Threezero Chainsaw Man Power Figzero Figure

  • 6 months ago
Threezero Chainsaw Man Power Figzero Figure


00:00 Human, hurry up and let me kill something. I thirst for blood. Here's your look at the
00:05 brand new 3Zero Chainsaw Man Fig Zero 1/6 scale power.
00:11 [Music]
00:38 Fig Zero 1/6 scale powers approximately 11.3 inches or 28.8 centimeters tall and
00:44 is fully articulated collectible figure with over 31 points of articulation. Like
00:48 the Denji figure, all parts have been sculpted by renowned Japanese sculptor
00:51 Akinori Takaki. Power includes a total of three interchangeable face plates,
00:54 grinning, shouting, and surprised expressions and two interchangeable hair
00:57 pieces standard in motion hair. The torso for Fig Zero 1/6 scale powers a brand
01:01 new design which includes breast pads that can be easily attached or detached
01:05 via magnet. The character's fabric outfit includes a fabric jacket, white shirt,
01:09 slacks, and necktie. Additional accessories include a blood sword, blood
01:12 hammer, six sets of interchangeable hands with different poses, and an
01:16 unarticulated 1/6 scale meowy cat companion. Just before we look at the
01:21 current incarnation of the blood devil, let me go ahead and thank the folks over
01:24 at 3Zero that did provide this sample of the Chainsaw Man power that we could
01:28 have a look at this review. Power has already now been released. She goes
01:32 online for mostly $149.99 for about $150 you can take power home for
01:36 yourself. Although that's not the kind of deal with the devil you may want. The
01:40 figure though stands counting the horns about 11 inches in height or the figure
01:44 is going to be about 28 centimeters tall. Just recently in fact we looked at
01:49 Chainsaw's Denji, so let's actually in fact slide over power that we're about
01:52 to have a look at and bring in the Denji that we've already had a look at. Now yet
01:56 he hasn't transformed into Chainsaw Man and with the current state that he's in
02:00 he's about the same size if you count the horns as power. If you don't include
02:04 the horns though she's just a tad bit shorter. Lots and lots of accessories do
02:08 come in clue with power. I guess the first thing we'll look at is the least
02:11 interesting of the accessories. The figure comes in clue with two pegs just
02:14 in case of course you happen to break the pegs that come in clue with
02:17 currently the forearms of power. You always have backups available. I always
02:21 want to put these right away back into the tray because I know what the size
02:23 that they are and how slick they are. I'm probably gonna lose them if I'm not too
02:27 careful. I'm gonna put those right now to the side. The figure as well comes in
02:30 clue with quite a lot of hands. Right now she has close punching fists but if you
02:34 did want to actually have her holding any of the accessories that she comes
02:36 a clue with like the blood sword and blood hammer you may want to rely then
02:39 on these two hands. The hands themselves are very feminine in sculpt. You can see
02:43 as well just enough space inside to hold both the weapons. In fact actually while
02:47 we're in the topic of holding these hands two accessories that she does come
02:51 actually included with that can be held by those two hands. The figure comes in
02:55 clue with the blood sword. The blood sword is fairly pointy on the end
02:58 making use of a very nice translucent blood colored plastic. This can be fit
03:02 inside her hand. The plastic itself the only thing I am a little worried about
03:07 is that the rubbing of against that may leave marks inside because again like
03:11 it's really quite tight quarters when you want to actually have her holding
03:14 any one of the accessories. But there's what she looks like holding the blood
03:18 sword and then she also comes included with the blood hammer. The hammer and the
03:22 sword are cast basically in the same blood or crimson colored plastic and
03:26 again you just simply take that and put that inside her gripping hand like that.
03:29 At the beginning of this review I did start things off with the blood hammer.
