• last year


00:00 So effectively the inquiry desk is the same as if you were to call 909 or 101 or to speak
00:27 to our representatives on live chat. So if you had a road traffic collision or you've
00:32 had damage to your property or any crime or antisocial behaviour which anybody wants to
00:37 report to the police, it's another mechanism to do that that doesn't involve waiting on
00:43 101 or on the phone network. You can physically come to the station and report those issues.
00:48 What I would recommend though is if there's an incident going on in front of you that
00:52 requires police attendance, that they still call 999 because we need to make sure that
00:57 we get those resources there as soon as possible. So I think it gives us another link into the
01:02 community and sometimes people feel frustrated by waiting to go into the phone network to
01:09 call 101 and 999 and they know that they've got a police contact here at O'Campton station.
01:17 We have over 50 officers and staff working in West Devon and that's not going to change
01:21 but now we're open to the public. People can come in and see us and report issues, crime,
01:28 antisocial behaviour and just provide that reassurance that the police are present in
01:32 our communities.
