FTS 12:30 13-11: Hospitals in Gaza warn of difficulties in burying decomposing bodies

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*EU calls for “meaningful” pauses in Gaza conflict
*Negotiations for terms of plastic treaty begin in Kenya


00:00 In Palestine, health authorities warn that Israeli attacks difficult burying the composing
00:15 bodies.
00:19 In Belgium, the European Union's humanitarian aid shift calls for meaningful pauses in the
00:24 fighting in Gaza and urgent deliveries of fuel to keep hospitals running.
00:32 And in Kenya, negotiations on a global treaty to combat plastic pollution open in Nairobi.
00:41 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:42 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Adelazoo Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:46 We begin with the news.
00:58 In Palestine, health authorities warn about difficulties in burying decomposing bodies
01:03 due to the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.
01:05 The Palestinian Health Ministry warned that medical staff in Gaza are facing difficulties
01:09 in moving around inside Al-Shifa Hospital due to Israeli drones targeting any movement.
01:13 Also, the authorities warn that some 100 deceased have not been able to be buried due to the
01:18 threat to the lives of medical staff, adding a problem to the public health system in Gaza
01:24 affected since the beginning of the Israeli operation on October 7.
01:28 Hospitals warn that the Israeli occupation condemns inmates to death due to the lack
01:33 of medical supplies, fuel and electricity.
01:40 The World Health Organization confirmed the death toll of patients, medical staff and
01:44 refugees ramped up in Gaza and hospitals harassed in the latest hours by the occupying army.
01:49 WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus referred that after having recovered contact
01:55 with Al-Shifa Hospital, the biggest in Gaza Strip, that constant shootings and attacks
01:59 on the area have worsened the situation.
02:02 The number of patients' deaths surged due to the lack of power, water and medicine.
02:06 All patients in the intensive care units have passed away, including newborns.
02:10 Local press reported that snipers shot dead four nurses and the outstanding nephrologist
02:15 who had lately affirmed that he would never leave his patients behind.
02:23 The Al-Shifa Hospital denied Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who claimed that
02:28 they had been offered 300 liters of fuel to reactivate the power of the hospital that
02:33 has been bombed for three days.
02:35 The Sionist Prime Minister made the statement to a U.S. media, while the director of the
02:39 hospital, Mohammed Abu Salmeh, denied this fact and confirmed that all the patients in
02:43 the intensive care unit died.
02:45 He wonders why Israel does not deliver the fuel through the International Red Cross.
02:50 On the other hand, Hamas clarified that it has no authority over the hospital and pointed
02:54 out that the 300 liters allegedly offered by Israel are not even enough for 30 minutes
02:58 of service in the largest hospital in Gaza.
03:05 The Gaza government press office reported that following the intensification of the
03:09 bombardment by the Israeli occupation forces in Palestine, the death toll has risen to
03:13 11,180.
03:14 According to the UN, 1.5 million Palestinians have been forced to leave their homes since
03:20 Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip, depriving the population of water, medicine,
03:24 food and electricity.
03:25 In the fifth week of attacks on the Palestinian territory, the Palestinian Ministry of Health
03:30 raised the death toll to 11,180, including 4,609 children and 3,100 women.
03:38 Currently, Israeli attacks are concentrated in Gaza City, especially around some hospitals
03:43 which the Israeli army claims are being used to hide strategic resistance infrastructure.
03:47 According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
03:51 20 of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are out of service due to the lack of supplies.
04:00 The food situation in Gaza is precarious as the Israeli army has destroyed most of the
04:05 food production facilities, forcing many to produce their food in improvised facilities.
04:10 For more details, our correspondent Noor Harassin reports from the Gaza Strip.
04:15 We are actually now inside the Al-Mawasi camp that was set to accept thousands of Palestinian
04:23 refugees that left their homes in northern Gaza here to southern Gaza.
04:27 Right now I am inside a tent, and actually this is the newest bakery for the Palestinian
04:33 people here in Gaza that left their homes, because there is no electricity, because there
04:37 is no gas, and because also Israel targeted most of the bakeries in northern and southern
04:43 Gaza.
04:44 Now Palestinians are making bread inside their own ovens.
04:51 They made it from the sand and water, and they are using the wood actually to cook the
04:59 bread.
05:00 And talking to some of the residents here, actually this is the only thing that they
05:04 have to eat.