03:33 I'm sure not to tip my hat too early we're probably wrapping up the review
03:36 with the blood sword. Stay tuned for that. The figure as well comes include a pair
03:40 of relaxed hands or open hands really if you want to and again really nicely
03:44 sculpted on those. The figure as well comes included with claw hands at least
03:48 that's the way the instructions depict them. I mean they're clawing hands or
03:52 dynamic hands whatever hands you like to call these hands. She comes included with
03:55 those and again easily either one of these you can pop those off the forearms
03:59 and swap them out with these instead. The figure as well comes included with two
04:02 gestured hands. One is a pointing left hand one is a V sign right hand or peace
04:06 sign if you prefer instead. And again easily one ones that can be swapped out
04:11 with existing hands that she has right now. I guess before we also look at the
04:14 hair pieces and the swappable face plates the figure as well comes included
04:18 with a non-articulated meowy. Meowie is a nice-looking cat. Closed eyes it seems to
04:23 be the case. It looks like he's rubbing up against the side of power purring I'm
04:27 sure along the way. If anything I would say that maybe meow is a little bit too
04:31 small. I mean if you put meowie for example right next to the leg of power
04:35 it almost seems like the cat is way too tiny. I may have made it just a
04:39 little bit bigger. I'd have to go back and see the series again. Maybe the cat
04:42 needs to be a little bit bigger than what it is but still a nicely sculpted
04:45 meow. I don't want to get too close to the behind there. Really nicely sculpted
04:48 and equally well paint for at least the parts of the ears. The little tuft of
04:51 hair there on the top that's the same color and the coloring that they've also
04:54 added on the end of the tail. A little non-articulated meowie. On to now the
04:58 figures swappable face plates. Now she has already two types of hairstyles. If I
05:04 pick the figure up as it is right now she has a hairstyle that basically is
05:07 just the straight hair running all the way down and that has nicely been as
05:11 well sculpted and colored in this sort of more blonde colored plastic. Now she
05:15 has that but she also has a swaying to the side hairstyle too if you prefer
05:19 that look instead. I did start things off with the hair being down kind of
05:23 cascading down the back of her torso. I honestly though I think when it comes to
05:27 displaying her I'm probably gonna go with the suede off to the side here
05:29 because I think it looks a little bit more interesting. To go along with
05:32 that she also comes with a different version of her bangs. So like if you were
05:36 to look at her right now see how she has a front section kind of parted like
05:40 curtains where there's like just a little bit of hair that's kind of
05:43 draped in between her either side of her nose or either side of her eyes. Now
05:47 she has also as well this hair piece that's gonna cover across her eyes.
05:51 Changing out the heads by the way just before we actually do this this is the
05:54 defaulted head that basically gives us power with a smiling face. Very bright
05:58 orange eyes are greeting you at the door. A very nicely sculpted and very sinister
06:02 looking sculpted power. Now there's that head sculpt. There's also this one here
06:06 as well which is the shouting face which basically does away with a smile in
06:10 favor of a more screaming face instead. And then there's that one there's also
06:15 the surprise look. What's interesting about the surprise look faces I don't
06:18 know if you can actually see this or not there's like tiny little sweat mark
06:22 beads or sweat little sweat beads dripping down the front of her face. It's
06:26 either sweat or it's crying. I would imagine it's probably sweat if she's
06:29 surprised. Any one of these faces can't be changed out but just simply just
06:33 taking off. What we'll do it right now the hair pieces by the way both of them
06:37 already include the horn so you don't have to worry about removing the horns
06:40 in the process. Well you will but you're gonna be removing it when you're
06:43 removing the bangs. If you did want to change the head I actually find it's the
06:46 easiest first to remove the head completely. I'm just gonna pop it off
06:50 there we go pop it off the neck will leave her
06:53 decapitated body behind. Don't worry I'm sure that's not gonna kill her. Here's a
06:56 closer look at the head sculpt first. Now again this is the just a regular
07:00 straight hair coming down. To change out the head you want to kind of just attach
07:03 everything really. It consists of basically four parts the back the front
07:08 the bangs and then like a connecting piece in the middle that actually has
07:12 the ball joint. So once you have this removed for example you can put that to
07:15 the side and then as it is right now you just take the peg that's on the back
07:19 this rectangular shaped peg and you fit it into the opening slot right there and
07:24 you just plug everything back in place. You have to kind of wiggle it back and
07:28 forth and there's also these little notches on either side. Honestly when
07:32 you do put everything back together sometimes it's even easier just to
07:35 remove the bangs first and then put the bangs afterwards. So you can have still
07:38 that hairstyle with now the hair swaying to the side and just this hair piece
07:42 that's kind of now coming down the front. If you did want to change that though
07:45 just detach this from from the front and then we're gonna take the piece that
07:49 sort of follows the same flow. We're gonna take that and basically just take
07:52 those pegs once again line them up to the slots on the sides and just plug
07:56 that in place and now you've got not only the side of her eye completely
08:00 covered by their hair but also follows the same trend of the flow that kind of
08:04 has the hair pointing this direction. I really like that look and honestly of
08:07 the three head sculpts the smiling face that we start with is actually my
08:11 favorite of the three. Just to by the way show you what it does look like with the
08:15 other heads just again doing... oh not pricking ourselves in the process. Oh one
08:19 thing I did want to say though and I probably just now showed you is that the
08:22 horns are very prickly. It's not gonna draw blood. It hasn't drawn blood so far
08:27 yet but if you don't if you're not careful and you put pressure down on it
08:30 you'll certainly feel it right away. So let's go ahead and remove the face.
08:33 Remove the face piece and then what we'll do is we'll take the you know what
08:38 we'll take the surprised face and again that so you're gonna take like this
08:41 again we're covering I know the territory we already had a look at you're
08:44 gonna take that rectangular piece you can actually entirely take this right
08:48 off. The problem with it though I'm just gonna remove it all together here when
08:53 you're looking at it you can see that there's notably a lot much larger
08:56 rectangle on the back that there is on the front so you can't flip it around
08:59 the wrong way. You have to go this way in order to plug it in place.
