Gut Reset || Gut Nourishment || Day 2 Hindi
  • 5 months ago
DAY 2 : Gut Nourishment: The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Hydration for Maintaining Optimal Gut Health
Lessons from Day 2 - Nourish Your Gut! Tips for Healthy Eating and Hydration

️ Nutrient Dense vs. Calorie Dense:
Opt for nutrient-dense foods, rich in essential nutrients and low in calories, found in whole, unprocessed foods. Avoid calorie-dense foods found in processed options, high in sugar and fat.

️ Your Healthy Plate:
Follow the example of a healthy plate filled with nutrient-dense foods. They promote gut health and overall well-being.

Tips for Buying Foods:
Choose variety, seasonal, and local produce. Avoid damaged or processed foods with harmful ingredients. Embrace whole and unprocessed options.

‍ Tips for Food Preparation:
Handle fruits and veggies promptly. Soak, sprout, or ferment pulses for added nutrition. Store nuts, seeds, grains, and cereals in airtight containers.

Tips for Cooking:
Use healthy oils like liquid, cold-pressed ones. Limit salt and sugar, opt for herbs, spices, and citrus flavors. Preserve cooking water for other dishes.

️ Tips for Serving:
Control portion sizes, serve fresh, and add herbs, condiments, and citrus fruits. Combine different food groups for variety and increased nutrition.

️ Spice it Up:
Include spices like ginger, cumin, and garlic for their anti-inflammatory properties. Condiments aid digestion and contain gut-friendly insoluble fiber.

Hydration for Gut Health:
Hydration is key for a healthy gut! It reduces inflammation, supports digestion, and prevents constipation. Embrace healthier alternatives like plain water, infused water, coconut water, and homemade vegetable and fruit juices.

Let's nourish our bodies and support our gut health through mindful food choices and proper hydration!