05:06 They only have bread now to eat.
05:10 There is no canned food, there is no vegetables.
05:22 Apparently the Gaza Strip and the people here of Gaza are back in time for at least 20,
05:29 30 years ago.
05:32 This is Noor Harassin, Tel Assur, Gaza.
05:36 The Israeli government steps up harassment and persecution of the press.
05:40 Al-Mayadeen's West Bank bureau was closed and its reporters' equipment confiscated on
05:44 Monday.
05:45 The Zionist executive has decided to approve the proposal of Communications Minister Shlomo
05:49 Karhi on Monday morning.
05:52 The Occupier's telecommunications authority confirmed the cabinet's decision and added
05:56 that it had also ordered the confiscation of the equipment of the Lebanese channel.
06:00 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has unleashed an unprecedented war on the
06:04 media, killing more journalists than in any other conflict in the world in just one month.
06:09 Nasser al-Alaham, director of Al-Mayadeen, declared that they will continue to fulfill
06:13 their mission to inform.
06:20 On Monday, the EU's humanitarian aid chief called for meaningful pauses in the fighting
06:24 in Gaza, urging deliveries of fuel to keep hospitals working in the territory.
06:29 The appeal went out as battles between the Israeli occupation forces intensified, their
06:33 shelling around Gaza's largest hospital.
06:37 The Hamas-run health ministry said on Monday that hospitals in the center of the heaviest
06:41 fighting in north Gaza have been forced out of service amid shortages and relentless bombings.
06:47 The EU's 27 countries issued a statement saying hospitals must be protected.
06:51 The bloc demanded immediate humanitarian pauses to allow desperately needed aid into the besieged
06:56 territory.
07:02 United Nations delegations at their headquarters initiate honours in memory of colleagues killed
07:06 by Israel in Gaza, a worldwide tribute is held on Monday at their name.
07:11 The occupying army has caused in one month the largest slaughter of humanitarian workers
07:16 in 75 years of its creation.
07:19 Their memory offices around the world will observe this Monday a minute of silence, and
07:24 flags at their headquarters will remain at half-mast.
07:27 Among those killed are teachers, nurses, doctors and support staff.
07:31 Humanitarian workers and journalists have been the direct target of the occupiers' fire.
07:35 In four weeks, Israel killed more journalists than in any conflict in at least three decades.
07:43 UK Prime Minister Richard Soon acted as Mrs. Home Secretary Shuella Breverman over criticism
07:50 of the police.
07:51 The now former secretary accused the police of "double standards" and of being lenient
07:56 in favouring the pro-Palestinian demonstrators during the control of demonstrations held
08:01 in the country.
08:02 During the last hours, there had been increasing calls for her resignation after attacking
08:06 the police for authorising pro-Palestinian protests, which she defined as "hate marches".
08:12 The British Premier also announced a reshuffle in his government.
08:16 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesor English,
08:24 where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
08:31 For other stories coming up, stay with us.
08:33 [music]
08:53 Welcome back from the South.
09:05 On Monday, the first headlines in the national and international press unanimously awarded
09:10 the victory of Sergio Maza of Union for the Homeland against Javier Millet of Liberty
09:14 Advances in the last debate of the Argentine presidential race.
09:18 During the almost two hours of the debate, the progressive candidate kept control in
09:22 the systematic blocs.
09:23 On the other hand, the libertarian candidate quickly used an aggressive verb where words
09:28 such as "caste", "cancer" or "extermination" came up again.
09:31 Sergio Maza organised a battery of questions, challenging Javier Millet to take a position
09:36 on sensitive issues.
09:38 The poster's preliminary pointed out that Maza looked much more presidential than Millet,
09:44 who even managed to run out of words.
09:46 During the last debate, candidate Sergio Maza talked about the education.
09:55 What Argentina needs is an improvement for labour laws based on the needs of Argentinians.
10:06 What Argentina needs are new laws for kids, for them to have accessible schools at affordable
10:23 prices.
10:24 Meanwhile, Javier Millet, candidate for the Argentine presidency for the Liberty Advances
10:29 party during his speech in the presidential debate, gave details of how the health and
10:33 education sectors would be conformed.
10:36 We know that health and education are primary points.
10:45 So therefore, that's why those ministries will have four main offices.
10:57 And all of them would be directly related to those fields.
