Weight Loss Through Cycling

  • last year
Want to know how to lose weight through cycling? In this video we detail some top cycling weight loss tips for shedding the pounds on your bike.
00:00 We all begin cycling for a number of different reasons,
00:02 whether that be the enjoyment and the freedom
00:04 that riding the bike brings, improving our fitness,
00:07 or the social aspect from riding with friends,
00:09 family, or our local club mates.
00:12 For some people, cycling is a perfect way to lose weight,
00:15 and it's certainly one of the most enjoyable
00:17 and efficient ways in doing so.
00:19 But there are many different ways to achieve this,
00:22 through different types of riding,
00:23 which can be more or less efficient from burning fat,
00:26 as well as our habits and lifestyle
00:28 on and off the bike as well.
00:29 Do be aware that these methods
00:31 must be completed in moderation,
00:33 and may not work for everyone.
00:35 There's also nothing to say that you need to do this
00:37 to enjoy your cycling.
00:38 So here are a few key tips to shed that weight.
00:41 (upbeat music)
00:57 High-intensity interval sessions
00:59 are a key facet of your fat-burning ability,
01:01 as these are the sessions
01:02 which significantly reduce body fat.
01:05 This type of training not only curbs your appetite
01:07 to suppress any hunger-pang that you may suffer from
01:09 from longer, lower-intensity rides,
01:12 but also initiates a training response,
01:15 which studies have shown
01:16 sees your body release human growth hormone
01:18 to burn fat and maintain muscle.
01:21 There are many different ways to carry out these sessions,
01:23 but it is all about having that distinction
01:25 between a high-intensity interval
01:27 and a recovery block.
01:29 A basic workout to complete is six sets of 30-second efforts
01:33 with a minute's rest in between each interval.
01:36 These rest and intense intervals can be extended,
01:39 repeated, or reduced based on your ability.
01:42 (upbeat music)
01:45 Going hard with HIIT sessions
01:49 will give you the most bang for your buck
01:51 when it comes to weight loss compared to endurance rides.
01:54 However, that doesn't mean you should completely abandon
01:56 all other types of rides.
01:58 Endurance and recovery rides are key facets
02:01 for building our cycling fitness,
02:03 which is crucial to maintaining weight loss.
02:06 Your body won't be able to carry out
02:07 the relentless nature of interval sessions
02:09 every day of the week,
02:11 so mixing up your riding with recovery and endurance rides
02:14 will not only be beneficial for your mind,
02:16 but also your body,
02:18 meaning you can go all out
02:19 each time an interval session rolls around.
02:22 (upbeat music)
02:25 (upbeat music)
02:27 It won't take a rocket scientist to know
02:29 that what you eat and drink on and off the bike
02:32 will affect your fat loss and your weight.
02:35 Whilst energy gels and bars may have improved in taste
02:38 and become more palatable in recent times,
02:40 it is important to use them
02:42 for when they're actually needed.
02:44 If you're going out for a short 45-minute spin,
02:47 the chances are that you won't need any additional fueling,
02:49 except a small bottle of water on a mild day.
02:52 As a rule of thumb, you should look to start consuming
02:55 around 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour
02:57 after one hour's riding.
02:59 This can come in forms of gels,
03:01 energy drinks, or natural food.
03:04 Any rides under one hour
03:05 shouldn't require any energy supplementation at all.
03:08 (upbeat music)
03:11 Fasted riding isn't just a case of riding
03:16 to a calorie deficit,
03:17 as you're training your body to use fats as an energy source.
03:21 You only need to do a couple of these rides each week,
03:23 and it shouldn't be the key part of your training program.
03:27 The goal of fasted rides aren't to cycle
03:29 at a high intensity,
03:31 as unsurprisingly, your body won't be able to cope,
03:33 and you're highly likely to bonk along the way.
03:36 This is best achieved before you have breakfast,
03:39 perhaps on a morning commute,
03:41 when you can have a meal when you arrive at work.
03:44 It is vital to ride at a steady state,
03:46 with low intensity,
03:47 to get the full benefits from fasted riding,
03:50 so you not only utilize fat sources
03:52 instead of glycogen on that ride,
03:54 but also benefit long-term,
03:55 as using fats as an effective energy source.
03:58 If you're gonna give fasted rides a try,
04:01 it's crucial that you stick to low intensity rides,
04:04 but also speak to your cycling coach,
04:06 or a nutritionist,
04:07 to see how this can work best for your riding.
04:09 (upbeat music)
04:12 Sleep is perhaps the most misused training aid
04:17 most cyclists take advantage of.
04:19 Whether it be improving your performance,
04:21 or shedding weight,
04:22 but ensuring you're getting enough sleep
04:24 is a massive part of it.
04:26 Losing fat is a massive benefit
04:28 of a good night's rest as well,
04:29 with studies showing that sleep deprivation
04:31 can lead to an increase in appetite,
04:34 and negatively impact your body's metabolism,
04:36 which can lead to weight gain.
04:38 You may not be using your bike to commute
04:45 as much as you did before COVID-19,
04:47 as attitudes towards working from home
04:49 have become the norm.
04:51 But commuting by bike can eke off a few extra pounds
04:54 with a short but intense ride.
04:56 Studies have shown that commuting by bike
04:58 for as little as 30 minutes
05:00 saw significant weight and BMI improvements.
05:03 These are our top tips to burning fat on the bike.
05:09 Do let us know your top weight loss tips
05:11 in the comments below,
05:12 and any that we may have missed.
05:14 Thanks for watching,
05:15 and don't forget to like this video,
05:17 and subscribe to the Cycling Weekly YouTube channel.
05:19 (upbeat music)
05:22 (upbeat music)
