KETAWA ITU BERKAH 46 (Rerun) Febby Rastanty

  • last year


00:00 You are not being forced by the infotainment right now
00:05 And you want to invite my two beautiful daughters to Rosalinda's wedding
00:12 Then my daughter will be the target of the infotainment too
00:17 If my two beautiful daughters are asked about their families
00:22 I will be dragged too
00:24 No, no, no, this is not allowed
00:27 You can't come
00:29 It's not my fault, I didn't want to go to Rosalinda's wedding
00:34 Today is the meeting schedule of my work with Mr.Cus
00:39 Yes, why did you come here? We want to have a meeting
00:42 Okay, I will prepare it
00:45 You heard the answer, right?
00:47 Let's go
00:54 At least we both won't go to Rosalinda's wedding
00:59 The answer is yes
01:23 Let's go
01:24 Hey, hey, hey
01:26 Hey, hey, hey
01:31 Let's go
01:44 [Music]
01:58 [Music]
02:14 Sing it
02:15 [Music]
02:44 Hey, Osangka, I miss you
02:47 [Music]
03:16 Hey
03:18 [Music]
03:44 [Music]
04:13 [Music]
04:21 [Music]
04:33 [Music]
04:40 Okay, bro
04:44 What day is this?
04:46 Monday
04:48 I saw your Instagram on the weekend
04:51 Wait, wait, wait, wait
04:54 Wait, wait, wait
04:56 I was relaxing yesterday, Sunday night
04:59 I saw your Instagram, it's viral
05:02 The news is viral
05:04 We're sorry, when you fell, we were shocked
05:10 Wait, wait, wait
05:12 When you fell, we're sorry, we don't respect you
05:14 What do you mean?
05:16 Respect
05:17 Yes, respect
05:18 People will misunderstand
05:25 Hey, that's not the discussion
05:28 There are so many comments
05:30 So it's crowded
05:31 The video is viral
05:33 It's viral
05:35 It's viral
05:36 It's on social media and digital media
05:39 It's viral
05:41 The news was crowded this morning
05:43 The discussion was, I don't know, I'm not the perpetrator
05:46 [Music]
05:49 It's the same
05:51 In the morning, I was like, how did you fall?
05:54 I'm sorry
05:55 I didn't fall on the set, I fell in love
05:58 [Music]
06:02 It's funny
06:04 It's funny
06:06 It's funny
06:07 It's true
06:09 There are 15 cameras
06:11 How did you feel about your brother who fell?
06:14 It's funny
06:15 I told him, I'm telling the truth
06:18 It's funny
06:20 I said, I'm not going to comment
06:23 I said that
06:25 I'm not going to comment
06:26 How?
06:27 It's true
06:28 People are not going to correct it, but you're not going to comment
06:31 How was the situation?
06:33 If I have a reporter who asks, "Mr. Rafi, Ruben fell on the set"
06:37 "Yes, Ruben fell on the set"
06:39 "Mr. Rafi fell in love"
06:40 "Yes, I fell in love"
06:41 "What about Anwar?"
06:42 "He fell poor"
06:43 [Music]
06:49 Now, people want to know
06:52 Where's the mic?
06:54 There's a mic
06:56 [Music]
07:01 I fell
07:02 I got hit
07:03 [Music]
07:04 I'm a good person
07:05 Mrs. Jessica Iskandar, explain it
07:08 How?
07:09 It's viral
07:11 Sometimes people don't know the current situation
07:14 You're noisy
07:15 She wants to explain, who are you?
07:16 She's the one who explains
07:17 [Music]
07:22 The mic
07:23 Check it
07:24 First, we want to apologize to the crew and the production team
07:31 Because we didn't mean to do it
07:34 It happened on Thursday
07:38 We did the shooting on Friday
07:42 Thank God, the crew apologized to Bensu
07:48 But we didn't tell him
07:51 We didn't know it was viral
07:54 It was viral on Dularah too
08:00 On behalf of TransTV, me and the crew
08:05 We apologize if there's something that can hurt Bensu
08:12 We fully support Bensu if he needs treatment
08:20 We'll talk about it later
08:25 Mrs. Nordin, do you want to say something?
08:28 You're involved in this too
08:31 Yes
08:32 Say something, Bensu
08:35 You can be a part of the creative team
08:39 [Laughter]
08:42 We're not doing this to be rude
08:45 It's okay, you can say it
08:49 We want to apologize to Bensu
08:55 Because of the shooting on Thursday
08:59 He laughed
09:01 He laughed
09:03 I sincerely apologize
09:05 If I don't laugh, it'll be a shame
09:08 I have to smile
09:11 You're a friend, right?
