Commodity of the Day (05/12/2023)

  • last year
Harga emas akhirnya koreksi dalam, dan masih bertahan di atas level USD2000 per tryons, pasca menyentuh ke level tertinggi di sepanjang masa. Kondisi berbeda terjadi pada harga minyak mentah bangkit setelah koreksi dalam 3 hari beruntun, sementara harga batu bara lanjut menguat, dan menyentuh level tertinggi dalam sebulan terakhir.


00:00 We move to the development information of commodity prices, where the gold price finally corrected
00:05 and still stands above the US$2,000 level, after reaching the highest level in a long time.
00:12 The different conditions occurred in the raw oil price rose after correction in 3 lucky days,
00:17 while the coal price continued to strengthen and reach the highest level in the last month.
00:26 The gold price fell by almost 2% on Monday at the US$2,029.74 per troy ounce,
00:33 after reaching the highest level in a long time in trade at US$2,135.40 per troy ounce,
00:40 while increasing confidence in the decline of the flower family, according to Chairman of the Fed Jerome Powell.
00:46 While in the morning trading, the price of gold in the spot market moved lower,
00:50 or fell 0.05% at the US$2,028.79 per troy ounce.
00:56 The price pressure was also pushed from the US$ index increase of 0.35% to level 103.56 in the market.
01:04 The different conditions occurred in the world raw oil price,
01:11 the compact was opened higher in the last trading, after a decline of 3 lucky in the previous trading.
01:16 The raw oil price of WTI was opened to strengthen 0.36%, at the US$73.30 per barrel.
01:23 The price of the raw oil of the brand was opened to rise slightly 0.12% to the US$78.12 per barrel.
01:31 Before the trading on Monday, WTI was closed to 1.39% and the brand dropped 1.08%.
01:38 The price of oil fell on Monday in the midst of concerns about the decline in demand,
01:42 and followed by uncertainty about the depth and duration of the reduction of the OPEC Plus team.
01:51 Meanwhile, the price of coal continues to climb for three days of lucky trading.
01:55 The main factor in the rise in the price of coal is probably due to concerns about the cold weather in Europe,
02:00 which requires more energy to heat the room.
02:03 According to the Refinitiv data, the price of the Newcastle coal contract January,
02:08 closed at the US$135.25 per ton, or jumped 0.52% in the local trading on Monday.
02:16 The price is the highest since October 23, 2023, or its highest record in one and a half months.
02:23 From various sources, Adek Sejong.
02:25 And let's just see the price movement update,
02:35 a number of commodities that were successfully collected by our team.
02:38 Until this afternoon, in West Indonesia, where the WTM oil was strengthened at 0.15% at US$73.14 per barrel.
02:47 Nickel was weakened at 2.01% at US$16,699 per ton.
02:53 Gold was strengthened at 0.47% at US$2,051.85 per troy ounce.
02:59 Meanwhile, the CPO was weakened at 0.97% at Rp3,787 per ton.
03:06 [Music]