11:05 When you take a look to the history of humanity, you know that these two points have played
11:17 a very important role in development.
11:24 So therefore, we can understand that it's paramount for people to be healthy and to
11:29 be well fed.
11:34 That's why we're paying so much attention to food and education, especially with children.
11:44 Victims relatives of extrajudicial executions committed by members of the Colombian army
11:48 accused former President Alvaro Uribe of Argentine accords.
11:52 The lawsuit was filed at the federal court of Sebastian Ramos by 11 victims relatives,
11:58 the Solidarity Committee with political prisoners, the staff of attorney Jose Alvarez-Estrepo,
12:04 and the Liberdad Legal Corporation.
12:07 The plaintiffs expressed they are willing to do justice to 6,402 people, most of them
12:11 murdered and others missing, others having been identified as members of guerrilla groups
12:16 or full for being transferred to remote areas where they would be included as death in combat.
12:22 In Bolivia, the government filed an appeal against the courts, ruled as incompetent to
12:32 prosecute the former de facto president and main defendant in the Zenkata and Zacaba massacres,
12:37 Yanin Agnes.
12:38 The minister of the presidency, Maria Nela Prada, pointed out that they do not share
12:42 the decision of the courts and for this reason they took the corresponding actions within
12:47 the scope of justice.
12:48 Nela Prada also detailed that the dispute is in court and clarified that the government
12:52 will continue taking appropriate actions.
12:54 Agnes stands accused of the crimes of genocide, homicide, serious and minor injuries.
13:04 In Mexico, at least six people were killed in a shootout between police officers and
13:08 alleged members of criminal groups in the state of Zacatecas.
13:12 The incident took place in the neighborhood of the state capital when state police officers
13:17 were attacked from inside a house by alleged members of a criminal organization.
13:21 According to authorities, among the dead were three police officers while another officer
13:24 was seriously injured and remains hospitalized.
13:27 The confrontation occurred hours after the bodies of seven men were reportedly found
13:31 murdered in two towns in Zacatecas.
13:39 U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed that his military forces carried out an attack
13:43 on facilities on Syrian ground.
13:46 According to the head of the U.S. defense, the aggression of the occupying troops would
13:49 have been directed at some supposed Iranian bases in the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadeen,
13:54 the Syrian east.
13:55 The military report points out that it is a response to the constant attacks against
13:59 their illegal bases in Syria and Iraq.
14:02 The Islamic resistance groups in Iraq and Yemen have claimed more than 40 attacks against
14:06 United States military bases.
14:08 They affirm that Washington is an accomplice of the Zionist genocide in the Gaza Strip.
14:12 Led by the Spanish People's Party's leader Dolores Monserrat, the European People's
14:21 Party presents a petition to the Strasbourg Court of Justice on Monday calling for a debate
14:27 on the amnesty law.
14:28 The request is made through the table of parliamentary spokesperson so that the court accepts it
14:34 as soon as possible.
14:35 The group assures the first thing this Monday will make the request to try to stop the law
14:41 that the socialists and the Catalan independencies have agreed on.
14:45 The People's Party representative Pedro Sánchez will be preparing a debate on the rule of
14:49 law of Hungary and in this way and with this legal precedent to avoid talking about the
14:53 situation in Spain.
14:59 In this context, the People's Party summoned millions of citizens on Sunday to its rallies
15:03 to protest against the amnesty law and the government of Pedro Sánchez.
15:07 Delegations were held all around Spain, thousands gathering in the main squares of the State
15:11 Departments to show their opposition to the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party.
15:15 The president of the People's Party, Alberto Núñez-Feijó, led the march in the city of
15:19 Sevilla, with a crowd that overflowed the streets of the city.
15:24 In this sense, the PP assures that more than 30,000 people attended the different rallies
15:27 all over the country.
15:33 On Monday, Poland's new parliament opened for its first post-election session, as both
15:38 the ruling populists and the liberal opposition bid to form the next government.
15:42 The ruling Law and Justice Party won the largest number of seats in the October elections,
15:47 though short of a majority nevertheless.
15:49 President Andrés Duda has given them the first crack at forming a new government, which
15:54 the analysts say they have no chance of doing.
15:57 In his opening speech before parliament, Duda declared readiness to cooperate with the new
16:01 lawmakers who praised the PIS allies for eight good years they had spent in power.
