Give Back to the Caregivers in Your Life this Holiday Season

  • last year
From nurses and nannies to teachers and more, the holiday season is the perfect time to say thank you. Style, beauty, and wellness expert, Bobbie Thomas, has teamed up with Curel to share simple, yet thoughtful gift ideas inspired by her experience working with caregivers. For more information visit
00:00 From nurses and nannies to teachers and more, the holiday season is a perfect time to say
00:05 thank you.
00:06 Well, style, beauty and wellness expert Bobbi Thomas has teamed up with Curel to share simple
00:11 yet thoughtful gift ideas inspired by her experience working with caregivers.
00:19 Good morning Bobbi, how are you doing this morning?
00:21 Good morning, I'm great.
00:23 I'm so excited to be here.
00:24 It's that most magical time of year, right?
00:27 No stress, nothing.
00:28 Well, you know, it's that time of year that we want to make sure that we take care of
00:34 those caregivers that have been taking care of us.
00:37 So where do we start?
00:39 Well, first we can start with a mini spa moment.
00:42 I know that I could use that.
00:43 I don't know about you Brad, because I know it's usually 80 degrees where you are this
00:47 time of year.
00:49 But look, I have such a personal connection to caregivers.
00:54 My late husband was blessed to be surrounded by so many, and I have partnered with Curel
01:00 in the past where we've given back to nurses during National Nurses Week.
01:04 So this brand is near and dear to my heart.
01:08 And as a beauty geek, I do love the tagline, "Put the cure in Curel."
01:12 So yes, they are partnering with me on this, but I am so excited about why.
01:18 They wanted me to help inspire you to thank somebody.
01:21 So I couldn't say yes fast enough.
01:24 And something cool that we learned, nurses are a large part of their customer base.
01:29 And nurses, did you know Brad, they wash their hands on average 100 times in a day.
01:35 And that got me thinking about teachers, delivery drivers, and all of that.
01:39 And so it makes a lot of sense that back when I went online and I found spa gloves, you
01:45 can get a pack of five pairs for under $10.
01:49 You can find spa socks, and I even found this blanket with a pocket that's a wrap and all
01:57 in one size.
01:58 The idea is elevate something as simple as this really nourishing, healing lotion that
02:05 will be welcome.
02:06 Not only is it practical, because believe it or not, again, the beauty editor in me
02:10 is going to tell you, this does help your hands stay nourished longer, and it helps
02:15 prevent that dry skin cycle because of something, the advanced ceramide complex.
02:21 But I digress.
02:22 The idea is that I took a ribbon and wrapped each of those pairs of gloves with the Extreme
02:27 Dry Hand Cream.
02:29 And funny enough, it was the men that came back to me over and over going, "Feel my hands.
02:34 This is amazing."
02:35 They had never thought of the concept of something that we like to call, you see on social media
02:40 trending a thirst trap in a different way.
02:43 But the idea is that you put these gloves on and binge watch TV, go to bed, whatever
02:49 you want to do.
02:50 But I really love the idea of something simple that doesn't have to break the bank.
02:54 And I think it's hard because, look, a lot of you listening right now can relate.
02:59 You're putting that holiday list together, and all of a sudden you're like, "40 people.
03:03 I'm not even done."
03:04 And oftentimes, we have to sort of cut those people on our list that make every day go
03:10 around easier.
03:12 So for my son, super easy and didn't have to cost much at all, we went to the local
03:17 flea market.
03:18 He spent $2 of his allowance, and we got some old frames.
03:21 And I wanted the thank you and the gratitude to be the gift.
03:26 So he took crayons out.
03:29 He drew pictures, but he also, clever, he actually wrote jokes, which was hysterical.
03:34 And he framed all his jokes.
03:36 And people laughed out loud, and they kept them on their desk.
03:39 They say it gives them like a boost to their day.
03:41 A former intern, this is from my office, a former intern gave me this inspirational speech
03:45 that not only helps me on a rough day when I look at it, but at the same time, I think
03:49 of her.
03:50 This is 10 plus years later, not to date myself.
03:52 It was amazing.
03:53 Such a thoughtful gift.
03:55 And then something he definitely wasn't on board with at first, the Halloween candy we
04:00 want to say goodbye to.
04:02 We melted down all the chocolate, put it in an ice cube tray.
04:05 I gave him a hammer, which he was very excited about, smashing the candy to decorate the
04:10 top of these chocolate spoons that he wrapped up.
04:14 And here in New York City, we have a lot of people in our building, dog walkers, nannies,
04:19 and more.
04:21 He's beaming when he gives something homemade, handmade to them, that he feels prideful that
04:26 he's, you know, hey, thank you.
04:28 We just want to say thanks.
04:29 And I just love this idea that, you know, you see it in kids, but we as grownups and
04:33 big kids, we can do this.
04:36 Maybe it's Graham's peanut brittle, the recipe that's part of your family.
04:40 Or my dad used to put peppers in a jar.
04:43 The idea is that these people who are teachers or whatnot, that maybe there's a boundary,
04:48 they feel part of your extended family, especially when it comes to food.
04:53 You know, making somebody feel seen and saying, hey, you need time for yourself with some
04:59 Curel and a spa glove.
05:02 It couldn't be more welcome.
05:03 It's easy.
05:04 So I hope I have inspired you to think about those people.
05:08 And take time for yourself.
05:10 So you know, it's the reason for the season.
05:12 >> All right.
05:13 I don't want to do this, but I'm going to give away a secret.
05:16 But I do have a bottle of that lotion in my locker at the gym.
05:20 >> I'm not going to tell anybody, but the juice is good.
05:23 So as a beauty editor, I love talking about it.
05:27 But it's amazing and why I think we should support brands that think about giving back.
05:34 There's a reciprocal relationship.
05:35 And this time of year, we should be doing that across the board.
05:39 We should all be connected and, you know, focusing on the good because we all need that
05:44 right now.
05:45 >> We do.
05:46 Where can we find more information?
05:47 >> Yeah.
05:48 You know, will post all of these.
05:53 And you know, you can reach out to me on social media and obviously check out your website.
05:59 Stay connected.
06:00 Let's just love on each other.
06:01 >> Bobbi, thanks for joining us this morning.
06:05 >> Thank you.
06:05 [ Silence ]
