Jennifer Garner's Holiday Plans With Family and ‘Chasing’ the Joy of 13 Going on

  • last year
Jennifer Garner's Holiday Plans With Family and ‘Chasing’ the Joy of 13 Going on


00:00 Congratulations on this film.
00:02 You two are like the dynamic duo that we need more of.
00:06 We are gonna make a happy memory as a family.
00:09 Everybody say Merry Christmas.
00:13 Speaking of the holidays,
00:14 of course this film is so great for families
00:15 just chilling around the couch.
00:17 What are the holiday plans?
00:18 Do you get a break from the kitchen?
00:19 I know you're a great cook and you do some good work.
00:21 I kind of dive into the kitchen over the holidays.
00:24 When that is what I have to focus on, I love it.
00:27 I will bake every single morning.
00:30 I'll make something big.
00:31 So I'll have my whole, whole family together.
00:33 My sisters, my niece, my nephews, I love them all.
00:36 My brothers-in-law of course, my parents and my kids.
00:39 And I can't wait for it.
00:41 So you will be busy this week.
00:42 I will be busy.
00:43 And I imagine she has an open invite
00:45 for all of the holidays now that you two are like,
00:48 you'll bring the dance entertainment.
00:50 Yes, please invite me.
00:51 Be a boss. Be a boss. Be a boss. Be a boss.
00:56 Be a boss.
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:00 What's my age again?
01:04 I love you two together.
01:06 I do too.
01:08 Do you love swapping bodies and roles too?
01:10 (laughing)
01:12 Of course, yeah.
01:13 Anything that has me with this one, I'm happy to be there.
01:16 Jen, I mean, you are no stranger to body swap films.
01:20 Did you feel the nostalgia of 13 going on 30?
01:23 I mean so much so that I'm a producer
01:26 and helped develop the movie.
01:27 We all developed it together, this group of us.
01:30 And it was very intentional.
01:31 It was intentional just chasing that joy.
01:34 It's really fun.
01:36 It's fun.
01:37 I mean, I do it in my own life all the time,
01:38 but it's fun to do in a movie too.
01:41 What are you doing in my bed?
01:42 In my bed.
01:42 Why am I in your bed, mom?
01:44 What is happening?
01:48 It's me.
01:49 CT?
01:50 Mom?
01:51 Wyatt?
01:52 Dad?
01:54 It's a situation that has never happened before.
01:56 I'm 17 again.
01:56 I'm 13 going on 30.
01:58 Chasing the joy and the nostalgia, I love that.
02:00 I'm a 90s baby, so 13 going on 30 was like my time.
02:04 And I know you're an early 2000s baby,
02:06 but please tell me you've seen 13 going on 30.
02:08 Of course.
02:08 Okay, okay, of course.
02:09 It's iconic.
02:10 Did you use that to study Jen's mannerisms at all
02:14 to help you take on this film?
02:17 I did actually, and I watched a lot of her YouTube
02:20 and Instagram videos.
02:21 (laughing)
02:22 Yeah, but we had a good time getting to know
02:26 each other's mannerisms, but it definitely did help a lot.
02:30 I love it.
02:31 And now you two are stuck together.
02:32 We are, she's stuck with me, yeah.
02:34 I do, I love my movie girls, especially this one.
02:39 But we did all kinds of things.
02:41 I mean, sometimes you just have to get out of your own way
02:44 and do the weirdest actor stuff you can even imagine.
02:47 And this was one of those times where we played
02:49 with energy back and forth.
02:50 We played follow the leader.
02:51 We played like puppies and she was a grownup puppy.
02:54 Then I was a grownup puppy, like really weird stuff
02:57 to try to get us used to and comfortable
02:59 with just going for it and making bold choices.
03:02 It translated so well on camera.
03:04 Like the casting all around was incredible.
03:07 We have to talk about the dance numbers though.
03:10 I mean, iconic.
03:12 Was it easy for you to bust out those moves
03:15 like it was almost two decades ago?
03:17 'Cause there were a lot of similarities.
03:19 It was so much fun.
03:21 Beth Nicely was our choreographer.
03:23 She's a former Rockette Broadway dancer.
03:26 And she came to LA from New York and set those moves on us.
03:29 And we just had, from the get-go, we had a blast.
03:33 But the most fun was watching Emma come out and lead us all.
03:36 You were the leader!
03:38 She was such a, I mean, she's a dancer.
03:40 She was a competitive dancer.
03:41 So we had the perfect, and Brady got into it right away.
03:45 We had this incredible group
03:46 of professional dancers behind us.
03:48 It was a blast.
03:49 So much fun.
03:50 I was gonna say that scene where you are all dancing
03:52 together as a family, clearly you were the leader.
03:54 I mean, how much fun was it to just let loose?
03:56 It's almost like the cameras,
03:58 you forget that they're around, right?
03:59 Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
04:01 Me and Brady had a lot of fun starting it out.
