लट्ठ गाड़ भाषण दिया पुष्पेन्द्र कुलश्रेष्ठ ने | Pushpendra Kulshrestha Best Speech On Kashmir files,Criminals & Fake news

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00:00 That's why Aamir Khan is scared.
00:02 They were not scared when you took out 350,000 Pandits from India's most peaceful place,
00:08 by raping and murdering them.
00:10 And you were living with them for centuries.
00:12 You were blessing Kashmir, you were blessing humanity.
00:14 Despite all that, what did you do with them?
00:17 What was that secularism?
00:19 That's why I'm saying that those who are scared of the news of reality and morality,
00:25 they are scared that some nationalist powers are rising in this country.
00:30 But those same people,
00:32 a Ghuspetia in Assam,
00:34 becomes the Home Minister of the country.
00:36 Aren't they scared?
00:38 A mafia don in Bihar,
00:40 Shahbuddin, puts a 17 year old boy in an acid tank and kills him.
00:46 Aren't they scared?
00:47 Aren't they scared of taking out 350,000 people from Jammu and Kashmir?
00:50 Aren't they scared of killing 150,000 Sardars in Delhi?
00:53 In Kerala, the mastermind of the Coimbatore bomb blasts,
00:57 Madni,
00:58 for whom the Muslim League, Congress and the Left call for a joint session,
01:03 the Assembly calls for his pardon.
01:05 Then they aren't scared.
01:06 I think they are scared because they think that the narrative has changed in the last 10 years
01:10 and that nationalist powers are getting stronger in this country.
01:13 Maybe the reason for their fear is that if these powers get stronger,
01:17 then they will ask questions.
01:19 Like, tell me, who are the people who killed the husband of the first wife of Mohammad's son-in-law, Fatima?
01:27 Who are the people who killed his grandson?
01:29 They won't tell you.
01:31 If you ask these questions, people will say that you are anti-Islamic, anti-Muslim.
01:35 You tell me, what did you do in Pakistan?
01:38 In Pakistan, the killing of Shias is a must.
01:42 Shias are not Muslims.
01:44 This family is not from Mohammad's family.
01:47 Because now people are saying that the king who told Mohammad, his name was Raja Tahir.
01:54 Now these things are coming, which were hidden.
01:57 So people are saying that what we did, people will know.
02:00 Now what did you do in the Battle of Badr?
02:02 How did you kill?
02:03 How did the first caliph die?
02:04 How did the second die?
02:05 How did the third die?
02:06 That religion says that we are religion of peace.
02:08 So, we saw peace in 1947.
02:11 So you cut us into two pieces.
02:13 But in Jammu and Kashmir, Lalit Bhai, you see the courage in this country.
02:19 This is happening because of the silence of the society.
02:21 You are not speaking.
02:23 The people who are speaking, are trying to corner them.
02:26 That a city mufti, Kashmir's city mufti, speaks on television.
02:32 He doesn't hide anywhere.
02:34 There is no shame, no hesitation.
02:36 Here, to prove his psychology to people, he keeps telling people about computers, Quran, etc.
02:40 He said on television and on national channel that we need Sharia in Jammu and Kashmir.
02:49 He said that only 7 crore Muslims were in India.
02:54 Then we took Pakistan.
02:56 Now we are 20 crore.
02:57 We need our country again.
02:58 But there is no reaction in this country.
03:00 We think that Kashmiri Pandits have an agenda that they have to be sent back and they will go and live in their houses.
03:06 Kashmir's agenda should have been the agenda of the country.
03:09 This country has deprived it.
03:11 This country is responsible.
03:12 India is responsible for Kashmir.
03:14 I don't believe that even today, you go to Kerala, you go to Tamil Nadu, people think Kashmir is a place to go for picnic.
03:21 People don't know.
03:22 You go to every village in Haryana.
03:24 I have been doing this work for the past year.
03:26 There is no village in Haryana whose son has not been martyred in Kashmir.
03:30 We have not told the country about Kashmir.
03:33 We thought that only Delhi's work is here, some North Indian people's work is here.
03:36 And there is a big agenda to vote in the elections.
03:39 If we do this, we will get votes.
03:41 But if Kashmir is not saved, this country will not be saved.
03:44 I am saying this again and again.
03:45 Understand this.
03:46 35A is not a plot.
03:49 35A, terror and terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and all these terrorists, whether they are land or executive, this is one reason for it.
03:57 If 35A is removed, then I believe that the troops that are moving inside the country,
04:02 people are moving towards Delhi.
04:04 Have you heard the name of PFI?
04:06 People in Delhi will not know.
04:07 PFI's branch is open in Delhi, near Jamia Nagar.
04:10 We don't know this.
04:11 Our agencies will know.
04:12 We don't care who the agencies tell.
