IHSG Sesi II Menguat ke Level 7.100

  • last year
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup menguat 7,2 poin atau 0,10% ke level 7.100 pada Selasa (5/12/2023).

Terdapat 223 saham menguat, 316 saham melemah dan 226 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp13,2 triliun dari 37,0 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00 And the share price index finally reversed on the second day of closing.
00:05 The share price index finally closed in the green zone,
00:09 and it was 0.10%.
00:12 And it closed at the 7100 level again,
00:15 at 71855.
00:19 During the trading session today,
00:22 the IHSG was depressed,
00:23 and its lowest level was at 747.632.
00:26 The highest level today is at 7117.578.
00:30 And hopefully this is a good sign,
00:32 especially in the face of trading tomorrow or in the next few days.
00:37 Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:39 We will try to see some other trading data
00:42 that was collected by our reduction team.
00:44 Closing update from several indexes such as MNC36,
00:48 experienced a pressure of 0.26%.
00:51 Next is the Jakarta Islamic Index,
00:53 experienced a pressure of 0.35%.
00:56 The RQ45 also strengthened,
00:58 and was at 0.06%
01:00 as the price index reversed on the second day of closing.
01:03 The sectoral movement rotation,
01:05 health still led at 2.32%.
01:08 Stock prices also strengthened at 0.69%.
01:11 Technology is still a burden.
01:13 It was depressed at 2.20%.
01:15 The consumer price index also weakened slightly,
01:17 at 0.82%.
01:19 Next are the stocks that experienced significant strength
01:22 and became the support of the share price index.
01:25 There is Aman Mineral,
01:27 closed and strengthened at 6.6%.
01:30 SGER also strengthened at 2.490.
01:33 Then there is also Cuan,
01:35 co-founded by Petrosia,
01:38 today also strengthened at 9.750.
01:40 Digital Banking, after a deep pressure in the last few days,
01:45 the stock price increased at 3.180.
01:47 Meanwhile, the stocks that experienced a deep weakness
01:50 and entered the top losers list,
01:52 Gajat Tunggal, today reversed
01:54 after experiencing significant strength
01:56 in the previous trading day,
01:58 and closed at level 985.
02:01 Inco also weakened at 4.320.
02:05 Meanwhile, STRK was also depressed at 84 rupiah per share.
02:09 And from Batubara mining,
02:11 there is Adaro also weakened at 2.510 rupiah per share.
02:15 That's the closing update on the second trading session,
02:18 and hopefully it can be a reference for you.
02:20 Especially in the trading session the next day.
02:24 [Coin Flush]
