Nairn Christmas lights interviews

  • last year
00:00 yeah so how did you find your Christmas markets today
00:05 I'm so excited to be here
00:07 I'm so excited
00:09 I'm going to take my picture
00:11 I'm so excited
00:13 I'm so excited
00:15 that I joined later on
00:17 but it's really nice
00:19 every year it's like amazing
00:21 everyone gets involved in it
00:23 and you're lucky to turn on the lights
00:25 yeah but where's Reven and Lily
00:27 they're nowhere
00:29 but the show said
00:31 the show said Reven and Lily
00:33 are going into the stage
00:35 are you writing a letter to Santa
00:39 yes
00:41 what are you asking Santa to say
00:43 I didn't give him a letter
00:45 what did you ask Santa for
00:49 I know he said he wants lots of money
00:51 he said he wants lots of money
00:53 I think that's perfect
00:55 yeah
00:57 you got this right
00:59 are you getting ready for Christmas preparations
01:01 getting there
01:03 yeah
01:05 I think
01:07 there's always bits at the last minute
01:09 but today is always the day
01:11 I'm like Christmas
01:13 we're going to decorate our tree
01:15 and then
01:17 well we're going to go tree to tree
01:19 and then decorate the house
01:21 there we go Lucy
01:25 so Christmas lights are on
01:27 how did the countdown to Christmas day
01:29 go
01:31 fantastic event
01:33 really really lovely
01:35 couldn't have done it without all the support
01:37 from everybody that's been involved in this event
01:39 lots of volunteers
01:41 lots of people that came along to the community centre
01:43 and down here in the street
01:45 fire breathers
01:47 and all kinds of entertainment
01:49 it's been fantastic
01:51 what a lovely day
01:53 fantastic and in terms of supporting local businesses
01:55 on the high street but in general
01:57 it's been a huge boost
01:59 absolutely brilliant
02:01 the businesses really depend on
02:03 events like this to bring
02:05 football into the town
02:07 and to make sure that people are really aware that Nairn is a lovely place to be
02:09 fantastic
02:11 so have you started your Christmas shopping yet
02:13 oh
02:15 I haven't had a moment to breathe
02:17 up to this but now that this is done
02:19 and dusted and the countdown is
02:21 complete
02:23 and the lights are on I can get started
02:25 so many shops in Nairn
02:27 where to choose your Christmas shopping from
02:29 absolutely
02:31 from all over Nairn
02:33 there's some fantastic gift choices to have
02:35 so Graham
02:37 how was the day today with the Christmas market
02:39 it's been great
02:41 we've had a lot of interested people coming up to the stall
02:43 using the tomboiler
02:45 meeting the dogs
02:47 talking to us about what we do
02:49 how we all operate
02:51 so yeah it's been great
02:53 how is it for you to start the Christmas season
02:55 you were saying you're going to be quite busy
02:57 in the coming days
02:59 yeah well we've been busy the last few weeks
03:01 and we're going to be busy now
03:03 right through to Christmas Eve
03:05 we've got something on every Saturday and Sunday now
03:07 right up until Christmas Eve
03:09 so yeah we're spreading the word
03:11 people are coming to meet us
03:13 and it's all good, all positive
03:15 and I guess that you make
03:17 people's days for like
03:19 seeing the dogs
03:21 and I guess that's for the people
03:23 as well, meeting you is quite a nice
03:25 lovely occasion
03:27 yeah we always bring the dogs along
03:29 where we can to meet people
03:31 because they are a big attraction
03:33 and people do like to see them
03:35 and they're all rescue dogs that we bring anyway
03:37 they're all our own pets
03:39 but they have been rescued through various rescues
03:41 and quite a few through
03:43 St. Cled Dog Rescue as well
03:45 I'm thinking also like coming to Christmas
03:47 and the problem
03:49 not the problem but
03:51 people getting dogs
03:53 when they maybe are not too
03:55 they should do more research
03:57 and be ready for it
03:59 so what's your thoughts
04:01 in the build up to Christmas
04:03 yeah well we always say that
04:05 people are looking to get a dog around Christmas time
04:07 then do your research
04:09 about that particular dog
04:11 whether it be a sled dog or whether it be any other dog
04:13 really, but particularly
04:15 we breed specific
04:17 so we only deal with sled dogs
04:19 but you need to do your research
04:21 about them and you need to be totally
04:23 committed to that dog as well
04:25 it's not just for Christmas as they say
04:27 it is for the rest of that dog's life
04:29 so yeah just do your research
04:31 and if you are going to go to a breeder
04:33 then make sure
04:35 it's a reputable breeder
04:37 and make sure you meet both the parents
04:39 of the dog you're going to get
04:41 that's always crucial as well
04:43 but rescue we feel is always the best way
04:45 especially giving Christmas
04:47 well in general but a new home
04:49 a home for life
04:51 to one of these wonderful creatures
04:53 yeah
04:55 so yeah we do have a lot of dogs
04:57 in rescue at the moment
04:59 we've got plenty of dogs looking for new homes
05:01 so yeah if anybody
05:03 is interested in either fostering
05:05 or adopting one of our dogs
05:07 then please get in touch with us at
05:11 and we'll be happy
05:13 to come and chat with you
05:15 and tell you about what we are
05:17 and how we do things
05:19 and hopefully match up the right dog for you