's the last one you showed.
08:15 Yes, because many of the representatives belonging to various political parties were already sent or given the forms like this.
08:27 Go ahead, sir.
08:34 A charter change rampage has served two parts. Embedded in the 2024 General Appropriations Act is the total amount of about $14 billion for the conduct and supervision of elections, referenda, recall votes, and plebiscites.
09:01 $12 billion of which was inserted by the bicameral conference committee under the budget of the Committee.
09:13 What was the $12 billion supposed to be for, sir?
09:18 It was supposed to be, "conduct and supervision of elections, referenda, recall votes, and plebiscites."
09:29 Because all proposed amendments to the Constitution will be submitted to the people in a plebiscite.
09:37 Right. That's what I was about to say, sir.
09:39 That's where the plebiscite will be submitted. It will basically have to be approved by the people. This is the yes or no, right?
09:50 This huge amount of $14 billion is bigger than the budget of the Department of Migrant Workers, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Agrarian Reform, the Department of Tourism, the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development,
10:18 and even of the UGBUDS Act.
10:21 Kong Edsel, how many mayors were there and how many were the ones who were in favor of the sheets of paper and the money?
10:37 Let's clear this up first. Was the money given that particular day?
10:43 Did you distribute money that day?
10:46 Yes. For one municipality in my district, it was $125,000. Another municipality got $142,000. And the third municipality got $175,000.
11:04 The amounts are different because the targeted voters could also change since what is being targeted is 3% of the registered voters per legislative district.
11:20 Right. And that's why it's increasing in other districts because there are more voters there. As mentioned by Kong Edsel under the Constitution, it requires 12% of...
11:33 It requires 12% of the total number of voters nationwide, but at least 3% of each legislative district.
11:46 In other words, if one legislative district does not have a 3% number of petitioners, the people's initiative would fail.
11:58 It's not going to work. 3% for every legislative district at least and 12% of the total voting population.
12:05 That's small thinking. But that is not the end because if this people's initiative would succeed, the proposed amendment will be submitted to the people in a plebiscite.
12:17 Right.
12:18 And the majority should approve in order to make the amendment effective.
12:24 Yes. In its simple majority, 50% plus 1%, sir.
12:28 Yes, of the registered number of voters nationwide.
12:32 We'll be taking a very short break. This is The Source on CNN Philippines. Please stay tuned.
12:36 You're watching The Source on CNN Philippines. I'm Pinky Webb. Our source today, Albay First District Representative Edsel Agman.
12:47 Sir, three of the mayors were re-elected. Was the form correct? And was the money also re-elected?
12:54 That is correct. That is correct.
12:56 Three out of how many, sir?
12:59 Well, there are 15 municipal mayors in the province of Albay and there are three city mayors.
13:09 The meeting was called by the municipal mayors' league, so the city mayors were not there.
13:15 I don't know how many really attended.
13:19 Okay.
13:20 But from my recollection, almost all attended, except those who were out of town or out of the country.
13:29 This was, of course, former Ako Bicol Representative Alfredo Garbin denying the allegation, actually calling it wild and baseless.
13:38 You have also Congressman Bongalon and I believe Mayor Celceda also denying these accusations of yours.
13:47 Sir, what can you say about that?
13:49 Well, it is expected that this Ako Bicol officials and representatives would deny. But, Pinky, in our jurisprudence, a positive, detailed assertion by the mayors is more credible than a mere denial.
14:18 Here's what I want to find out, Congressman. Are these three mayors willing to testify about what happened? In public or publicly?
14:30 I have not talked to them about any testimony or submission of sworn statement. I will have to ask them whether they will be brave enough, courageous enough, to defy threats and file the necessary criminal complaint.
14:57 Because, Pinky, under the Prevacid and Referenda Act, the omnibus election code on the ban on buying and selling of boats is applicable. So, there is a criminal offense here.
15:23 What is this called? The Kong Egselt? I mean, it's not boat buying. Is it boat buying?
15:33 Well, it is akin to boat buying. It could be labeled as petition buying. But whatever it is, it is punishable because the Prevacid and Referenda Act refers to the applicability of the provisions of the omnibus election code. And under the omnibus election code, boat buying and boat selling are both prohibited.
16:01 Right. And because you're the one that… Are you planning to file any move or case or maybe even, when Congress resumes session, I believe you're still on break, to have a privileged speech at the lower house, sir? What are your plans?
16:21 Well, I have said enough already about this. I have no plans of delivering a privileged speech unless it is imperative and necessary. But with respect to the filing of criminal action against these Alensa perpetrators, then I am going to discuss this with my municipal mayors.
16:46 And would you be able to tell us who these three mayors are, sir?
16:51 At the moment, I don't have the liberty to disclose their names. That is why in the forms I sent to you, I even removed the name of the municipality and the mayor. But I will have to consult with them.
17:05 But actually… I have not been given the permission… the liberty… Yeah, yeah. …to disclose their names. But I think they will not remain in the home.
17:19 And I'm sure they know, sir, who these three mayors are.
17:24 Actually, former Congressman Garbin already called up one of the mayors and said that you are the one giving this information to Congressman Dagmaran. And I think the tone was even threatening. That's why this mayor has been depressed for several days now.
17:49 Former Congressman Garbin called him up and threatened him. Is that what you're saying?
17:56 No, no. He said that you are the one giving this information to Congressman Dagmaran. And the tone was even threatening. Not even threatening. The tone was threatening. That's why the mayor is depressed. He celebrated the festivities of the place. He is really depressed because he is afraid.
18:22 Absolutely. Alright. Thank you so much for your time. Albay First District Representative Edsel Agman and CNN Philippines will also reach out, of course, to Bicol Representative or former Ajo Bicol Representative Alfredo Garbin to get his side on the matter. We hope to get him soon.
18:38 And up ahead, we speak to our Lady of Fatima University Chaplain Father Nicanor Lalog II about Filipinos' remarkable devotion to the Black Nazarene as the traslation returns after a three-year pause. We'll be right back.
18:51 (upbeat music)
18:53 (explosion)
