Sentuh Level Tertinggi di 2023, IHSG Berbalik Melemah

  • last year
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 0,03% ke 7.038,63 di sesi I Rabu (29/11). Ditengah pembalikan arah melemah IHSG, sektor energi naik 0,41%. Kenaikan sektor energi di topang dari saham komoditas emas, di tengah harga emas mendekati level tertinggi penutupan sepanjang masa.

Dari global, Wall Street kompak berakhir di zona hijau di Selasa waktu AS, ditopang optimisme pasar mengenai kebijakan dovish The Fed. Meski demikian pelaku pasar masih menantikan data inflasi Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) Kamis pekan ini.


00:00 We also invite you to participate in our interactive WhatsApp
00:03 at 0812-8788-3723.
00:08 And now, we are connected through Zoom with James Evan Tumbuhan,
00:12 head unit investment specialist in Bahana.
00:15 Our security will be right away.
00:17 Mr. Evan, good afternoon. How are you?
00:19 Good afternoon, Mr. David. How are you?
00:23 Thank you, Mr. Evan, for taking the time on IDX Channel.
00:27 Mr. Evan, technically, the movement pattern of IDK Samkabungan is almost the same,
00:33 especially in the last few trading days.
00:36 It penetrated to the highest level, then returned to the red zone,
00:40 although it was closed several times in the green zone,
00:43 but its strength is more to the limit.
00:45 Technically, how do you see the appearance of IDK Samkabungan?
00:49 Is it still quite difficult to penetrate the 7,100 level?
00:54 Okay, right now, if we look at it based on various indicators,
00:58 such as moving average, if we look at today,
01:00 the MH100 is starting to cross up.
01:02 In other words, if we look at the indicators,
01:05 it is true that 7050 to 7075 is a crucial level that must be passed,
01:11 to reach above 7,100.
01:14 Even if we expect the next level at the end of December,
01:19 especially it can reach 7,150 at least.
01:23 But these levels must be broken out,
01:26 because if we look at the opening from 2023 in January, it was 6,800.
01:31 This is already starting to be all-time high,
01:33 and it is the highest level this year.
01:38 If we look at it from the foreign market, it has started to enter, Mr. Adih.
01:43 If we look at the level resistance, it must be tested at 7,075 first,
01:47 then we will look at 7,100 to 7,200.
01:51 While the support area is still at 6,925.
01:55 Hopefully, we don't see ESG break below 6,925,
02:00 because if it breaks below 6,925,
02:03 it will fail ESG to reach above 7,100.
02:08 How do you see the expectations from investors,
02:12 even though many are projecting
02:14 that the Fed will hold on to the Bunga Acuan tribe,
02:16 even more towards the gap.
02:18 But the inflation data will be an indicator,
02:20 and the Fed's decision on Friday is still awaited by the market players.
02:25 In short, sir.
02:26 Okay, actually, if we look at what will be released tomorrow,
02:31 which is the PCE index.
02:33 If we look at the PCE index,
02:39 if we look at the consensus,
02:41 it is possible that this will be a little slower.
02:44 Year-on-year is 31%.
02:46 If we look at the PCE index,
02:50 it is more like household consumption.
02:52 If it starts to fall, the inflation will also hit again.
02:56 Hopefully, the data will be released tomorrow,
02:59 as expected, it will be hit more than the previous months.
03:03 Okay, investors are also still releasing PCE data,
03:07 which will be one of the considerations from the Fed later
03:10 to implement the Bunga tribe policy in the future.
03:13 Mr. Evan, it's interesting, we will look at the data first,
03:15 later we will try to review the Samsah options that have been recommended,
03:18 and also Samsah based on gold commodities today,
03:21 experienced significant strength,
03:23 and we will be back in a moment.
03:25 Investors are still in IDX with the closing season,
03:27 and we are still using it to be able to participate,
03:29 definitely on our interactive WhatsApp at 08.12, 8788, 3723,
03:34 as shown on your television screen later.
03:37 Mr. Evan, from the sectoral movement,
03:40 in the middle of the minimum sentiment,
03:42 what is quite interesting is that Samsah based on gold commodities
03:45 today experienced strength,
03:47 when from some other stocks,
03:49 the strength is not too significant,
03:51 even some are more depressed.
03:54 From a fundamental point of view,
03:56 the price has experienced a fairly high increase,
03:58 consistent above IDR 2,000,
04:00 even almost approaching the level of intraday
04:03 and the highest level of closing throughout the period.
04:05 What momentum can we use
04:08 in the middle of the positive development of the price movement?
04:12 Yes, currently, the earnings from gold prices
04:16 are related to the dollar index,
04:18 or the dollar index for major currency,
04:20 where if we look at the DXY index,
04:22 it is currently quite deeply corrected,
04:25 if we look at the dollar index,
04:27 especially with the tone of the patent from Dovis,
04:31 so with the dollar index range at IDR 102,
04:35 it also pushes towards the gold price,
04:38 which is technically, currently,
04:41 for the gold testing price,
04:43 the resistance level is IDR 2,065,
04:46 this is a fairly high level in May.
04:52 So it can be used,
04:54 maybe one of the momentum that moves the gold sector
04:57 is the impact on the movement of gold prices,
04:59 which if we look at the last few days,
05:03 the price increase has increased,
05:05 more or less from November 22nd to today,
05:08 it has increased by more than 3.5%.
05:10 Okay, quite high, an increase of 3.5% for gold prices
05:14 and able to consistently above the US$2,000 level.
05:18 [Music]
