Episod 401 My #Qurantime Khamis 23 September 2021 Surah Al-Kahf (18:98-110) Halaman 304

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Episod 401 My #Qurantime Khamis 23 September 2021 Surah Al-Kahf (18:98-110) Halaman 304
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10:59 We have read from verses 98 to 106.
11:03 It's a long story.
11:05 Alhamdulillah.
11:06 This is the conclusion of the story of Zulkarnain.
11:09 Yesterday, we saw Zulkarnain building a wall.
11:13 A great wall.
11:14 Zulkarnain said, after he had completed the project,
11:19 he said in verse 98,
11:21 "This is a mercy from my Lord."
11:26 He didn't say, "This is from another project."
11:29 He didn't mention his name or Zulkarnain's name.
11:35 He didn't do that.
11:36 He didn't give the credit to him.
11:40 But the praise was returned.
11:42 "This is a mercy from my Lord."
11:45 This is the principle we live in the end of times.
11:49 When we have completed a project,
11:52 an activity,
11:53 we have to return it to Allah.
11:56 Why?
11:57 Because for Zulkarnain,
12:00 he was given all kinds of things from Allah.
12:03 It didn't come from himself.
12:06 This is the characteristic of a leader who can be helped by Allah at all times.
12:11 It's not because he has an idea,
12:13 or he has charisma,
12:15 or he is a leader,
12:16 or he has a good family,
12:18 or he is intelligent.
12:20 It's because he succeeded.
12:22 If that is what we call it,
12:24 it is ready for Allah to return the blessings that Allah has given.
12:27 "And when the promise of my Lord comes,
12:36 He will destroy this wall,
12:39 because the promise of my Lord is true."
12:41 Zulkarnain reminded us of the promise of Allah.
12:44 When we talk about the promise of Allah,
12:46 it refers to the day of the hereafter.
12:48 That is one of the things that the Jews have suppressed.
12:52 The Jews in their Torah,
12:55 they try to suppress the topic of the hereafter.
12:58 Because if they think about the hereafter,
13:01 the consequences of sin,
13:02 justice,
13:03 they will not act as the Jews do now,
13:08 who do not believe in Allah.
13:11 Those who believe, it's okay.
13:12 Those who do not believe.
13:14 So, Prophet Zulkarnain used his success
13:18 to bring to the Lord and to the hereafter.
13:22 This is an example of a leader who will always be helped.
13:25 It's not just that,
13:27 "Alhamdulillah, I succeeded."
13:29 Or, "Alhamdulillah, this is our project."
13:34 "Alhamdulillah, but it's our project."
13:36 "We are actually the ones who are doing it."
13:39 "It's okay to praise the people."
13:41 "But the credit of the praise must be given to Allah SWT."
13:47 In the verse number 99,
13:49 "And on that day, We will let them,
13:53 the Jews and the non-Jews,
13:54 mix with each other."
13:56 "And when the time comes,"
13:58 This is the second time,
14:00 "We will gather them all."
14:02 So, this project,
14:04 that's why the scholars discussed.
14:06 This verse indicates that
14:08 the wall, the wall, the "rodmat" will collapse.
14:12 It will collapse.
14:13 It can be trampled by the "yakjud matjud".
14:15 So, the "yakjud matjud" will enter
14:17 all the countries in the world.
14:20 And this is what is actually terrifying.
14:24 Why?
14:25 Because if we do not get protection from Allah SWT,
14:28 because of our faith,
14:29 we may lose.
14:31 We will lose.
14:32 Because the "yakjud matjud" will cause damage
14:35 on the face of the earth.
14:37 So, when we are in the world,
14:41 it will cause damage.
14:42 Then, we will be gathered in the hereafter.
14:45 Allah SWT brings us a perspective.
14:47 Go straight to the hereafter.
14:49 In verse 100,
14:50 "And We will show them Hell."
14:53 "And on that day, Hell will be shown."
14:56 "And We will show them Hell."
14:59 "It will be shown clearly."
15:01 We may ask,
15:02 what is the purpose of showing?
15:04 Actually,
15:05 when it is shown,
15:07 it is shared by Imam Ibn Kathir.
15:10 He said that before entering,
15:13 it is shown first.
15:14 It is shown first, the Hell.
15:16 One, it makes him feel disappointed,
15:18 he feels tired,
15:19 but he does not enter yet.
15:20 The second is to tell,
15:22 "You have been given time."
15:24 "You were given time to live."
15:26 "Why are you still stubborn?"
15:28 The benefit for us is,
15:30 if we are given time to live,
15:32 60 years, 50 years, 40 years,
15:34 how many years Allah has given us?
15:36 Actually, Allah has made us stubborn
15:39 in our end times
15:41 because Allah wants us to return to Allah.
15:43 Integrity, especially for leaders.
15:46 If we are still given the opportunity to be leaders,
15:49 Allah makes us stubborn,
15:50 Allah does not make us fall again.
15:52 Why?
15:53 Because we are stubborn to return,
15:55 to give praise and credit to Allah.
15:58 Please be fair.