09:12 Yes
09:13 I hope you'll be more motivated
09:15 I'm sorry if there's something that can hurt you
09:26 We apologize to Bensu, Cewen, Jorion, and the crew
09:32 On behalf of TransTV, me and Mrs. Nordin
09:36 We apologize for the laughter
09:39 Thank you
09:41 [Applause]
09:44 I want to say thank you to everyone
09:55 For your attention and understanding
09:59 I and the team and Mr. FD apologize many times
10:13 I don't think we can do this
10:18 But I can say that we have communicated
10:29 I'm sure it's not on purpose
10:35 I hope we can be more careful
10:42 And entertain you
10:49 So you can be entertained
10:53 Thank you for watching this show
10:58 And for caring about this show
11:01 I've done physiotherapy
11:12 I'm not visum
11:15 What's visum?
11:17 What's visum?
11:18 Usually, people who have visum can't do physiotherapy
11:22 So, I'll let this go first
11:26 [Laughter]
11:31 So, everything is fine
11:36 Thank you for your attention
11:40 I hope this show can be like before
11:47 And I hope you can pray for me
11:59 Not only for me, but for all of you
12:02 Amen
12:04 Thank you
12:06 So, there's no visum?
12:09 Visum, visum
12:11 I'll do it
12:13 No
12:15 [Laughter]
12:22 Listen
12:24 I'm rich
12:27 I'm a rich kid
12:31 [Laughter]
12:33 We're on vacation
12:35 You're different
12:37 You're rich
12:42 Rich people don't wear small clothes like last year
12:45 [Laughter]
12:48 We're in a canteen, where's the owner?
12:51 I want to order my favorite food
12:54 The food that's often in the helicopter
12:56 What's that?
12:57 Nasi uduk
12:59 [Laughter]
13:01 Where's the owner?
13:03 There she is
13:04 Hey, ma'am
13:06 [Cheering]
13:15 I went to Depok to buy tapai
13:17 Good
13:18 I'm here
13:20 [Cheering]
13:22 I'm confused, why are your eyelashes so long?
13:26 Eyelashes
13:28 I guess it's funny, but you said it again
13:31 Nasi uduk
13:32 I want the food that's often in the helicopter
13:34 Nasi uduk
13:36 [Laughter]
13:38 I want the food that's often in the helicopter
13:40 What?
13:42 The food that's often in the helicopter
13:45 What's that?
13:46 Nasi liwet
13:47 What do you mean?
13:48 Where's the liwet?
13:50 [Laughter]
13:56 If you're a player, you'll be funny after the weekend
14:00 I want the fried rice, but with eggs
14:05 Don't use your eyes
14:07 What eyes?
14:08 Your eyes
14:09 [Laughter]
14:11 So people will ask
14:14 Can I?
14:15 If you're a player, you'll be funny after the weekend
14:18 Really?
14:19 If you're a player, you'll be funny after the weekend
14:21 [Laughter]
14:26 I'll make the eggs for you
14:31 I'll make the eggs for you
14:33 I'll make the eggs for you
14:35 [Laughter]
14:38 Ma'am
14:41 Yes
14:42 So go back to Purwakarta
14:44 [Laughter]
14:47 That's the story
14:49 That's why you're rich like me
14:51 You know, I always heat the money at home
14:55 With the housekeeper
14:56 If I don't, it'll be stale
14:57 [Laughter]
14:59 I'm rich
15:00 [Laughter]
15:01 This is good
15:03 [Laughter]
15:07 Thank you
15:08 Ma'am
15:09 I'm sorry
15:10 Before you open it, let me prove it
15:13 The order is the same
15:15 I want the fried rice, half eggs, half eggs
15:18 [Laughter]
15:19 Why is my chicken only has eggs?
15:22 It's different
15:24 It needs more of the nutrition
15:28 Ma'am, my suggestion is
15:30 Don't give the fried rice to the housekeeper
15:32 What is it?
15:33 It's better if he's a man
15:34 What?
15:35 He's a man, but he looks like a man
15:37 [Laughter]
15:43 Don't make me angry
15:45 I'm angry
15:46 [Laughter]
15:49 I'm angry
15:50 [Laughter]
15:52 There's a new girl
15:53 [Cheering]
15:56 [Music]
16:00 Hello, baby
16:01 What?
16:02 Baby
16:03 What?
16:04 Baby, you're ugly
16:05 [Laughter]
16:08 You're ugly
16:09 You're ugly
16:10 You're ugly
16:11 [Laughter]
16:13 Maybe the girl is ill-feeling
16:15 Hello, baby
16:17 Oh, baby
16:18 All the girls are like this
16:19 [Laughter]
16:22 You're ugly
16:23 If you hear a girl, you'll be like this
16:26 You're ugly
16:27 Yes
16:28 If she's here, I'll give her fried chicken
16:31 What?
16:32 I love you so much
16:33 [Cheering]
16:37 [Laughter]
16:39 If she's here, I'll give her fried chicken
16:40 What?
