These Simple Baby Mistakes Won't Make Life Easier!

  • last year
Credit: SWNS / Laura Amies

A child expert has revealed a simple mistake parents make while calming their baby which actually makes them cry MORE - and what you should do instead.
00:00 [Music]
00:19 Top tips for avoiding tantrums whilst out and about with toddlers.
00:22 Now, small disclaimer, of course we cannot avoid all tantrums
00:25 and to be completely honest with you, we should not even attempt to.
00:28 Tip one is all about perspective. Now, of course you're not going to be at the zoo every day
00:31 but generally speaking, your perspective is very different to that of your toddler's.
00:35 So if they're getting frustrated and a bit fidgety in there, bugging you can't get them out,
00:39 drop to their level, offer them some eye contact, high quality attention, even just for ten seconds
00:44 and you can prevent some of that attention seeking behaviour.
00:47 [Music]
00:55 Tip two, wherever humanly possible, allow them just to have a little bit of control
00:59 and a bit of sway in terms of the direction you travel or, I don't know, a choice.
01:04 They are developmentally geared up to have an impact on the environment
01:07 and sadly if they don't get opportunities to do so, they will become balls of frustration
01:12 and boy will you know about it.
01:13 Tip three here is the transition, when you have to leave something that they don't want to do,
01:18 making it smoother for them. So we made a big song and dance about saying goodbye to the bears
01:23 because that was fun.
01:25 Tip four, you're not going to like it, buckle up, but generally speaking,
01:28 I try to eat the exact same foods as them because it creates that sense of teamwork.
01:33 Now tip five, get them involved. Give them a job that makes them feel empowered.
01:38 She was thrilled when I asked her to put her own rubbish in the bin.
01:42 It showed her I had faith in her and let me tell you that goes a very long way.
01:47 Now tip six, important one, don't ever try to just put something off because you think they'll cry.
01:54 She didn't want to go home, but you know what, we had to go home.
01:56 It was nap time, so don't put off the jobs just because they may cry.
02:00 So your child starts here. They're fine, happy-go-lucky, playing or watching the TV,
02:05 whatever they're doing, everything's hunky-dory.
02:07 Then there's a trigger, something that sets them off.
02:12 Then to the bargaining stage, and this is where they start to up volume levels slightly.
02:19 They're starting to get a little bit testy.
02:22 They're trying to get rid of this trigger that started.
02:26 And if that trigger doesn't dissipate, they're going to reach the escalation phase.
02:31 This is where we must buckle up.
02:34 The volume is loud where there might be some kicking, some screaming, some slamming.
02:39 The acceptance stage.
02:42 Now this is where they start figuring out that life is not so tough after all.
02:46 We're still a little bit sad, but we're getting there.
02:51 And then slowly but surely we make it down to the detachment stage.
02:55 And that, my friends, is where your little tinker has gone from
03:00 absolutely having the most horrendous, life-altering, shattering tantrum to
03:07 playing with their teapot.
03:09 [ Silence ]
