Kejar Target Insentif Konversi Kendaraan Listrik

  • last year
Menjelang berakhirnya 2023, realisasi program subsidi penjualan sepeda motor listrik sepertinya masih jauh realisasinya. Padahal pemerintah sudah memperluas cakupan penerima subsidi konversi motor listrik dengan nominal insentif Rp7 juta per unit.


00:00 The year 2023 is coming to an end.
00:02 The realization of the subsidy program for the sale of electric motorbikes
00:05 seems far from being realized.
00:07 Even though the government has expanded the scope of receiving the subsidy for the conversion of electric motorbikes
00:12 with a nominal incentive of 7 million rupiah per unit.
00:16 The government continues to optimize the subsidy program and the incentive for the conversion of electric motorbikes.
00:24 Based on the data of the Indonesian Motorbike Industry Association or ISMOLI,
00:29 there are 4,853 electric motorbikes in the process of registering the subsidy program.
00:35 In addition, there are 1,086 units that have been verified
00:39 and 903 units that have been transferred to the consumer receiving the subsidy.
00:43 While the remaining subsidy motorbike quota currently amounts to 193,158 units.
00:50 This figure is still far from the target of the sale of electric motorbikes
00:53 that the government proposed as many as 200,000 units in 2023.
00:58 The Ministry of Industry itself has released a subsidy for the sale of electric motorbikes of 7 million rupiah per unit.
01:04 Through the Ministerial Regulation of Industry No. 21 of 2023,
01:08 electric motorbike subsidies can be enjoyed by the entire community only with a capital of NIK KTP.
01:13 The Chairperson of the Indonesian Motorbike Industry Association or ISMOLI, Budi Setiadi, emphasized
01:20 the scope of receiving the subsidy for the conversion of electric motorbikes continues to be expanded
01:23 and the number of registrants for the electric motorbike subsidy program has increased significantly.
01:27 It was noted that the demand for electric motorbikes with a subsidy of 7 million rupiah increased twice.
01:32 For that reason, ISMOLI continues to promote the role of electric motorbikes to help optimize the incentive for conversion.
01:39 ISMOLI also hopes that the target of selling subsidized electric motorbikes in 2024
01:43 remains at the level of 600,000 units according to the projections from the government.
01:48 Reporting from Jakarta, I am Aidex Channel.
01:50 For more information, please visit
01:54 Ismol is a non-profit organization that provides services to the people of Indonesia.
