Over US$19B in U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan Overdue: Report

  • last year
Washington-based think tank the Cato Institute says the U.S. owes Taiwan over US$19 billion in purchased weapons. Taiwan's military says it's working with the U.S. to speed up delivery.
00:00 Now Taiwan's military says it is working with the United States to speed up the delivery
00:04 of backlogged weapons orders.
00:06 The defense ministry was responding to a recent report from Washington think tank the Cato
00:09 Institute which says that the U.S. owes Taiwan more than 19 billion dollars worth of military
00:14 hardware.
00:15 It found that over 60 percent of that is traditional equipment like F-16 fighter jets while the
00:20 rest is asymmetric weaponry and ammunition.
00:22 The U.S. is Taiwan's largest weapons supplier and in recent years it has repeatedly urged
00:26 Taiwan to prioritize smaller mobile arms that can fend off a possible Chinese attack.
