Biden dan XI akan Bertemu Bahas Isu Strategis

  • last year
Presiden Amerika Serikat dan China akan bertemu pada 15 November mendatang. Gedung Putih mengungkapkan isu terkait militer Amerika Serikat dan China akan menjadi prioritas pembahasan dalam pertemuan Presiden.


00:00 The US President and China will meet on November 15.
00:05 The White House announced that US-China military issues will be the priority of the meeting.
00:12 China previously denied communication with the US about military issues in 2022.
00:18 It was done as a form of protest against the visit of Taiwan's Chief of Staff Nancy Pelosi.
00:25 The military relations are getting more complicated. In March 2023, Beijing held a meeting with General Xu Qilin,
00:35 a member of the Joint Staff of the People's Liberation Army in Fiji,
00:42 and General John Aquilino, the commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command.
00:47 US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that military communication channels must be repaired between high-ranking officials in the field of defense to the tactical and operational level.
01:00 In addition, Biden and Xi Jinping are reportedly to continue discussing Iran during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in San Francisco.
01:09 The US is trying to tighten sanctions against Iran, which is China's main oil source.
01:17 The US President and China will meet on November 15. The White House announced that US-China military issues will be the priority of the meeting.