16:41 Fried chicken
16:42 [Laughter]
16:43 What?
16:44 Don't touch my fried chicken
16:47 The seller is selling it well
16:49 [Laughter]
16:53 I saw it, it's crowded
16:55 I saw it in Puak Artorao
16:57 It's crowded, all the stores are full
16:58 I tried it yesterday
16:59 I'll buy it
17:00 People know that I'm a waitress
17:03 [Laughter]
17:09 You can choose the chicken
17:11 You can choose now
17:12 Sorry, I'm looking for a class
17:16 What class?
17:17 10th grade, 3rd grade, where is it?
17:19 [Laughter]
17:22 She's looking for a class
17:23 What?
17:24 She's looking for a class
17:25 Oh, sorry, the school has closed the registration
17:27 You're a girl, you're a girl
17:30 It's not like that, our class is full
17:32 Don't be like that
17:33 There's only one class here
17:35 I'm in the 4th grade, where are you?
17:37 I'm in the 4th grade
17:38 Oh, she's going up and up, first grade
17:40 [Screaming]
17:43 Why do I want to stay in the first grade?
17:45 Why?
17:46 Because you're the only one
17:47 [Screaming]
17:50 You stay in the second grade
17:52 What do you mean?
17:53 Because you're always second
17:54 [Screaming]
17:59 I've been accepted in this school
18:02 But I just want to go to class
18:04 It's better to talk, talk
18:08 What class are you in?
18:10 I was young like you
18:12 [Laughter]
18:14 What class are you in?
18:16 I'm in the 5th grade
18:17 I'm in the 5th grade
18:19 [Laughter]
18:21 I'm in the 5th grade
18:23 Do you know?
18:24 What?
18:25 The difference between you and a math student
18:28 What?
18:29 If you're a math student, it's really hard to learn
18:32 What?
18:33 It's really hard to forget
18:34 [Screaming]
18:47 Don't start
18:49 Don't start
18:51 I was pushed twice
18:52 Don't start
18:53 She's so cute
18:55 Hey, I'm going to be a witness
18:59 Don't start
19:00 She's wearing a hat
19:02 [Laughter]
19:06 She's so far from you
19:08 [Laughter]
19:10 Where are you going?
19:11 What's up?
19:12 You're wearing a jacket
19:14 Where are you from?
19:15 Hey, the mother of the canteen just found out
19:19 That the kids of this generation are old
19:21 [Laughter]
19:26 What's the problem here?
19:29 Donut, don't be a canteen mother
19:31 What's the problem?
19:33 [Screaming]
19:43 This is my gang, Golden Gang
19:45 [Screaming]
19:52 I just want to be a mom
19:54 Hey, I think I'm a ball court
19:58 No, you're a satisfied
20:00 I'm a ball court
20:01 I'm confused
20:02 Be careful when you choose your baby
20:05 [Laughter]
20:08 Baby, you're not a baby
20:10 Who's your baby?
20:12 I like her
20:14 [Screaming]
20:16 I'm telling you
20:18 It's okay if you like her
20:20 But don't like her
20:22 [Screaming]
20:27 I'm just quiet
20:29 [Screaming]
20:31 Hey, it's impossible
20:32 Baby is close to someone
20:34 Yes
20:35 Look at this
20:36 [Screaming]
20:38 Are you a celebrity?
20:40 Dangerous
20:43 [Explosion]
20:48 Baby Rastanti became the attention of all the family
20:51 Because she was gossiped
20:53 About dating a handsome man
20:57 With a nickname of Dio
20:59 [Music]
21:16 Oh my god
21:19 So sweet
21:20 Are you married?
21:21 Have you thought about getting married?
21:24 [Laughter]
21:27 [Music]
21:31 [Screaming]
21:35 No wonder
21:37 You like to sing Afgan's song
21:40 Dio, Dio, Dio
21:42 [Music]
21:45 Dio, Dio, Dio
21:47 [Laughter]
21:52 Look, she's already got a boyfriend
21:54 Look
21:55 What's wrong?
21:57 Femi, please clarify
21:59 What?
22:00 That
22:01 Dio
22:02 Dio
22:03 Who's Dio?
22:04 Dio Lotion
22:05 Who's Dio?
22:06 [Music]
22:09 Onat, you're wearing leather shoes
22:11 [Laughter]
22:16 Femi, please answer
22:18 Is it true?
22:19 What's true?
22:20 You said you're close
22:22 Yes, I'm close to everyone
22:24 I have a lot of friends
22:26 I'm close to everyone
22:27 You're lying
22:28 You're not in a special relationship with him
22:30 Why are you so complicated?
22:32 [Laughter]
22:35 You can't get close to him anymore
22:38 It's okay
22:39 Do you want me to introduce him?