09:03 Actually I am drawing blood. Plug that in place plug it back and there we go to
09:08 plug it back in the way we had it and then we're gonna take the surprised look
09:11 on her face and we're gonna plug that in so basically again that's just gonna
09:15 plug into the top there we go and then once that's all in I think we have it
09:21 all the way in. Do we have it all the way in? No we didn't we didn't have it all
09:24 the way in. Then we're gonna also as well take this piece and plug it into the
09:28 side and make sure we got it plugged in on either side there as well. There we go
09:32 and there we go and now you can actually then attach that back onto the ball
09:36 joint. I just had to actually excuse myself for a second and tend to my wound
09:40 I didn't realize it was gonna be drawing blood. Yes be very careful whatever you
09:44 do if the horns on top of her head but now I've given her the surprised look I
09:47 am sure I had a very similar surprised look on my face when I realized the
09:51 blood was coming out of my finger but now that we've got the head sculpt as we
09:54 have it right now let's go ahead and plug this back on the figure's body
09:57 having already I'm sure stressing the importance of being careful around
10:01 those horns plug the head back onto the figures torso and now you've got the
10:05 figure displayed now you may have actually heard at the beginning of this
10:08 review one thing I did make mention of is that she actually has movable breast
10:13 plates you heard me correctly she does actually have movable breast plates they
10:17 can be effectively moved by magnets now the figure doesn't actually come
10:20 included with a magnet but it also want to show you that this what this looks
10:24 like I'm just gonna bear with me as I undo her top these are actually just
10:28 together by snaps you're just gonna unsnap the top and the bottom at least
10:32 to gain access to it and actually what she has inside is basically like a chest
10:37 piece and then she has without I mean there's no other way to really say it
10:41 she has these breast pieces that then sway around so I guess the idea is if
10:46 you wanted to have her with a slightly smaller chest you could just remove
10:49 these all together if you wanted to I'm just gonna leave them as they are
10:52 because I really don't honestly have a place back in the tray to have powers
10:55 extra breast plates I can't believe I'm even saying that putting that back in
10:59 the tray so I'm just gonna leave it as it is but the idea again in mind is if
11:03 you had a magnet you could probably just move these around you could also very
11:05 easily just open up or top like I just did indecently and you can just move
11:10 them around that way as well I don't really know why you would be moving them
11:14 around necessarily I mean it's not the case I guess you could bring them up a
11:17 little bit higher if you really want to or again you can just completely take
11:20 them off too if you wanted to as well so her outfit is actually very similar to
11:25 that of Denji's in the sense that she does have a white shirt and then she
11:28 has you know again like this this black tie the black tie like Denji's though is
11:32 got a wire frame unfortunately though with my wire built inside the tie you
11:36 can kind of see it does peek out a little bit one thing at least is it's
11:40 behind the the larger part of the tie at least so when you are bending it kind of
11:44 as long as you're really kind of having the front of the tie covering over top
11:48 of it you may not be any bit the wiser that there's actually at least on mine
11:51 there's a wire that's kind of sticking out unfortunately but again like you
11:54 just can bring it to the side like that now she has the way that she's designed
11:58 her outfit over the way she's designed in the series is that she has
12:01 deliberately one untucked section of her shirt so that's always gonna be hanging
12:04 out while the other one is tucked completely into her pants she also has
12:08 as you can see here a cardigan or a hoodie now the hoodie actually
12:12 deliberately drapes down one side of her shoulder I mean you could go in and try
12:16 to fix it if you really want to but sort of in the series a lot of times she does
12:19 usually have it sort of just draping off to the side like a zombie lower half of
12:24 the figure she does have the black slacks and similar to actually Denji
12:27 where Denji would have had the white shoes and like the red trim power
12:31 instead swaps that out to kind of more of a peach pink undersole with some
12:35 additional pink laces or peach laces colored in there as well it's a really
12:39 nice-looking figure overall now for her articulation again being careful of the
12:44 horns power does have we just want to make sure of course the bangs are all
12:47 the way on their figure does have a dumbbell ball joint so it seems to be
12:50 the case like she has a ball joint right here and she has one one that actually
12:53 of course attaches into her head I want to make sure of course that everything
12:56 is fully attached one thing I did also want to say too with with this hairstyle
12:59 the being as it is you can kind of see the way that everything is kind of
13:02 detached on the back here now I have pushed it in as far as I can but I don't
13:07 know it just doesn't seem like maybe the configuration of what I have seems to be
13:11 leaving a space behind I mean I'm thinking I'm pushing in as far in as I
13:15 can but it's leaving a bit of a space a gap space between her face and the back
13:19 of her head so you're probably only gonna you're not gonna see it obviously
