Darkly comic children’s tale at Worthing’s Connaught

  • last year
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Dan Colley and Riverbank Arts Centre (Ireland) offers a darkly comic children’s tale at Worthing’s Connaught Theatre on Saturday, November 25 at 7pm – as part of a new campaign urging people to get back to the theatre post-pandemic.


00:00 Great.
00:01 Good morning, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Sussex Newspapers. Now it's
00:05 lovely to be speaking this morning to Karen in the company of her two cats who may or
00:10 may not appear during the course of this video. Karen, you're in Ireland at the moment, but
00:15 heading our way before too long in a play called A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
00:20 and you're playing Worthing on November 25th. Now, we were saying it's part of a really
00:25 important campaign, isn't it? The idea is to get people back into the theatre because
00:30 it is still a struggle, isn't it?
00:32 Oh, completely, yeah. And especially, you know, regional theatres as well. You know,
00:37 obviously, I'm sure somewhere like the West End doesn't struggle, really, regardless of
00:43 the price of the tickets there. So yeah, this is offering, you know, deals on tickets and
00:48 cheaper tickets to get people back into their theatres. And, you know, especially with new
00:56 writing or companies maybe that they haven't heard of before, that it, you know, kind of,
01:02 it encourages people, you know, that they don't have to spend so much money on a night
01:06 out, you know, and they can still come to the theatre and enjoy a show.
01:10 And with any theatre, obviously, the title of the piece is important and you have a cracking
01:14 title there, which instantly sounds intriguing.
01:19 Yes, which we cannot take credit for because it's based on a short story by Gabriel Garcia
01:25 Marquez. So, but yeah, it's like the best, a lot of people are like, enormous man, big
01:33 man. Yeah, it's, yeah, so like, it's about this man with enormous wings who crash lands
01:42 into Palaio and Alessandra's back garden. And yeah, it's about, you know…
01:47 The man is a mystery. We don't find out.
01:50 He is a mystery. You know, the big question is, is he an angel? You know, what is he?
01:55 And it's…
01:56 Oh, there's a cat in the background.
01:59 As long as they don't come and cross the screen, that will be fine.
02:06 So what's the piece about, would you say then?
02:09 I think it's about how we, to be honest, I think it's very open-ended in what people
02:15 think that it's about, you know, but for me, it's about like how we treat things and people
02:22 and all of this that we don't really understand. Yeah, that's what it is for me.
02:31 Fantastic. Well, it sounds really intriguing and lovely to speak to you.
02:36 You too, Phil.
02:37 Have a really good tour.
02:38 Thank you very much.
02:39 Lovely to see your cats too. Thank you very much indeed.
02:43 Thanks so much.
