Sachidananda Panda - Answers

  • 5 months ago
Anywhere or ever
Have you seen?
The earth asking the water
Let me drink or soak
Or the water is ever in wait for
Any Answer, to flow or murmur
As it finds its way through
Lands arid or the rocky terrains

The sun shines, the moon smiles
Water flows, the ocean sprawls
Bare to bear the ebb and flow
Clouds of questions crop up
In the skies of ageless scrutiny
Time seldom runs back
To find traces of chances lost
The more one stirs the shit
The more it stinks
Because! Certain things in life
Always remain as unwritten scripts

One has to follow the heart
The mind confuses by choice
The religion of love is to flow
Murmurs are moorings of the travel
Lullabies of a pleasant tomorrow
It depends! How well one sings
Despite the difference in tone or tenor
Life moves on to find its own answers

©Sachi-19th Dec.2020
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