Barstool Pizza Review - Village Pizza & Pub (Carpentersville, IL)

  • last year
El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:09 All right, pizza view time.
00:10 Let me breathe, Austin.
00:11 Get out of here.
00:12 Look at this place.
00:13 We're in, where are we?
00:17 >> Carpensville.
00:18 >> Carpensville, Illinois.
00:20 Village Pizza and Pub, you've tried the rest, now try the best.
00:24 This place looks awesome on the outside.
00:28 Nice foliage, we're on our way from Chicago to Wisconsin, Madison for
00:32 a football game.
00:33 We got a little lost, so we got two pizzas.
00:35 I don't know which one, cuz we didn't want to sit there.
00:38 We get the, still the Chicago box.
00:40 I feel like you're really in my face today, but I don't know.
00:43 This place looks fucking sick, and to be honest,
00:45 I saw them making the pizzas and I thought they looked great.
00:48 There it is, the Chicago pan styled.
00:52 I do like it a little thinner.
00:53 I can't tell if I'm getting a little cold with my voice.
00:56 Hopefully this, no, this one feels warm.
00:58 Look at that, razor thin, paper cup thin.
01:00 I'm starving too.
01:05 For this style, I'm sure I ate the,
01:13 they both feel equally warm, how is that possible?
01:25 Let me just, I just wanna make sure I'm eating the right one.
01:28 We gotta get footage of the inside.
01:31 I'm expecting moose and elk and deer to be walking around there.
01:38 Yeah, I ate the right one.
01:40 I really like it.
01:41 Now this style, I've said, not my favorite in the world.
01:44 I don't hate it, I don't love it.
01:45 But for this style, really good.
01:48 I'm gonna go.
01:54 Seven, seven?
01:56 Yeah, no.
01:59 It could be because I'm starving and I'm just in the mood for moose.
02:02 But yeah, everything about seven, seven, strong score, good start.
02:16 Fucking sick.
02:21 Hi, we just wanted to see the inside of the place, that's all.
02:25 >> Shit, this is- >> What's up?
02:27 >> I know you.
02:28 >> Hey, how are you?
02:29 >> I've seen your videos.
02:29 >> Yeah, this place is so cool.
02:32 >> Thank you.
02:33 >> Yeah.
02:34 >> Do you wanna tour, do you wanna just do like-
02:37 >> Is there anything?
02:37 Well, we just wanted to see the inside, we didn't even shake out much.
02:40 This is it, right?
02:41 >> Just video chat, yeah.
02:42 All the animals on the wall are real, taxidermy.
02:44 >> All the animals are, yeah.
02:45 >> And then some of the party rooms in the back.
02:49 >> Very cool.
02:50 >> Yeah, super cool spot, look at that big old moose over there,
02:53 that's a buffalo, Austin.
02:54 >> Deion Sanders, thank you.
02:56 >> Bye.
02:56 [SOUND]
03:00 [SOUND]
