The manifestation wand -part 6-

  • 6 months ago
This wand never crossed my mind when I was using my magic wand. But after a session of meditation, during which I asked for the attunement activation, I asked Archangel Michael, and saw this wand. Only then, my information started to shape up. I saw Archangel Michael’s image, holding this wand in his hand. After the validation I started to use it.

The characteristics of the Cosmic Wand:
This is a translucent ethereal wand characterized by having a crescent at its very thin and sharp tip.

Uses of the wand:
This wand is used to manipulate the weather conditions. I sometimes see visions of people flicking their wand at the ground with the intention of invoking rain, and rain it shall. I cannot claim that this usage is an impossible one because when enough intention and faith are combined with necessity and a true need from within, anything is possible.
It is used for hunting or fixing and controlling an object until you get to it. It can also be used for wars, tournaments and honest competitions, or even for inviting a cosmic object or situation.

How to use it:
It is used vertically and in all directions for all desired objects. I tried this while we were going through extreme weather conditions this winter. Within minutes, the temperature changed and nobody in my family felt the cold anymore.

Cleansing the Energy Centers

We point the wand at the body then we tap each center with one flick to see a cluster of balanced light coming out of the wand and going into the chakra. It can both, cleanse and charge with the right intention.
It is preferred to use the Manifestation wand to cleanse and charge, or use the colored wand to benefit from its color separation traits that enables you to use each color on its corresponding chakra.
Just by cleansing, the wand cuts the black ethereal connections automatically.

Cleansing the Aura

The Manifestation wand and the color wand can be used in a circular or spiral motion all over the body, from top to bottom. If you are healing a patient, use the wand on him from top to bottom.