22:40 Anwar, he'll come later
22:42 [Laughter]
22:45 I don't think so
22:48 But if you have a girlfriend
22:50 If you're in our school
22:52 You'll be kept away from them
22:54 Do you know that?
22:55 So I have to be single to go to this school?
22:57 Yes, you have to be single
23:00 [Laughter]
23:02 Look at her
23:03 Do you know this woman?
23:04 She's been single since elementary school
23:06 That's why she's like us
23:08 [Laughter]
23:10 Don't say that
23:13 [Laughter]
23:15 So you're breaking up with her?
23:17 So I'm not in your class
23:19 And this school is ours
23:20 Not yet
23:21 This school is a canteen, not a class
23:23 Yes
23:24 You better go to the class
23:27 To forget about him
23:29 [Laughter]
23:31 [Cheering]
23:36 Sir, this is my son
23:40 He's always bothering girls
23:41 He's always flirting with girls
23:43 He's always flirting with girls
23:47 That's his son
23:50 That's his son
23:52 He's always flirting with girls
23:55 [Laughter]
23:57 Anwar
23:58 But
23:59 We're rich
24:00 We can do anything
24:01 We're rich
24:03 [Laughter]
24:05 Have you ever thought about it?
24:07 Your house is going to be ruined
24:09 [Laughter]
24:13 I don't know
24:14 What do you mean?
24:15 Our house
24:16 Sir, we
24:18 [Laughter]
24:22 We buy snacks everyday
24:24 What do people eat?
24:25 Biscuits
24:26 We buy snacks at home
24:27 Why?
24:28 We're not afraid
24:29 We're rich
24:31 Rafi
24:32 You're waking up from a dream
24:34 What dream?
24:35 What dream?
24:36 I'm dreaming about
24:37 What dream?
24:39 You don't know
24:40 What dream?
24:41 You don't know
24:42 Because of your behavior
24:44 Your mom fell down
24:45 Rafi, your dad was pushed
24:47 You see
24:48 Your dad is like this
24:50 [Laughter]
24:51 You go home
24:52 Don't be rich, Rafi
24:54 We're still rich
24:55 No, we're poor
24:57 [Laughter]
24:59 You go home
25:01 I don't believe that we're poor
25:03 I don't believe that
25:04 [Laughter]
25:07 You see
25:08 Your dad likes to flirt
25:10 Your son likes to flirt with girls
25:13 He flirted with girls
25:15 Who flirted with girls?
25:17 Girls
25:18 It's okay, girls are better than men
25:19 [Laughter]
25:22 So, we're not rich anymore?
25:24 We're not rich anymore
25:25 That's why you go home
25:27 Don't be rich
25:29 Wait
25:30 [Laughter]
25:32 Baby
25:33 I'm poor now
25:34 I want to stay at your house
25:35 [Laughter]
25:36 I'm poor
25:37 I don't have a house
25:38 I want to stay at your house, baby
25:40 Here
25:41 I'll take you home
25:42 You eat with rice
25:43 [Laughter]
25:44 [Laughter]
25:45 You're a flirt
25:47 [Laughter]
25:49 Go home, Sajar
25:51 I want to find a new dad
25:53 Don't
25:54 I'm your dad
25:56 [Laughter]
25:59 No
26:00 I want to find a new dad
26:02 Don't
26:03 Dad
26:05 [Laughter]
26:07 You're my dad
26:09 You're my dad
26:11 You're my dad
26:12 Why do you want me to follow him?
26:15 [Laughter]
26:16 If you're my dad
26:18 I want to be your mom
26:20 [Laughter]
26:23 You don't know your son
26:25 [Laughter]
26:26 Is he a man?
26:29 What? What are you talking about?
26:31 You've been giving me chances to go to the canteen.
26:34 I just want to have dinner.
26:36 But there's another thing.
26:37 I want to do an advertisement.
26:38 But I don't know whether I can do it or not.
26:40 (Singing)
27:02 SBSB is the best band in Surabaya.
27:08 So, everything here is done by SBSB.
27:14 So, Mr. Bensu, the one who was in the canteen is BCL.
27:18 Yes. / Bunga Ciritra Lesnari.
27:20 She's not a dancer here.
27:22 So, she can be a dancer.
27:25 But I don't want to be a dancer. / Why?
27:28 I want to be a dancer.
27:33 We'll have a competition here. We'll send new artists...
27:39 to this canteen.
27:41 And we'll do an international competition.
27:44 So, some competitions abroad...
27:49 the winner will be from other countries.
27:53 But... / Not from us.
27:55 Not from us. / Not from us.
27:57 But, Mr. Bensu, if we want to have something,
28:00 we need to get permission first.
28:01 Yes. / From Sarwenda.
28:03 Permission first.
28:05 Sarwenda.
28:07 I'm your leader.
28:10 Don't.
28:11 Okay. We'll go.
28:14 Where are the students who want to learn?