16:00 Do not read Surah Al-Kahfi,
16:02 but the injustice is left there
16:06 or made at any time
16:09 and we feel that this is my power.
16:12 I can do anything,
16:13 when in fact we need the mercy
16:16 from Allah SWT.
16:18 The 101st verse explains
16:21 what happens when we are in Hell.
16:24 We have not yet entered.
16:26 Just look.
16:27 "Their hearts are closed and their remembrance is not yet complete."
16:35 Usually, when we talk about dhikr,
16:38 Allah relates it to the heart.
16:40 But here, Allah says about the eyes.
16:44 Because actually,
16:46 if we are in this world,
16:48 we can see the nature,
16:50 we can see our computers, TV,
16:52 all of these,
16:54 if we truly understand,
16:56 it is the greatness of Allah SWT.
17:00 We look at, for example,
17:01 the cave of Al-Kahfi,
17:03 if we look at the knowledge we get,
17:05 various technological advances,
17:08 we can see,
17:09 and we can see our nature,
17:11 we know that we can watch TV,
17:14 because we get a signal,
17:17 a satellite.
17:19 If we do not get a satellite,
17:21 we may not get a signal,
17:22 and we may not be able to appreciate the Quran.
17:25 We can talk now,
17:27 it is strange,
17:28 we can talk to two people,
17:30 it looks like a lot of people,
17:31 but actually,
17:32 where are the people?
17:34 Some are in Maran,
17:35 some are in Singapore,
17:36 some are in Brunei,
17:37 some are in Kedah,
17:39 various places.
17:41 Because Allah has made us see,
17:44 and we can see,
17:45 TV is proof that
17:46 if I do not get a signal,
17:48 and help from Allah,
17:50 we can talk to two people,
17:51 we can talk,
17:52 people see us,
17:54 we talk every day.
17:56 But Alhamdulillah,
17:58 it is a sign,
17:59 for people who want to take a warning,
18:01 and want to listen.
18:03 But for half of the people,
18:04 it is nothing.
18:06 The important thing I want to use,
18:08 if the verse 102,
18:10 is very important,
18:12 we read this verse again,
18:14 so that we do not fall
18:16 to the way of seeing,
18:17 we read this verse 102.
18:20 Thank you, Al-Fatihah,
18:21 Ustaz Fazlul.
18:22 Subhanallah,
18:23 the companions of the Quran,
18:24 may Allah bless them all.
18:26 It is true, Ustaz,
18:27 many people share with us today,
18:29 among them,
18:30 Mrs. Nita,
18:31 watching while taking care of her six-month-old grandchild,
18:34 Alhamdulillah,
18:35 she was stunned,
18:36 and so focused,
18:37 when she heard the verses of the Quran.
18:39 Subhanallah,
18:40 as she understood,
18:41 that is the holy verse of Allah.
18:42 Subhanallah,
18:43 Alhamdulillah.
18:44 Continue,
18:45 with the Quran,
18:46 InshaAllah.
18:47 Let's continue,
18:48 with the verse 102.
18:52 Let's continue,
18:53 with the companions of the Quran,
18:55 and continue with the verse 102.
18:57 InshaAllah.
18:58 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
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19:14 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
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19:23 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
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19:38 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:41 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:44 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:47 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:50 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:53 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:56 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
19:59 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
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20:05 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:08 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:11 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:14 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:17 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:20 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:23 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:26 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:29 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:32 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:35 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:38 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:41 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:44 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:47 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:50 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:53 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:56 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
20:59 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:02 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:05 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:08 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:11 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:14 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:17 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:20 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:23 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:26 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:29 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:32 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:35 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:38 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:41 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:44 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:47 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:50 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:53 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:56 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
21:59 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:02 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:05 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:08 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:11 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:14 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:17 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:20 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:23 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:26 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:29 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:32 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:35 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:38 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:41 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:44 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:47 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:50 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:53 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
22:57 (Music)
23:00 (Music)
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23:48 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
23:51 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
23:54 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
23:57 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
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24:06 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:09 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:12 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:15 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:18 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:21 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:24 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:27 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:30 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:33 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:36 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:39 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:42 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:45 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:48 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:51 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:54 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
24:57 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:00 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:03 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:06 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:09 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:12 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:15 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:18 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:21 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:24 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:27 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:30 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:33 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:36 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:39 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:42 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:45 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:48 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:51 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:54 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
25:57 (Recitation of the Holy Qur'an)
26:00 Thank you, Salfazrul.
26:03 We have a little bit of a competition.
26:06 Between the two lovers, the group The Zikz or our brothers, the Raihan, who sang that song.
26:11 We hope to get the original.
26:13 So we want to share today, we want to connect.
26:16 Our Tajweed repetition is still about Mad-Tam-Kin.
26:20 Yesterday we studied Mad-Tam-Kin.
26:23 Today we want to continue.
26:25 Yesterday in two sentences, today in one sentence.
26:27 The Ulama of Tajweed said that Mad-Tam-Kin happened in two situations.
26:34 The second condition is when two letters are combined,
26:40 with the condition that the first letter is Tashdid or Sabdu,
26:45 and is lined below.
