• last year
Aired (December 22, 2023): Naku! Hindi p'wedeng wala ang makeup sa survey board ha!


00:00 [music]
00:05 [music]
00:11 Good luck.
00:12 Top 6 answers are on the board.
00:14 What product is usually used by women in commercials?
00:18 Rita?
00:21 Shampoo commercial.
00:22 Shampoo.
00:24 Good answer, yes.
00:25 Services.
00:26 Top answer, Rita. Pass or play?
00:29 Of course, it's play.
00:31 Let's go.
00:32 Thea, what product is usually used by women in commercials?
00:38 Napkin.
00:39 Napkin.
00:40 [laughter]
00:42 Of course.
00:43 Again.
00:44 Again.
00:45 Services.
00:46 Jessica.
00:50 Feminine wash.
00:51 Feminine wash.
00:52 Are you there?
00:53 [buzzer]
00:55 Nothing.
00:56 What's yours, Julie?
00:57 Soap.
00:59 For cleansing.
01:01 Soap.
01:02 Soap.
01:03 Soap.
01:04 She's there.
01:07 Rita, what's yours?
01:08 Alcohol.
01:10 Alcohol.
01:12 Yes.
01:13 Why?
01:14 It's always like that.
01:15 In commercials, it's usually a group of men and they always have a woman with them.
01:20 They're usually the star.
01:23 Alcohol.
01:24 [buzzer]
01:26 Soap.
01:27 Sandwich or steel?
01:29 Thea.
01:30 Diaper.
01:32 Because it's a mother, right?
01:33 Diaper.
01:34 Services.
01:35 [buzzer]
01:36 Nothing.
01:37 Shama.
01:38 Glutathione.
01:40 Glutathione.
01:41 Have you ever used glutathione in your hair?
01:44 A little.
01:45 Marvin.
01:46 Facial wash.
01:47 Facial wash.
01:48 Cathy.
01:49 Deodorant.
01:52 Glutathione, facial wash, deodorant, Lexi.
01:56 Usually, it's the women in the commercials.
01:59 What's your product, Lexi?
02:00 I feel like, is it okay if we go with lotion?
02:05 It's up to you.
02:07 She doesn't believe her teammates but she has her own.
02:11 Maybe the lotion is higher.
02:13 Yes.
02:14 Right?
02:15 Try it.
02:16 You know that.
02:17 Lexi said, "Lotion."
02:19 Survey, please.
02:20 Correct.
02:24 [cheering]
02:25 Let's see the two that didn't get it.
02:28 Everybody.
02:29 Number six, please.
02:30 Underwear.
02:33 Number four.
02:34 Makeup.
02:36 The ultimate talent has advanced in this round.
02:39 They now have 160 points.
02:41 But the Queendom, they still have zero.
02:45 It's okay.
02:46 Our game is still long.
02:47 And in the next round, the value of each point will increase.
02:51 So, it's possible for them to catch up.
02:52 So, stay tuned because the Family Feud will be back soon.
02:56 Family Feud.
02:57 [music]
