• last year


00:00 It's true what Siva Haju said, supporting doesn't mean you have to go directly to Palestine and follow the war.
00:08 Support can be with prayers, donating clothes or using your power as a celebrity to speak in public.
00:15 And Siva has done it.
00:17 But the problem is when support for Palestine is stated clearly, bad luck is approaching.
00:23 The beauty line of Rizki Nazar's girlfriend has to be terminated by the company that invited her to work with her.
00:30 Yes, there is an impact.
00:33 Yesterday, there was a brand that I worked with, or there were several brands that I knew,
00:40 I went there and rejected the offer.
00:43 But I felt like I was not brave enough.
00:47 I thought, "It's God's will, if I don't get the support from God."
00:52 So it's not a good thing.
00:54 Unlike Siva Haju, Ralin Shah chose to be neutral without expressing her opinion to the public about the support for Kubu Maneng.
01:05 In the comments column of one of the protests, Ralin admitted that to fight something, we don't have to be directly involved.
01:11 The only thing that made the Netizens angry was when the beautiful girl admitted that she didn't have the power to express her support.
01:18 Whatever her choice, it will not affect the society.
01:22 On the one hand, Ralin seems to be very careful in expressing her opinion.
01:31 If she explicitly stated her support for one of the Kubu, whether it's Israel or Palestine,
01:37 will it affect her profession as a celebrity?
01:41 In the comments column, Ralin said that she is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
01:48 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
01:51 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
01:54 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
01:57 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
02:00 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
02:03 She is a fan of Netizens, and she is a fan of Netizens.
02:06 After the comments column was reopened, the peace was still disturbed in a video of her
02:15 not a little organet who again discussed Ralin Shah's support for Israel or Palestine.
02:20 [Music]
02:38 Now supporting Palestine after being attacked by Netizens,
02:41 can Ralin not use her influence in social media to declare justice for the Palestinian people?
02:47 Indonesia, in general, social media owned by celebrities, not only supports endorsements,
02:53 but also as a media of expression of opinion.
02:55 So it is not impossible with the number of Ralin's social media followers who now reach 10 million people,
03:01 she can easily spread kindness to the followers to give support
03:06 or at least pray for the victims on Gaza Strip.
03:09 [Music]
03:12 Ralin is neutral, but not with Shiva Haju.
03:15 With the number of social media followers reaching 17 million people,
03:18 Shiva openly stated her opinion in front of the public about the Maneng camp she supports.
03:23 Regardless of being attacked or losing her job,
03:26 Shiva continues to take steps for justice for the Palestinian people.
03:31 [Music]
03:37 Yes, of course, with what is happening in the international world,
03:41 it is very influential for us, even though Indonesia is far away,
03:44 but Indonesia and Palestine are very close.
03:47 Even Indonesia is a country that supports Palestine,
03:50 continues to donate and also contribute.
03:53 And maybe our celebrities can't really see and know what is really happening,
04:00 maybe there are also wrong words.
04:02 We shouldn't praise, we should just pray for our friends and people around the world
04:09 to be in a better condition.
04:11 And of course, we always pray for Palestine.
04:13 Yes, I agree. We are all here praying for Palestine.
04:16 And this is also the opener for Inside Today with me, Opa Juju, and also
04:20 Veronica Twins.
04:21 And for the next hour, we will give you the most up-to-date updates from our celebrities.
04:26 For example, it's really hot in Maneng.
04:29 But viewers, don't be upset.
04:32 Let's take a look at our celebrity's house first.
04:35 Maybe it can give us hope that someday this house can become our dream.
04:41 Even though the house now can be something we can be grateful for,
04:44 to see what is in the world now.
04:46 Yes, nowadays, having a house is already an amazing achievement.
04:51 But it's not a joke, a national fan said that he just had a house.
04:54 The price is not a joke, 50 billion rupiah, with a width of 1,200 meters.
05:01 Wow, what kind of design is that, Mr. Mirsa?
05:05 Let's take a look at Rachel Faye's house.
05:08 Mr. Mirsa Insert, who doesn't want a luxurious house with a unique design?
05:15 Well, just for the recommendation,
05:17 the new owner, Rachel Faye, can be an idea to design your house, Mr. Mirsa.
05:22 The shape is unique and very aesthetic.
05:25 It consists of two floors.
05:26 The house was bought by Rachel, then it was torn according to her wishes.
05:30 Curious, right?
05:31 What does Rachel Faye's new house look like?
05:33 It is rumored to be up to 50 billion rupiah.
05:36 Just look at the roof and the aureole, it's so open.
05:40 But is the price really up to 50 billion?
05:53 Hmm, if you think about it, it's reasonable,
05:57 because Rachel has a lot of business.
05:59 Not only that, the income from social media is also not a joke, Mr. Mirsa.
06:03 Above the 1,200 meters of land, the property is divided into several interesting sections.
06:09 It is guaranteed that anyone who plays in Rachel's house will be tired and don't want to come back.
06:15 The design is unique.
06:18 Is it your own design or just like this?
06:21 So when I first bought it, the foundation was like this.
06:26 But it's cool.
06:29 Wow, not only beautiful and smart to make money,
06:34 Rachel also has the ability to design a house, right?
06:37 But the shape of this house is not actually designed by Rachel.
06:41 Only by using social media, Rachel is able to build a house according to her wishes.
06:47 What is this place, Nika?
06:49 This is actually the guest room.
06:51 Oh, this is the guest room.