26:47 And there is a second letter, which is lined Sukun or Mati.
26:52 The first letter is Sabdu and lined below, Tashdid and lined below.
26:57 And the second letter is Sukun or Mati.
27:01 Let's see an example in Surah An-Nisa, in verse number 86.
27:09 We pay attention there.
27:11 [Al-Quran recited]
27:27 Verse number 86, Surah An-Nisa.
27:30 [Al-Quran recited]
27:39 Yesterday we shared two sentences, today in one sentence.
27:43 That is the example.
27:44 The name is Mad-Tam-Kin.
27:47 Two movements.
27:48 Once again.
27:49 [Al-Quran recited]
27:56 So, dear friends of the Quran,
27:59 you can go back to Surah An-Nisa, verse number 86,
28:06 and try to pay attention to Mad-Tam-Kin.
28:09 Thank you, Ustaz.
28:11 As we discussed yesterday,
28:13 Mad-Tam-Kin reminds us of the Makannah.
28:16 Allah reminds us that if we are given power,
28:19 if we are given the opportunity in our lives to do certain projects,
28:24 whether it is AJK or AJK Masjid, we must take care of it.
28:27 Don't say, because I became a manager,
28:29 this is my success.
28:31 That is actually wrong with the Zulqarnain principle.
28:34 [Al-Quran recited]
28:37 As far as the verses 105 and 106,
28:41 the disbelievers in Allah are those who do not want to meet Allah.
28:46 They do not want to meet Allah.
28:47 So, if someone wants to meet Allah,
28:49 they will say, "The hereafter is important.
28:50 Everything I do is important in the hereafter.
28:53 I get the reward from Allah."
28:55 But if not, they will say,
28:57 "Why don't people praise me as a manager?
29:00 Why don't people praise me as a leader?
29:02 Why don't people thank me?"
29:04 They want the credit, the praise,
29:06 and that is a sign that the love of the world has entered their hearts.
29:09 It is not necessary that the car is big.
29:11 Even a small car can be entered by the world.
29:13 Some people have a big car, but the world cannot enter.
29:15 Because the car is big, the world cannot enter.
29:18 So, this is a guidance.
29:20 And Allah reminds us of the verse 106,
29:23 "Do not deceive."
29:24 That is the characteristic of a person who actually feels like it is okay, but it is not okay.
29:28 What is the sign of deceiving?
29:30 Is it true that the Quran can solve the issue of the country's economy?
29:33 Is it true that if we bring the Quran to my school,
29:36 the students will be moral?
29:38 If there is such a question,
29:40 that is a sign that he is deceiving.
29:42 He did not say, "Rasul, is it true?"
29:44 Rasul is not there.
29:45 But he took the verse,
29:47 "Wa rusuli huzuwa"
29:49 Deceive or distort
29:52 as the verse 106 that we want to distance.
29:55 So, how do we act?
29:57 We read the verse 107 to the end.
30:00 Allah gives a conclusion to you.
30:03 Let's get another reward,
30:06 another reward.
30:08 This is the best, Ustaz.
30:09 The best, we read the verse 107.
30:13 I can't wait.
30:14 Read first.
30:15 Read first, Ustaz.
30:16 This is the best.
30:18 Okay, Subhanallah.
30:19 Friends of the Quran,
30:20 you and the ladies of the Bayah,
30:22 I give you my love and mercy.
30:24 We want to continue.
30:25 The next is the verse 107 to the verse 110.
30:30 Ending the Surah Al-Kahfi that we have studied.
30:34 Hopefully, this is not the last point
30:37 we are together with the Quran.
30:38 Even, it continues to increase our spirit
30:42 to be together with the Quran.
30:44 Because there is a student who is reciting,
30:48 he recites with us.
30:50 Before this, he had a stroke.
30:52 But when he saw his friends reciting with him,
30:57 he was so excited.
31:00 That night, Alhamdulillah, Allah allowed us to study.
31:03 We can read it again.
31:04 That's the story for tomorrow, Ustaz.
31:08 Inshallah, about Nabi Zakariya.
31:10 It seems impossible.
31:11 But that's life.
31:13 It is guided by the Quran.
31:15 It is the best, Ustaz.
31:16 So, Inshallah, we continue to be excited
31:18 with the Quran, Inshallah.
31:20 We continue our reading.
31:22 We try to read Nahawan.
31:23 It's been a long time since we read Nahawan.
31:25 Starting from verse 107 to verse 110, Inshallah.
31:28 (Reciting)
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36:01 (Reciting)
36:29 Subhanallah.
36:30 Subhanallah.
36:54 Subhanallah.
36:55 Subhanallah.
36:56 Subhanallah.
36:57 Subhanallah.
36:58 (Reciting)
37:01 (Reciting)
37:30 Subhanallah.
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38:12 (Reciting)
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38:18 (Reciting)
38:22 Subhanallah.
38:23 Subhanallah.
38:24 (Reciting)
38:27 (Reciting)
38:30 Subhanallah.
38:31 Subhanallah.
38:32 Subhanallah.
39:01 Subhanallah.
39:02 Subhanallah.
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39:46 Allah.
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