28:16 Wait. I'll be the first one to learn.
28:19 Why? We have to gather talented contestants...
28:22 because we'll have a competition between...
28:26 Pet Shop.
28:27 Pet Shop? / Yes.
28:28 Between Pet Shop?
28:29 Pet Shop.
28:30 It'll be better.
28:32 You have to prepare the teachers first.
28:36 Okay.
28:37 The teachers are like this.
28:39 Yesterday, I'll invite a good teacher.
28:42 Yes. / This is Nazar.
28:44 Because yesterday, the teacher's mistake was too slow.
28:46 No one could do it.
28:47 So, we'll make it better.
28:49 This is Nazar.
28:50 This is him.
28:51 (The teacher is here.)
28:53 Come on up.
29:08 Nazar is in the front.
29:09 Yes. And behind...
29:10 This is Icet Resnawati.
29:12 Icet Resnawati.
29:14 Icet Resnawati.
29:15 If someone wants to say, there must be a meaning.
29:20 Yes.
29:21 There's someone I can help.
29:23 Like this.
29:24 This is Ruben's song.
29:26 We'll take some talented people.
29:28 Yes.
29:29 How?
29:30 It's shaking.
29:32 It's like...
29:34 Yes. It's like...
29:35 What is it?
29:37 Because it's more about keeping the vocal even when moving.
29:41 That's right.
29:42 Because if we...
29:44 Let's say we move this.
29:46 From this movement, it produces a good diaphragm.
29:50 There's something, Ruben.
29:52 This is...
29:53 It's clear that he's proven.
29:54 If we look at his blood type,
29:56 his blood type is E major.
29:58 There's no blood.
30:03 There's no blood.
30:04 Because he's a musician.
30:05 Yes.
30:06 Because he's a musician.
30:07 So, his blood type is E major.
30:08 But if I look at his appearance,
30:11 he looks like a man from Casablanca.
30:13 (Ruben's blood type is E major)
30:15 How can we learn it?
30:20 Since the students haven't come yet.
30:22 Let's say we move like this.
30:24 Like this.
30:25 This is using energy.
30:29 It looks like it's shaking.
30:31 This is using energy, right?
30:32 Yes.
30:33 If you can't vibrate,
30:37 the movement from here helps your breathing.
30:40 It's a movement to press your stomach.
30:42 (Ruben's blood type is E major)
30:44 After he...
30:48 After he...
30:49 Ruben.
30:52 After he...
30:53 The triangle comes in.
31:11 It's good.
31:12 Don't waste time.
31:13 I want my students who come here to be smart.
31:17 This is the first one.
31:18 He's from Purwakarta.
31:19 I can't think of it.
31:20 Until now,
31:22 I can't think of wearing that kind of clothes.
31:24 In my career.
31:26 I'm the same as him.
31:27 Oh, yes.
31:28 This is the first one.
31:29 He's from Purwakarta.
31:31 He wants to be a singer because his husband...
31:33 I'm sorry.
31:34 I'm in another heart.
31:36 So, he rarely goes to his husband's house.
31:38 Don't continue.
31:40 I'm angry.
31:42 You're angry because Nora's clothes, right?
31:44 That's right.
31:47 I was bullied by 5 villagers.
31:50 Because you're a fan.
31:51 I thought I was a seller.
31:53 What kind of seller?
31:56 A seller.
31:57 But, please.
31:58 I really recommend this.
32:00 Because he rarely goes to his husband's house.
32:02 Don't gossip.
32:07 He rarely goes to his husband's house.
32:09 But...
32:10 I'm checking the box.
32:15 Okay.
32:16 Learn.
32:17 The good one.
32:18 Yes, the one that I'm waiting for.
32:19 If you want to be a singer...
32:21 His father wants to ask his son to be a singer.
32:25 If you want to be a good singer,
32:28 you can't be a bad singer.
32:29 You have to be a good singer.
32:30 You have to be a good singer.
32:31 No, not like that.
32:35 I mean, you have to be a good singer.
32:36 This is a line.
32:38 Learn.
32:39 Your chest must be straight.
32:40 Your stomach must be locked.
32:41 And you have to pull it in.
32:42 Pull it in.
32:44 You have to hold it tight.
32:48 Because it will create pressure.
32:50 And make a powerful sound.
32:52 Is there such a thing?
32:54 Yes.
32:55 Follow me.
32:59 La...
33:09 La...
33:16 Wrong.
33:17 Wrong.
33:18 Repeat it.
33:28 You can call him brother.
33:29 Yes.
33:30 He's your brother.
33:31 I'm your brother.
33:35 Don't call him brother.
33:40 But...
33:41 His girlfriend is a liar.
33:42 Look.
33:43 So, what's your name?
33:49 My name is Siti.
33:51 Siti?
33:52 My full name is Buka Siti.
33:54 Oh.