16:06 Three pro-EU parties, led by former Prime Minister and European Council President Donald
16:10 Tusk, won enough to form a majority and are preparing to form a government, although they
16:15 first will have to wait for the PIS effort to fail.
16:24 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
16:27 channel at TeleCel English, there you'll be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories,
16:31 special broadcastings, and more.
16:33 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:36 world's most recent events.
16:37 The fun will break, don't go away.
16:39 Welcome back from the South.
17:04 The United Nations has confirmed that more than 800 people were killed in Darfur, Western
17:08 Sudan.
17:09 The attack occurred in a Damata town in the province of Western Darfur.
17:13 Their militias and allied parliamentaries razed the town to the ground.
17:17 The report by doctors in the area was endorsed by the United Nations.
17:21 In addition to the fatalities, human rights organizations report numerous sexual attacks
17:25 against women and girls, many of them held as ex-slaves.
17:29 The conflict in Sudan, which has moved out of the international spotlight, has already
17:33 resulted in 12,000 deaths and 6 million displaced people since the conflict began on April 15.
17:45 In India, about 40 workers were trapped underground after the road tunnel they were building in
17:49 the state of Uttarakhand collapsed.
17:51 According to authorities, the collapse of the underpass between Sikhiar and Andaluka
17:55 occurred early Sunday morning during construction work.
17:59 No fatalities or injuries have been confirmed so far.
18:02 The services are supplying oxygen through the rubble to the best of their ability as
18:06 they work to try to get the workers out safely.
18:25 The latest negotiations on a global treaty to combat plastic pollution opened in Nairobi
18:29 on Monday, with tensions expected as nations wrangle over what should be included in the
18:34 pact.
18:35 Some 175 countries agreed last year to conclude a UN treaty by 2024 to tackle the plastic
18:40 that is fouling the oceans, floating in the atmosphere and infiltrating the bodies of
18:45 animals and humans.
18:47 While there is broad consensus that a treaty is needed, there are very different views
18:50 on what should be in it.
18:52 As the talks formally opened, some 60 so-called high-ambition nations have called for binding
18:57 rules to reduce the use and production of plastic made from fossil fuels, a measure
19:02 supported by many environmental groups.
19:09 The urgency of addressing plastic pollution cannot be overstated.
19:16 Plastic waste continues to inundate our oceans, harm wildlife and infiltrate our ecosystems.
19:24 It poses a direct threat to our environment, human health and the delicate balance of our
19:33 planet.
19:36 On Monday, campaigners called on the Thai government to urgently pass a Clean Air Act
19:40 as the kingdom braces for its annual peak pollution season.
19:43 Thailand Clean Air Network, a group of academics and activists, submitted a draft to the government
19:48 along with an open letter urging Prime Minister Sreerata Thavisen to alleviate the pain and
19:53 suffering inflicted on the Thai public.
19:55 More than two million people have sought medical treatment for problems related to air pollution,
20:00 according to the health ministry.
20:01 Khan warned in his letter to Sreerata that responsible government agencies are unable
20:07 to effectively manage this problem, pointing to a lack of coordination between ministries.
20:18 A critically endangered Sumatran elephant was born in western Indonesia over the weekend,
20:22 according to officials, giving renewed hope to conservation efforts after several other
20:27 baby elephants and rhinos birthed in recent months.
20:30 The calf was in good health and his mother, Riska, was being monitored after giving birth
20:34 on Saturday, weighing about 108 kilograms.
20:37 The male calf was born at the Weykambas National Park in Lampung province, in southern Sumatra.
20:43 The new addition to the elephant herd at Weykambas comes after a baby Sumatran rhino was born
20:49 there in September and another baby elephant was born at a different national park in Sumatra
20:53 that same month.
20:54 The elephant population is threatened by rampant poaching for their tusks, which are priced
20:59 in the illegal wildlife trade.
21:01 According to the World Wildlife Fund, Sumatran elephants are on the brink of extinction,
21:05 with only about 2,400 to 2,800 left in the world.
21:14 And we have come to the end of this news brief.
21:16 Before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
21:19 of Trinidad and Tobago, who are pleased to share our newscast and contribute to provide
21:23 an alternative news source of the latest world events.
21:27 You can find these and many other stories on our website at telesorienglish.net.
21:30 You can also join us on our social medias on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
21:37 For Telesorienglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
21:43 Thank you for watching.
21:45 [music]
