William Mowell - Good Times Gone (Times We Shared)

  • 5 months ago
Our first date, we made out in the rain, visited stranger's graves
Played basketball with some people we just met, and some other stuff to make us sweat

Fell asleep in each others arms, and didn't even set off any alarms
I got lost and ended up in timbucktoo, all the while missing you

Second go around we did some of the same, but it never got lame
You met my parents and made a good impression, made it through the first session

Third times a charm, as you we're laying in my arms
Laying in bed all day, and never going all the way

Then you said you had to go away, and I didn't stand in your way
I let you go with a minimal fight, held back with all my might

Came to grips with the situation, and gave up my infatuation
But remembering the good times we shared, and knowing how much you care\n\nWilliam Mowell