33:55 Siti.
33:59 Siti, when you sing, you have to do...
34:03 Natural pull.
34:06 Oh, like Petty Ferra.
34:08 No, it's Badukun's nature.
34:10 You can eat this.
34:12 Because it will clean your throat.
34:14 If you eat this, it will be dirty.
34:15 Try to eat it.
34:16 Eat it?
34:17 It won't clean your throat.
34:18 It will erase your age.
34:19 If you get old...
34:21 You can eat it.
34:22 No. If you eat it, you'll get old.
34:24 It's okay.
34:25 Come on.
34:30 If you get old, you'll get old.
34:32 You have to be strong.
34:34 Your family in the village...
34:35 They hope you'll be a star.
34:37 Yes.
34:38 Poor your parents.
34:40 Are you done?
34:43 I'm done.
34:44 Try it.
34:45 Today...
34:47 Try it.
34:48 Today...
34:51 I...
34:56 I...
35:02 No.
35:04 I...
35:05 You have to do the Krimil.
35:06 For decades...
35:19 I've been doing this.
35:20 Okay. Can you do it?
35:25 Yes. I can do it.
35:27 Yes.
35:28 Okay.
35:29 You'll be challenged...
35:32 to compete with the others.
35:34 So, one of the winner...
35:36 will be sent to each house.
35:39 Can you do it?
35:43 You can do it, right?
35:44 Yes.
35:45 Remember your family in the village.
35:46 Your family in the village...
35:47 I think you'll like it.
35:49 You're not young. You're close to the others.
35:51 They've heard it.
35:54 Okay.
35:56 But I have to practice with my vocal teacher.
35:59 Okay.
36:00 Are you done?
36:01 Yes.
36:02 Okay.
36:03 Okay.
36:08 We'll let you know if you pass.
36:11 Okay.
36:12 Thank you, Petty Vera and Towa Jorgi.
36:16 Thank you.
36:17 How was it?
36:19 Was it good?
36:20 It was great.
36:21 Because she...
36:22 So, we have to give...
36:24 a good singer.
36:27 Remember.
36:29 There's another one...
36:30 who I want to invite.
36:32 Yes.
36:33 She's been around...
36:34 in the world of debt.
36:36 Yes.
36:37 She's good at singing.
36:39 Okay.
36:40 Her expression is amazing.
36:41 So, she's more like a teacher.
36:44 That's right.
36:45 She's a teacher of expression.
36:46 Good night.
37:02 Do you understand?
37:03 It's night time.
37:04 The music is sleepy.
37:05 Do you understand?
37:06 Repeat it, dear.
37:11 Repeat it, War.
37:14 Yes.
37:15 This is all...
37:16 a blessing.
37:17 If you can follow her style,
37:20 send it to our Instagram.
37:22 Ketawa Itu Berkah Instagram.
37:24 There will be a prize of 1 million rupiah.
37:27 Okay.
37:31 Juroh, say it.
37:33 We'll welcome...
37:35 with music...
37:36 Erwin Ketawa.
37:39 Okay.
37:41 Ketawa.
37:42 Ketawa.
37:44 Okay.
37:53 Drum.
37:54 Drum.
37:55 Drum.
37:56 Piano.
38:00 Piano.
38:01 Hey.
38:02 Hey.
38:03 Come here.
38:07 Come here.
38:08 Sir.
38:25 The music is good.
38:27 But, don't play it too long.
38:28 I feel sorry for the people who wait for you.
38:29 You play it too long.
38:30 It's been a long time you can play the music.
38:32 She's expressing.
38:34 She's expressing.
38:36 Her expression is happy, right?
38:38 I'm so happy.
38:40 Thank you for the great welcome tonight.
38:47 Let me introduce myself.
38:49 I'm Samuel.
38:51 That's my name.
38:53 Samuel.
38:54 Yes.
38:55 You're wearing green.
38:56 You look like a long-haired man.
38:58 It's tight, sir.
39:00 So, I'll come here.
39:02 I'll teach you how to express your face...
39:06 acting.
39:09 Okay.
39:10 This is also...
39:11 This is a Sanger.
39:13 He wants to be an international artist.
39:15 I'll call these two.
39:17 One man and one woman.
39:18 Please, Onat and...
39:21 Femi.
39:22 Femi Rasyaman.
39:30 I was hit twice.
39:32 Don't do that.
39:33 Don't do that.
39:36 You just got a job.
39:38 Sorry.
39:41 You just got a job.
39:42 I'm sorry.
39:43 I'm a provocateur.
39:44 It's okay.
39:46 He's an amazing actor.
39:48 He usually plays the leading role.
39:51 This is the antagonist.
39:52 This is the sweet potato.
39:53 So, he plays...
39:58 So, sir.
40:00 Which student wants to learn from us?
40:02 This one.
40:03 This is...
