সরকারের উচিত রেশন ডিলারদের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করা: অধীর চৌধুরী | Oneindia Bengali

  • 8 months ago
সরকারের উচিত রেশন ডিলারদের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করা: অধীর চৌধুরী


00:00 "It's a very serious matter. The government should show it. The ration dealers should sit and discuss.
00:06 The ration dealers are not here. They are in the remote areas of the village, in the remote areas.
00:11 They are the ones who are responsible for the food supply of the people.
00:15 The ration dealers have been used to loot rice and wheat in Bangla.
00:21 I have said this before.
00:23 The ration dealers, distributors, ministers, and the farmers have all been looted.
00:30 The criminals have been arrested.
00:33 But the ration dealers have many other problems.
00:36 These problems are natural problems.
00:40 Who has taken the ration supply to this place in the name of the ration of the Dwara?
00:46 The people were supposed to go to the ration shop. They didn't even tell the people to bring their ration from Dwara.
00:53 The ration of Dwara means that the day the ration of Dwara goes, the day the ration is taken.
00:59 The day people think that they can go to the ration shop on their own convenience,
01:05 the whole system has been weakened.
01:10 The Congress Party, Indira Gandhi, and the entire BJP have started this system.
01:16 Do you remember the 60s?
01:18 The ration system has been broken.
01:21 The long-term and long-term of the Trinamool Dal,
01:27 a Rajyoti Dal,
01:33 has been destroyed by the cancer of the long-term.
01:41 There is no answer to the cancer of the Trinamool Dal.
01:49 Trinamool is like a gun case.
01:55 The days of Trinamool parties are numbered.
01:59 The days of Trinamool parties are over.
02:04 So, the Trinamool party has started to decline rapidly.
02:10 What can be said or not to be said, it is not necessary to say to Trinamool.
02:14 What Shudibabu is saying, his representation is in the Dal.
02:18 The second thing is that someone has become the Chief Minister of a state.
02:25 There was no other Chief Minister of this state.
02:30 After independence, when the people were looking for jobs in Bangla,
02:38 there was no art, no food, no taste, no food,
02:43 who saved Bangla?
02:45 Bidhan Chandra Rai.
02:47 He was a Durgapur artist.
02:50 He was a Durgapur artist.
02:55 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:00 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:05 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:10 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:15 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:20 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:25 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:30 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:35 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:40 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:45 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:50 He was a Durgapur artist.
03:55 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:00 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:05 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:10 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:15 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:20 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:25 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:30 He was a Durgapur artist.
04:35 He was a Durgapur artist.
