16 Potential Side Effects Of Intermittent Fasting - Syktohealth

  • 7 months ago
Let's talk about the side effects that can occur when you're transitioning to fasting. When you're fasting, you're typically told only to drink water and nothing else. But I'm going to recommend you take nutrition simply because the average person is so deficient in nutrition. You don't want to run out of nutrients, okay, then you'll have side effects. So, I recommend typically taking B vitamins from nutrigenesis multivitamins. Take your electrolytes without sugar. Something high in potassium, which includes magnesium and then sea salt. That should handle quite a few symptoms. But there are other issues that can come up. So this covers every possibility.

►►► Hi, everyone! We are Syktohealth, and our main goal is to teach you a sustainable way to lose weight using our 3 1/3 strategy. This strategy is composed of three fundamental pillars, which include Intermittent Fasting, the Ketogenic Diet, and the third pillar that we'll discuss in our FREE E-book. If you'd like, you can get our FREE E-book by visiting our website, SYKTOHEALTH.COM.

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