40:04 Please, introduce yourself.
40:05 My name is Samuel.
40:07 Do you want to be an expressionist...
40:11 ...or a saloon guy?
40:14 This is too much.
40:18 Why?
40:19 Femi is too much.
40:20 Why?
40:21 I haven't said "too much".
40:22 She's already pretty.
40:26 You're a saloon guy, right?
40:28 You go out in the morning and in the evening.
40:30 She's already pretty.
40:32 Femi is good.
40:36 What?
40:37 Femi is good.
40:38 You're a businessman.
40:39 You're just a salesman.
40:42 I'm a salesman.
40:43 I'm a salesman.
40:45 So, we're going to...
40:47 What are we doing today?
40:48 We're going to play an expression...
40:49 ...using the materials at home.
40:52 Sometimes, if we want to express, we have to imagine.
40:55 For example, we want to...
40:56 Just do it.
40:57 TransTV has a duration.
41:02 For example.
41:04 For example, we want to express...
41:07 ...when we fall in love.
41:09 How?
41:10 When we fall in love.
41:11 While eating this, we want to express when we fall in love.
41:15 There's a plate here.
41:16 Please, take it.
41:18 We don't know.
41:22 We just hold it.
41:24 We're just a fan.
41:25 We just hold it.
41:27 You're the expert.
41:28 I'm the expert.
41:29 This is when we fall in love, right?
41:30 When we fall in love.
41:31 Please, show us.
41:32 We'll eat it right away.
41:33 When we fall in love with a woman.
41:41 A woman?
41:43 Yes.
41:44 Can you show us when we fall in love?
41:48 Like this.
41:50 Like this.
41:51 You're not falling in love.
41:55 Because when we fall in love, everything will be sweet.
42:04 But I can't do it.
42:05 I fall in love with my wife everyday.
42:08 Yes.
42:09 Your wife always follow you.
42:11 My wife always follow me?
42:13 Yes.
42:14 She doesn't believe me anymore.
42:16 I'm so nervous.
42:17 She's being tricked.
42:21 She's afraid of her husband.
42:23 Baby and Honat asked...
42:26 how they feel when they got an offer for a horror movie.
42:30 Horror?
42:31 They're afraid.
42:32 That's our job.
42:33 Even we want to know how they feel.
42:34 That's the condition.
42:36 Be careful.
42:37 It's a problem.
42:38 The condition.
42:40 Don't do that.
42:41 I mean, just take it as a joke.
42:44 Just take it as a joke.
42:45 Just take it as a joke.
42:46 Because every expression...
42:48 can be asked.
42:50 What's this? Horror?
42:52 Horror.
42:53 Horror.
42:54 Horror.
42:55 Again.
43:01 Not enough.
43:02 Not enough.
43:03 It's simple.
43:09 The horror movie expression is simple.
43:11 You don't have to eat like that.
43:13 The horror movie expression is...
43:15 If there's...
43:16 "I'm scared."
43:18 You can't do that.
43:19 Again.
43:23 What's wrong with you?
43:24 So, it's like that.
43:25 "I'm scared."
43:27 It's not easy.
43:34 I've been doing better than you.
43:36 Not enough.
43:37 So, it's like this.
43:38 That was "I'm scared."
43:39 Horror.
43:40 I forgot to try it.
43:41 You should've eaten.
43:42 You should've eaten.
43:43 I want to learn.
43:46 What's the expression?
43:48 We're in a movie. It's hard to get angry.
43:50 Sir, can I request something?
43:51 This is a mixed feeling.
43:53 Happy, angry, happy.
43:55 Happy, angry, happy, like, sad.
43:58 You should try all of it.
43:59 So, it's like that.
44:00 I have a suggestion.
44:01 But, there's no mixed feeling in the movie.
44:04 There is.
44:05 Here, sir.
44:06 Show me your hand.
44:07 Show me your hand.
44:08 This is the angry feeling.
44:09 This is sad.
44:11 This is sad.
44:12 This is scared.
44:14 This is happy, sir.
44:15 Try it.
44:16 How was it, sir?
44:17 Try it.
44:18 I want to know, sir.
44:20 Nandin.
44:21 I'll do it again tomorrow.
44:24 Hurry.
44:29 Hurry.
44:30 How was it?
44:35 Four.
44:36 Four expressions.
44:40 Four.
44:41 How was it?
44:42 Four.
44:44 While eating, while expressing, while singing.
44:48 While singing.
44:50 Yes.
44:51 Yes.
45:19 The laughter is so loud.
45:21 Emotional.
45:30 You're emotional, right?
45:37 What's your name?
45:38 Onat.
45:39 You're emotional, right?
45:40 Onat.
45:41 You're not emotional.
45:42 Onat.
45:43 You're emotional.
45:44 I'm not emotional.
45:46 I love you.
45:47 Who's your son?
