Gabi Emotional Farewell with Stefan! Leo and Dimitri’s Escape Derailed! Days of

  • last year
Gabi Emotional Farewell with Stefan! Leo and Dimitri’s Escape Derailed! Days of
00:00 Leo casually emerges from the motel room bathroom, carrying two cups of coffee.
00:05 Upon tasting the coffee, Dimitri immediately spits it out.
00:09 Leo, unfazed, is shown a newspaper article about Gabi's arrest.
00:14 Captivated by the news, Leo regrets how this could have been Lady Whistleblower's moment
00:18 to transition into Truman Capo territory.
00:21 Dimitri, feeling remorse for their predicament and dreading a life on the run in dreary motel
00:26 rooms, apologizes.
00:28 However, Leo finds inspiration upon discovering Rolf's involvement in Gabi's blackmail of
00:34 Lye.
00:35 In the kitchen, Wendy, draped in her robe, approaches Tripp with a heavy demeanor.
00:41 She expresses her decision not to go to work, considering the complications arising from
00:45 her boss being Gabi's brother.
00:48 Tearfully recounting the events, Wendy realizes she hasn't informed her father about Lye's
00:53 death.
00:54 Struggling with the news, she turns to Tripp, who reassures her of his support.
00:59 At the SPD, Jada deals with misleading tips on Dimitri and Leo while Rafe inquires about
01:04 any updates on Lye's murder.
01:06 Examining a report, Jada shares that Lye's fingerprints are the only other ones on the
01:11 knife.
01:12 Rafe expresses concern for Gabi, as the evidence appears unfavorable.
01:16 In the interrogation room, Stefan brings Gabi refreshments and encourages her to stay optimistic.
01:23 Despite the grim situation, Stefan believes in Gabi's innocence and praises Bell as an
01:27 exceptional attorney.
01:29 Gabi, skeptical due to being the D.A., questions the effectiveness of Bell's defense.
01:36 Stefan insists they can find alternative avenues and mentions Bell's strategy to exploit EJ's
01:41 conflict of interest.
01:43 Bell confronts the newly appointed D.A. at the DiMera mansion, addressing his personal
01:48 grudge against her client.
01:51 She challenges the circumstantial evidence against Gabi and urges EJ to reconsider pursuing
01:55 the case to avoid embarrassment.
01:57 Meanwhile, at the motel, Dimitri and Leo discuss their predicament when Rolf unexpectedly knocks
02:03 on their door.
02:05 Aware of their attempt to track him down, Rolf criticizes Dimitri for mishandling his
02:09 inheritance.
02:11 Despite Megan's willingness to help, Rolf makes it clear that Dimitri is family, but
02:15 Leo is not included in that category.
02:18 Back at the interrogation room, Rafe delivers the disheartening news that nothing has cleared
02:22 Gabi so far.
02:24 As Gabi laments missing a visit with her daughter, Stefan and Rafe discuss alternative strategies,
02:29 with the hope that Bell can exploit EJ's conflict of interest to dismiss the case.
