Brothers of the Head | movie | 2006 | Official Trailer

  • last year
In the 1970s a music promoter plucks Siamese twins from obscurity and grooms them into a freakish rock'n'roll act. A dar | dG1fVkVEcjlEQkRjWkE
00:00 [silence]
00:08 [music]
00:16 It's all incredibly gothic.
00:18 [music]
00:20 The giant twins sold by their own father.
00:24 [music]
00:27 I never exploited anyone who didn't want to be exploited.
00:32 [music]
00:35 [screams]
00:38 The Bang Bang.
00:39 [music]
00:50 My ears were ringing and I didn't care anymore.
00:52 It doesn't matter what you look like.
00:53 Boom, boom, bang, bang.
00:54 We kind of planted them.
00:56 If I could join twins, I would cut them down the middle like a slice of bread.
01:00 [music]
01:07 Everyone who's ever been famous has always had something that's special to them,
01:10 and we've got something special.
01:12 [music]
01:14 Tommy, you naughty boy.
01:16 This is Laura. She's a music journalist.
01:18 What are you writing about?
01:19 I'm actually writing an article about exploitation of the physically impaired.
01:23 [silence]
01:25 Speak to Tubbs. He's got a dodgy ankle.
01:27 [laughter]
01:29 [music]
01:31 These posh girls, they lead people astray.
01:34 [music]
01:38 I fell in love with Tom.
01:41 You can't choose who you fall in love with.
01:44 [music]
02:13 [music]