45:54 I have to be angry, right?
45:57 Baby.
45:58 Baby.
45:59 I love you.
46:00 I love you, Nandin.
46:04 The last word.
46:09 Allah is the greatest.
46:14 Allah is the greatest.
46:21 Allah is the greatest.
46:25 Allah is the greatest.
46:32 I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
46:43 I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
46:57 I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
47:09 I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
47:24 Come to prayer.
47:36 Come to prayer.
47:49 Come to success.
48:01 Come to success.
48:15 Prayer is better than sleep.
48:28 Prayer is better than sleep.
48:43 Allah is the greatest.
48:46 Allah is the greatest.
48:52 There is no god but Allah.
49:06 There is no god but Allah.
49:12 Emotional.
49:17 You're emotional.
49:23 What's your name?
49:25 Onat.
49:26 You're emotional.
49:27 Onat.
49:28 You're not emotional.
49:29 Onat.
49:30 You're emotional.
49:31 You're not emotional.
49:39 What's your name?
49:41 I have to be angry?
49:43 Baby.
49:44 What?
49:45 Baby.
49:46 I love you.
49:47 What's your name?
49:54 Kita Trio.
49:55 What's Trio?
49:56 Let love be million miles.
49:59 Emotional.
50:01 What's wrong?
50:04 Why are you two singing?
50:06 Onat, Anwar smells like onion.
50:10 Listen.
50:17 Listen and guess the next song.
50:21 Guess the song.
50:22 Music.
50:23 Guess the song.
50:24 I have a friend.
50:34 A friend.
50:37 A friend.
50:40 A friend.
50:42 Do you want to answer it?
50:44 It's right.
50:45 It's the same.
50:46 What?
50:47 A friend but it's different.
50:48 I want.
50:49 I don't want the same.
50:58 What?
50:59 I want to change.
51:00 You.
51:01 You.
51:02 (speaking in foreign language)
51:05 (speaking in foreign language)
51:09 (speaking in foreign language)
51:13 (upbeat music)
51:24 (singing in foreign language)
51:39 (upbeat music)
51:41 (singing in foreign language)
51:46 (speaking in foreign language)
51:53 (speaking in foreign language)
51:59 (speaking in foreign language)
52:03 (speaking in foreign language)
52:07 (laughing)
52:09 (speaking in foreign language)
52:18 (speaking in foreign language)
52:25 (dog barking)
52:31 (speaking in foreign language)
52:35 (speaking in foreign language)
52:39 (speaking in foreign language)
52:43 (laughing)
52:46 (speaking in foreign language)
52:50 (laughing)
52:55 (speaking in foreign language)
53:01 (speaking in foreign language)
53:07 (speaking in foreign language)
53:11 (laughing)
53:33 (speaking in foreign language)
53:37 (speaking in foreign language)
53:41 (speaking in foreign language)
53:45 (speaking in foreign language)
53:49 (speaking in foreign language)
53:53 (laughing)
53:55 (speaking in foreign language)
53:59 (laughing)
54:13 (speaking in foreign language)
54:17 (laughing)
54:27 (speaking in foreign language)
54:31 (laughing)
54:41 (speaking in foreign language)
54:45 (cheering)
54:51 (speaking in foreign language)
54:56 (speaking in foreign language)
55:02 (laughing)
55:05 (speaking in foreign language)
55:12 (laughing)
55:16 (speaking in foreign language)
55:29 (laughing)
55:32 (speaking in foreign language)
55:37 (laughing)
55:40 (speaking in foreign language)
55:47 (laughing)
55:51 (speaking in foreign language)
55:56 (laughing)
55:59 (speaking in foreign language)
56:03 (laughing)
56:14 (speaking in foreign language)
56:19 (laughing)
56:21 (speaking in foreign language)
56:26 (speaking in foreign language)
56:31 (speaking in foreign language)
56:35 (cheering)
56:43 (speaking in foreign language)
56:58 (laughing)
57:01 (speaking in foreign language)
57:06 (laughing)
57:14 (speaking in foreign language)
57:24 (laughing)
57:27 (speaking in foreign language)
57:38 (cheering)
57:48 (speaking in foreign language)
57:54 (laughing)
57:56 (speaking in foreign language)
58:01 (cheering)
58:18 (singing in foreign language)
58:22 (speaking in foreign language)
58:27 (singing in foreign language)
58:31 (singing in foreign language)
58:35 (singing in foreign language)
58:39 (singing in foreign language)
58:43 (singing in foreign language)
58:46 (singing in foreign language)
58:50 (singing in foreign language)
58:54 (singing in foreign language)
59:19 (singing in foreign language)
59:24 (singing in foreign language)
59:28 (singing in foreign language)
59:33 (singing in foreign language)
59:37 (singing in foreign language)
59:42 (singing in foreign language)
59:46 [Music]