Saccomanni (Gilead): “Podcast riduce solitudine pazienti vicini a trattamento”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Grazie al podcast, tutti coloro che si avvicinano al trattamento hanno il conforto di sapere che non sono soli”. Lo ha detto Gemma Saccomanni, Senior Director Public Affairs Gilead Sciences, a margine dell’evento di presentazione della seconda edizione del podcast ‘La strada davanti a sè’, che raccoglie la voce e i pensieri di chi ha affrontato un tumore ematologico. Il podcast, promosso da Gilead Sciences e realizzato da Chora Media, racconta quest’anno le storie di Franca, Enrico e Gabriella, i quali sono stati sottoposti alla terapia CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell therapies).


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We are always inspired by what patients tell us.
00:08 They give us the strength to move forward.
00:11 A short while ago, Franca told me,
00:13 "In my time, I was inspired by Eleonora's voice,
00:17 who in the previous podcast,
00:19 the one we did in 2021,
00:22 gave me the strength to face this treatment."
00:27 Obviously, as with all treatments,
00:30 it must be dealt with with calm and with the awareness
00:35 that with the voice of the patients,
00:37 we are going to help the path of every other patient.
00:41 Those who approach the treatment
00:44 have the comfort of knowing that they are not alone.
00:47 And that is why we also have a patient support program for them.
00:51 We help them with various services,
00:55 which are more difficult to obtain through public assistance.
00:59 And this makes us very proud.
01:01 It is a combination of actions that we do in favor of the patient,
01:06 in support of pharmacological treatments.
