Consap: 30 anni di impegno per un futuro assicurato

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "30 anni di Consap - Assicuriamo agli italiani un futuro migliore", questo il titolo del convegno commemorativo in occasione del trentennale dell'azienda che si è tenuto presso l'Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari alla Camera dei Deputati, il cui Presidente, Lorenzo Fontana, ha aperto l'evento sottolineando le origini di Consap, nata nel 1993 dopo la privatizzazione dell'INA. La mission dell'azienda, focalizzata su servizi assicurativi, economico-finanziari e tutela degli interessi dei consumatori, è stata enfatizzata anche dal messaggio inviato dal Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Giorgia Meloni, che ha evidenziato l'importanza di Consap nell'odierna situazione economica critica.


00:00 30 years of CONSAP ensure a better future for Italians.
00:07 This is the title of the commemorative convention on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the company,
00:12 which took place at the Parliamentary Group Hall in the House of Representatives,
00:16 where President Lorenzo Fontana opened the event underlining the origins of CONSAP,
00:21 born in 1993 after the privatization of the INA.
00:24 The company's mission is focused on insurance, financial and economic services,
00:28 and consumer interests.
00:30 This message was also emphasized by the President of the Council of Ministers,
00:34 Giorgia Meloni, who highlighted the importance of CONSAP in today's critical economic situation.
00:40 The Minister of Finance and Finance, Giorgetti, reiterated the crucial role of CONSAP
00:44 as an extension of public service, providing support to the community,
00:49 while President CONSAP, Sestino Giacomoni, highlighted the success of the Fundostrada,
00:54 which has allocated 9 billion euros to over a million people affected in the last 30 years.
00:59 He also mentioned the support provided to families through the Guarantee Fund for the purchase of the first home
01:04 and the Fund for the suspension of the first-home mortgages.
01:07 CONSAP is a "nauseous" company, as President Meloni said,
01:12 it is an instrument of the government, an instrument that the government wants to finalize and enhance,
01:17 because CONSAP actually performs a fundamental social function,
01:21 that is to ensure a better future for all Italians, by guaranteeing and protecting them.
01:26 We have talked about two fundamental funds, the Fund for the Victims of the Road,
01:30 if every citizen should have an accident with an uninsured vehicle, a road pirate,
01:35 CONSAP intervenes.
01:36 If there is a victim of the mafia, usury, even a victim of violent acts, as we see these days,
01:41 CONSAP will provide a resource.
01:43 Obviously, the resource can help, in some cases, even women,
01:47 to have that economic independence that is sometimes useful.
01:50 But then, to solve these problems, we need a great cultural revolution, we know this.
01:55 Giacomoni proposed changes to the Fund for Credit to Young People, known as the "Study Fund",
02:00 highlighting the importance of supporting the training of young people in times of crisis.
02:04 In the final greeting, the Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani,
02:09 reminded of CONSAP's international commitment.
02:12 30 years of CONSAP's history, it was the President of Italy in the past,
02:14 and today it is an important presence, but above all, a presence that can be a non-secondary part
02:21 of the construction of the future of our young people.
02:23 So, helping them to build a house, which is not just cement and bricks,
02:30 houses are the place where the family is united,
02:33 the place where our values and our feelings are housed,
02:36 and training is the tool to allow many young people
02:40 to be able to put to use the gifts they received when they were born,
02:46 and that they must be able, in any economic situation,
02:51 to put to the service of the community,
02:54 and therefore also to be able to realize themselves, but above all to be able to help others.
