Investor Pasar Modal Syariah di BEI Meningkat

  • last year
Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat jumlah investor pasar modal syariah mencapai 130.497 investor hingga kuartal III-2023. Angka ini meningkat 10,64% (YtD) dari akhir Desember 2022 yang mencapai 117.942.


00:00 Indonesia's stock market recorded a share of investors in the sharia market
00:03 reaching 130,497 investors by Q3 2023.
00:09 This number increased by 10.64% year-to-date
00:12 compared to December 2022, which reached 117,942 investors.
00:19 From the share of investors,
00:25 which is 130,497 investors,
00:29 the number of sharia investors was only 18.47%
00:33 or reached 24,115 investors.
00:38 While at the end of 2022, the number of sharia active investors
00:42 was 30,497 investors
00:46 or around 26.26%.
00:50 From the data followed by Poydx Channel,
00:52 there are 6 provinces that have the largest share of sharia investors in the dominated
00:58 by DKI Jakarta, which is 23,247 investors or 18%.
01:04 In West Java, 18,375 investors or 14%
01:10 East Java, 17,068 investors
01:13 Central Java, 13,334 investors
01:17 Special Area, Yogyakarta, 8,783 investors
01:22 and Bantar, 5,227 investors.
01:26 While some other provinces are below 3%.
01:30 It is seen from the value of the sharia investor transaction in BA
01:34 reached 3.9 trillion rupiah per September 2023.
01:39 There are also 12.8 billion shares
01:43 with a frequency of 1.5 million transactions.
01:47 Meanwhile, if you look at the value of the transaction,
01:50 the domination of Java Island is not avoided
01:52 the value of the sharia investor transaction in DKI Jakarta
01:56 caused 1.35 trillion rupiah or 34% of the total transaction.
02:01 Next, West Java, 789.42 billion rupiah or 20%
02:08 East Java, 392.21 billion rupiah or 10%
02:13 Central Java, 252.78 billion rupiah or 6%
02:18 Banten, 205.31 billion rupiah or 5%
02:22 and other provinces below 5%.
02:25 Various sources, IDX Channel.
02:28 [Music]