13:22 far away like this but the head does rotate back and forth it does look up it
13:25 does look down and you can also rock it back and forth as well careful of those
13:29 horns upper torso is gonna be on a very good ball joint in fact you can bring
13:33 the arms out of power you can bring them forward and bring them back and just let
13:38 me just stop for a second moving on for the rest of the figures pose ability I
13:41 didn't also want to comment how nice this cardigan that they given her given
13:45 her these nice gold snaps on the sides it doesn't actually look like she has
13:49 funk functioning pockets I mean you can kind of put your finger in there but it
13:52 doesn't go in very far not that she really does have many accessories to fit
13:55 inside the pocket but just a really nice-looking hoodie though okay so for
13:59 the rest of the figures our articulation powers legs do split this far out so you
14:03 can bring the legs forward you can bring the legs back she has a swivel at the
14:06 top of the thigh if I actually lift up the leg lift up the actual shorter legs
14:11 that she has the shorter pants you can see that she has a double hinge in the
14:13 knee it's not something we were really able to see when we looked at Denji but
14:17 yet the chance really now to see it with power and then finally the figure does
14:20 have a ball joint in her ankle very good ball joint in fact you can move it up
14:23 and down this way a nice ankle rocker there as well I think ultimately though
14:27 while I did show you guys how to change out the face plates to more a surprised
14:31 look on her face and again no more surprised than I was then to see myself
14:35 drawing blood I think ultimately though when it comes to displaying her on the
14:38 shelf along with Denji first of all let's just slide her over just enough to
14:41 bring back in Denji by the way I've actually got Denji here and this is
14:45 regular normal human states ultimately though I'm just gonna be putting this
14:48 guy on the shelf in his Chainsaw Man look because honestly I mean if you have
14:51 the Chainsaw Man parts why would you want to have the figure displayed like
14:54 Chainsaw Man but when it comes to displaying them I'm gonna have him
14:58 looking like Chainsaw Man but I think I'm actually honestly gonna revert back
15:01 to the more smiling sinister face I think it just works a little bit better
15:04 for the character I mean obviously I always appreciate the fact that three
15:07 zero throw in the things that they do as many face plates as they do but I think
15:11 I'm gonna settle on this look myself as it's being my favorite of the three I
15:15 kind of find it funny that power is the devil that represents the fear of blood
15:19 and sure enough what do I do in the middle of this review I poke myself at
15:21 the top of her horns and I start to drop myself do be careful please if you're
15:26 planning to get this figure for yourself changing out the face plate those horns
15:29 are quite pointy and before you know it you might have a very similar
15:33 circumstance as the person behind the camera powers though is nice looking
15:36 figure she is gonna be a nice accompanying piece to the earlier looked
15:40 at dingy that we looked at earlier here on this channel thanks to the folks over
15:42 at three zero she doesn't come with many accessories again she comes include the
15:46 blood sword the blood hammer and can't forget of course the tiny little meowy
15:50 yeah we've been if anything I do think it's a tad bit too small I think I
15:53 probably would have made the size of the cat just a little bit bigger from at
15:56 least even what I've seen from online stills of power with her cat the cat
16:00 always seemed to be a little bit bigger than what we're actually getting here
16:03 from three zero the cat I think may have been just a little bit too small but I'm
16:06 not really like the look of power and I think she turned out to be a great
16:09 looking release now again she is currently released as of right now most
16:13 of the online sites that are stocking six scale figures happen to have the
16:16 three zero chainsaw man power for $149.99 from the sites at least that I've
16:21 checked she is currently also in stock so if you guys are interested to get
16:24 this one for yourself and have been collecting or wanting starting into
16:27 collecting the chainsaw man figures courtesy of the folks over at three zero
16:30 like I said power is currently available big thank you once again to the folks
16:34 over at three zero that did provide the sample of the new chainsaw man power
16:38 that we had the chance to have a look at this review what do you guys think of
16:41 the figure let me know down below in the comments section and also as well of
16:44 course as always if you guys enjoyed this video why not throw it a like if
16:47 you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you'd like to stick
16:49 around for more by the way we are gonna be looking at some more three zero stuff
16:52 so if that's the kind of thing you like to usually come back to this channel for
16:55 I mean we always have other things too it's not simply always just three zero
16:59 but specifically if it's three zero that's that kind of really does bring
17:02 you to this channel on a regular basis just know we are gonna be looking at
17:05 some more three zero releases and a tie you over in the meantime popping up at
17:09 the very end of this video as well would be a playlist of other things I've
17:12 looked at for the folks over at three zero of course as always guys thanks for
17:15 watching see you guys next time
17:19 you
17:21 you
17:24 (logo thuds)