04:14 But the day a professor's hand is cut inside Delhi, we will say that PFI has come to Delhi.
04:19 We don't ask until the incident happens.
04:22 This is our problem.
04:23 Supreme Court is having fun in the debate about how Gandhi was killed in this country.
04:27 But when the Pandits of Jammu and Kashmir went to the Supreme Court, they said that in 1990,
04:30 the cases that happened with us, should be opened.
04:32 At least do an FIR.
04:34 If you don't register anywhere, then the Supreme Court says that such an old case has happened and there is no record.
04:39 From where will it be 27 years old?
04:41 We don't have time and there is no record.
04:44 Now you will say that in this country, judges are also leaving this society.
04:49 So, you openly abuse two out of three pillars of democracy.
04:55 There will be no such person in this country who has not abused any leader.
04:59 They abuse the Prime Minister, they abuse on television, they say whatever they want.
05:02 They say the bureaucracy of this country.
05:04 But what kind of rule is this that the people of the black court are the most honest people in the world,
05:07 the greatest people, no one can talk about their lies, their deceit.
05:10 Because who do they show the contempt of court?
05:13 We have seen a lot of contempt of court in Delhi.
05:15 We know that when Mr. Mishra was going, there was a hearing in the Supreme Court.
05:19 That lady lawyer did not abuse him at all.
05:21 What did she not say to Mr. Mishra, the Chief Justice of India?
05:24 Where is the contempt of court happening?
05:26 Brother, we are ashamed of you, your killers are alive.
05:28 What was said about Yaqub Menon?
05:30 Brother, he was killed by the judges.
05:31 So, the judges were also sitting, they were not ashamed.
05:33 So, what is the contract of secularism in this country?
05:35 What is the contract of high morality in this country?
05:37 Only Hindus have taken it.
05:38 Is this our contract?
05:39 That if we are in Kerala, we will take high moral, if we are in Kashmir, we will not speak.
05:42 14 districts have gone from your hands in Assam.
05:45 You don't want to hear.
05:46 Today, Shushil Bhai said, no, in this country, at least from the life of my Aligarh University to 27 years,
05:52 I believe that more than 100 places have become such that your iron does not burn.
05:55 Nobody asks you.
05:57 Your police does not do FIR.
05:59 You do not go to that area to take electricity bill.
06:01 What are you talking about, brother?
06:02 What misunderstanding are you talking about?
06:04 At least 500 Kashmiris have been made in this country, you have no idea.
06:07 This guess will happen when there will be a big blast.
06:09 They are working on their mission, they are working on their agenda.
06:12 And we feel that this government, that government, development, road, what all we are doing.
06:15 You made the highway, you made the road, but decide which ideology will run on this highway, brother.
06:21 This ideology should be decided in this country that you are making the road, who is walking on the road?
06:25 Will AK-47 run?
06:26 Will AK-56 run?
06:28 Will this country's secularism run?
06:30 Will constitution run?
06:31 Will the court run?
06:32 So in this country, when people start saying on television, this has changed while I was watching.
06:38 I saw the change in this country while watching.
06:40 I was born in 1965 and I was born at the time when the constitution of India was communal.
06:45 100% communal.
06:47 You put secularism in 1976 to make it secular.
06:51 Because if secularism was not written, then this country was communal before that.
06:53 And the constitution was also communal.
06:55 So I believe that I am born in communalism.
06:57 And I have no doubt in this, I do not lie.
06:59 I am communal, I am proud to be communal.
07:02 I do not want to lie.
07:04 Being communal does not mean that a Muslim will be killed.
07:06 Being communal does not mean that a Muslim will be killed.
07:07 This hypocrisy should stop.
07:09 You have allowed this hypocrisy to flourish in this country.
07:12 You have allowed this fraud to flourish.
07:14 The nationalist Muslim who really wants to come in the main line,
07:17 he is not allowed to live by the people from Abu Bakr to Al-Baghdadi.
07:22 As soon as he becomes a nationalist, he will be called the agent of the RSS or the army.
07:27 You isolate him in the society.
07:29 Will anyone ask what is the pain of Captain Rizvi?
07:32 If Pakistan was divided, then Punjab and Bengal would have been divided.
07:34 Ask him about his pain.
07:36 In which account will he come?
07:37 Did anyone ask about him?
07:38 Did anyone know his pain?
07:39 No one asked.
07:40 He is also shouting that we are also in Kashmir.
07:42 We also have the area of Kargil.
07:44 Why not? The route from Kargil opens towards Pakistan.
07:46 Because there are Shias here and there.
07:48 But why will Muzaffarabad open?
07:50 Why will Muzaffarabad open?
07:52 Because the agenda is different.
07:54 So we should fight in our own fight.
07:57 But we should get rid of this misunderstanding.
07:59 That no, no, sir, he will get angry, he will get angry.
