लड़की का वीडियो वायरल

  • last year
सहारनपुर की एक लड़की का वीडियो तेजी से सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहा है


00:00 To become famous on social media, people are using various ideas and tricks
00:05 In Saharanpur, a girl made a reel in front of UP Police's PRV
00:09 And in this reel, the girl is snoring
00:12 She uploaded this video on her account and it quickly went viral on social media
00:17 When this video went viral, the girl pulled her reel
00:22 But now the matter has reached the police and the police says that this entire incident is being investigated
00:28 Now see how the girl is snoring in front of the UP Police's PRV
00:34 This is the video in which the girl is wearing a coat and snoring
00:49 We have muted the background music of this video
00:53 The song in this song is not good
00:59 The song is in abhadra bhasa and the girl is also abusing the police
01:04 That's why we have muted the video
