Artrite psoriasica, Boy (AbbVie): "Vicini di pelle rende migliore esperienza di malattia"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il sito Vicini di Pelle nasce dalla collaborazione tra associazioni e pazienti, società scientifica, pazienti e AbbVie e offre ai pazienti una migliore esperienza di malattia”. Sono le parole di Davide Boy, Head of Medical Affairs Immunology di AbbVie, intervenuto a valle del Media tutorial organizzato da AbbVie a Milano, martedì 5 dicembre, “Artrite psoriasica, malattia reumatica o dermatologica?” durante il quale è stato presentato il sito “Vicini di pelle”, una campagna di disease awareness sulla psoriasi, l’artrite psoriasica e l’idrosadenite suppurativa.


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 AbbVie not only develops highly innovative biopharmaceutical products,
00:08 but also wants to improve communication and information for patients
00:14 affected by autoimmune diseases in general or other areas of interest,
00:19 which are now focus areas for AbbVie, including immunology, oncology, neurosciences,
00:25 ophthalmology, virology and also aesthetic medicine,
00:29 after the acquisition a few years ago by Allergan.
00:32 "Più vicini di pelle" was born from a collaboration between the Association of Patients,
00:35 the scientific society and the pharmaceutical company AbbVie.
00:38 In this sense, there are several resources that the patient can find
00:42 that can improve his/her disease experience.
00:45 The first one is a very simple geolocation service
00:49 that somehow helps the patient to find the specialist center
00:53 closer to the point where he/she is at that moment.
00:56 Another tool that can be very useful to the patient
01:01 is a questionnaire, so-called PEST.
01:03 PEST stands for Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Test,
01:07 a test that helps the patient with psoriasis to understand
01:12 if there is a high probability of having a psoriasis arthritis associated with psoriasis.
01:17 This test has been validated by external experts,
01:20 by a group of researchers from the United States
01:22 that published the results of a large study to scientifically validate the test.
01:28 The test consists of 5 very simple questions
01:31 that involve the diagnosis of pain in the patient,
01:34 swelling of some joints.
01:37 If the patient answers at least 3 of these questions,
01:40 the probability of having psoriasis arthritis,
01:43 in addition to psoriasis, is quite high.
01:45 In this case, the site basically refers the patient to the doctor
01:51 who will then direct the patient to a specialized rheumatologist
01:55 who will perform the diagnosis, validate the diagnosis and prescribe a therapy.
01:59 It consists of a support to the basic doctor or dermatologist
02:03 who may follow a patient with psoriasis
02:05 who has joint manifestations, typically joint pain,
02:09 to help them understand what is the probability
02:13 of having psoriasis arthritis associated with psoriasis,
02:15 therefore a real inflammation of the joints.
