Fitch Ratings Turunkan Peringkat LPKR

  • last year
Lembaga pemeringkat internasional (Fitch Ratings) menurunkan peringkat jangka panjang perusahaan, dan utang obligasi dolar PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (LPKR) menjadi CCC+ dari B-. Tindakan pemeringkatan tersebut, mencerminkan peningkatan risiko refinancing atas obligasi LPKR tanpa jaminan, senilai USD237 juta yang akan jatuh tempo pada 22 Januari 2025.


00:00 You are still with us on News Screen.
00:02 The International Fees Trading Association
00:04 has reduced the long-term increase in the company's
00:06 and dollar bonds' debt, PT Lipo Karawaci TBK,
00:09 to triple C plus from B minus.
00:12 The increase reflects the increase in the risk of refinancing
00:16 on LPKR bonds without guarantees worth US$237 million,
00:21 which will fall on January 22, 2025.
00:29 The International Fees Trading Association
00:31 has reduced the long-term increase in the company's
00:33 and dollar bonds' debt, PT Lipo Karawaci TBK,
00:37 to triple C plus from B minus.
00:40 Simultaneously, Indonesia's Fees Trading Association
00:43 has reduced the long-term increase in the company's
00:46 and dollar bonds' debt, PT Lipo Karawaci TBK,
00:48 to triple C plus from B minus.
00:50 According to the analysis of Fees Trading Association,
00:53 the increase reflects the increase in the risk of refinancing
00:57 on LPKR bonds without guarantees worth US$237 million,
01:02 which will fall on January 22, 2025.
01:05 This follows confirmation from LPKR
01:09 that the investment will prioritize the effort
01:11 to refinance its affiliation,
01:13 Lipo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust or LMIRT,
01:16 based in Singapore.
01:18 LMIRT is expected to refinance
01:21 US$250 global debt,
01:23 which will fall on June 2024.
01:26 This is Sumber on IDX Channel.
01:28 (dramatic music)
01:32 (electronic beeping)