04:03 And I still do the choreography to this day.
04:06 No way!
04:06 Okay, so what, you remember it?
04:08 Oh goodness, I can't forget it.
04:10 Oh you do?
04:11 (laughing)
04:13 It was a lot of fun.
04:16 And you can't like.
04:18 I'm so, oh my, I love this.
04:20 The whole, the whole choreo.
04:24 Yes!
04:25 And there you go.
04:26 (laughing)
04:27 I'm a terrible dancer, so I'm not even gonna try
04:29 to emulate any of that.
04:31 But I always have, 'cause like my mom
04:32 has like one signature move.
04:34 It's just like her hand.
04:34 She just goes like this all over.
04:36 How are your kids with the dance moves?
04:38 Are you gonna have them like fast forward through that part?
04:41 Or are they like, do they love it?
04:43 They will put up with really anything.
04:46 I mean, this is one they have to watch,
04:48 but they saw it actually.
04:49 They've seen it and they loved the movie.
04:51 And they were just like, mom, this is just such a fun film.
04:54 They really liked it.
04:55 To hear that response,
04:56 especially from having almost three teens,
04:59 does that warm your heart?
05:00 'Cause it could go one of two ways.
05:02 Yeah, it did really warm my heart
05:05 because they have to take themselves out of what they,
05:08 out of our relationship dynamic.
05:10 They have to take me as their mom out of it.
05:12 And that's a lot to get through, to just enjoy a movie.
05:16 And I was so happy to hear how much they loved the film.
05:20 We've got this.
05:20 We're walkers and walkers never quit.
05:23 Cribs, help!
05:25 Are they gonna do our karate?
05:27 I love it.
05:28 There's so much to take away from this film.
05:29 And it makes you think of all the dynamics
05:31 with your own families and the roles and all of that.
05:35 For you, how did being a teen play into being able
05:38 to relate to the character?
05:40 'Cause we all go through those teenage years.
05:42 What was the hardest part that you can really relate to?
05:46 Just not being understood, I think is one of them.
05:48 I was a pretty emo, grumpy teen myself.
05:52 And I think that's just one of the main things
05:56 that Cece feels is that nobody really understands
05:58 how hard she's working and understands what she wants.
06:01 And I think that's one of the things
06:03 that I brought from my 14-year-old self to Cece.
06:07 And then what do you think the hardest part
06:09 of being an adult is?
06:11 I am not a mother.
06:14 So that was probably one of the hardest things.
06:17 I am not firm and I don't know how to boss people around.
06:21 And that was a lot of fun trying to figure out.
06:24 But yeah, that was, it's very different.
06:27 It's so interesting 'cause Brady said the exact same thing.
06:29 And he said he would rely on Ed
06:31 to kind of help guide him in those moments.
06:34 We all relied on Ed.
06:35 Did you?
06:36 We all relied on Ed.
06:37 When you have Comet Gold in a comedy with you,
06:40 I can't tell you how many times I stopped and said,
06:43 "Ed, just tell me how to say this.
06:44 "Like, how can I make this funnier?
06:46 "How can I make it better?"
06:47 We were inspired by watching him.
06:49 We relied on him.
06:50 We asked him for help.
06:52 He's just the best.
06:53 And you got to slap him.
06:54 I know.
06:55 I hear that that was like totally improvised, like day of.
06:58 This is just a dream and we have to wake up.
07:01 Slap me.
07:02 Sure.
07:04 Father Christmas.
07:05 Yeah, I slapped him.
07:06 I mean, I asked, I said, "Should I slap you?"
07:08 I hope he remembers that.
07:10 Okay, he said that he told you, like,
07:12 "Let's make it real, but take it a little easy."
07:15 I didn't really take it that easy.
07:16 I know how to pack a punch,
07:17 but it got a real reaction and we only did it once.
07:22 It was only one time.
07:23 The slap, yeah.
07:24 Well, thank God for him, too.
07:25 Yeah.
07:26 Oh my gosh.
07:27 What do you hope that fans take away from this film?
07:29 Because there's really something for everybody
07:31 and you guys offer so much from funny moments
07:34 like slapping or burping or dancing, all of that.
07:37 But there's so much heart at the center of this film.
07:39 I just, I really hope that families watch it all together
07:43 on the couch.
07:45 I hope that everybody finds something funny.
07:47 We were really intentional about having stuff
07:50 for little, little kids, for middle kids, teenagers,
07:54 grownups, all the way.
07:56 And that at the end of it,
07:57 they're kind of surprised to find themselves tearing up.
08:00 That's just the formula
08:01 that would make me happier than anything.
08:03 And look, if it gives you a little bit of holiday spirit
08:05 with Rita Moreno in there, all the better.
08:08 Snow in Los Angeles?
08:09 What the heck?
08:10 You never know.
08:12 In this crazy world, you never know.
08:15 [upbeat music]
08:18 (upbeat music)
08:21 (upbeat music)