06:52 Oh, so people don't go straight into the house.
06:55 Because the kids like to play inside.
07:02 Sometimes if I receive guests for a signature or something, I separate the guest room.
07:07 Yes, since I have a child, I feel that it needs privacy.
07:12 But this is a studio.
07:14 Yes, it was a studio.
07:16 Then I changed it to a guest room.
07:21 It's so aesthetic to stay in the guest room.
07:24 How can I not be tired of living in Rachel Faye's house?
07:27 Ata and Aurel were invited to take a walk.
07:29 The change is to show the admiration for the single man who is now living alone.
07:34 From the guest room, Aurel's view is shifted to a room.
07:38 Hmm, what kind of room is this?
07:41 Oh, for sports.
07:43 For Zumba.
07:44 So you like to play sports now?
07:46 This is actually for motivation.
07:48 But usually, the gym in the house is not used.
07:52 Really?
07:53 I'm more used to it.
07:54 But if I use it?
07:55 I'm actually a treadmill.
07:57 Just walking.
07:59 Not running, but just walking fast.
08:01 I can't run, I can't exercise.
08:03 Oh, tennis, badminton, ping pong?
08:07 No.
08:08 Oh, you can't.
08:09 No, I'm a girl who never exercises at all.
08:12 And when I was pregnant, my body felt really heavy.
08:16 Because I was 25 kg at that time.
08:18 It's exactly the same as you, Rachel.
08:20 I was 25 kg.
08:21 We are often called twins.
08:23 Oh yeah?
08:24 Like my brother.
08:25 Oh, your brother?
08:26 Yes, we are often called like that.
08:27 Oh, you were 25 kg before?
08:28 25 kg.
08:29 And when I was born, I was only 6 kg.
08:31 Oh, you were 6 kg?
08:32 Only 6 kg, from 25.
08:34 It's true.
08:37 Usually, if there is a special room for sports like that, it won't be used.
08:41 Yes, maybe only in the beginning.
08:43 After that, it will be left.
08:45 I hope you are not like that, Miss Mirsa.
08:49 Wow, there are photos when you enter.
08:54 Who is this?
08:56 That's Mr. Wiru.
08:58 Oh, Mr. Wiru.
08:59 Wow, this is the middle room.
09:03 I just came in.
09:04 I really like it, guys.
09:05 So, this is your favorite place, Rachel.
09:07 How about at home?
09:08 Actually, I like to hang out with my family.
09:11 I like to watch movie time.
09:13 I really like the house's shade of wood.
09:17 I like wood the most.
09:18 Because it's cool.
09:19 So, it's really warm, Tommy.
09:21 The house's feel and there are plants.
09:23 There are plants outside.
09:24 Actually, my mom really likes plants.
09:27 So, there are a lot of plants in my house.
09:29 And the ceiling is also high.
09:30 Yes.
09:31 So, it looks like the house is very spacious.
09:34 The most important part of the house that you pay attention to,
09:36 besides the unique shape, what is it, Miss Mirsa?
09:39 Yes, of course, the room, toilet, and kitchen.
09:43 In the kitchen, Rachel has the equipment that can't be seen with the naked eye.
09:47 Although she is not very good at cooking,
09:50 but the mother and daughter really like to cook.
09:53 What will the taste of Rachel's cooking be like?
09:56 It's delicious, of course.
09:59 Let's continue to peek into the cool blue sofa room.
10:03 Oh my God, it's so cute.
10:05 The sofa room is so cute.
10:07 Who likes pink color?
10:10 The princess.
10:11 If the child is still a princess, the princess will be pink.
10:13 This is what you made, but it must be the mother's choice, right?
10:16 Or is it all Chava's choice?
10:18 I asked what color she wanted.
10:20 She said she wanted pink.
10:22 Oh, I see.
10:24 If the room is your brother's, where will it be connected?
10:26 Yes, it's connected.
10:28 Oh, it's connected, right?
10:29 This is your brother's room?
10:30 This is the toilet.
10:31 The toilet is together.
10:33 Do you have a rule that children can't play gadgets at home?
10:38 Can't watch TV?
10:40 Yes, but we set the channel and there is a time limit.
10:45 But usually I'm free on Sundays.
10:47 Wow, it's really cool.
10:50 This is your brother's room.
10:52 This is new, the design is cool.
10:54 So there is no TV in the room, right?
10:56 No, there isn't.
10:57 Oh, I think there is still a TV in the room.
10:59 That's why it's green.
11:01 They have their own rooms, right?
11:03 Do they sleep alone?
11:05 If it's my brother, he sleeps alone.
11:07 Oh, if it's your brother, he sleeps alone.
11:10 If it's Chava, he sleeps with me.
11:12 Oh, with your sister?
11:13 But you don't sleep with your brother?
11:14 No.
11:15 How old are you?
11:16 Two years old each.
11:18 What do you think after seeing Chava and Biru's room?
11:21 Cool, right?
11:22 Well, on the other hand, Rachel's room is just as usual.
11:26 Yes, like the artist's rooms in general.
11:29 But what is important in Rachel's room is not the room,
11:33 but a pantry and of course the big closet.
11:37 I'm sorry.
11:38 You haven't shown me my closet yet.
11:41 Oh yeah?
11:42 I want to show it to you.
11:43 Oh, and I have this.
11:46 The secret is this is invisible.
11:49 Oh, it can be seen, guys.
11:51 Yes, it can.
11:52 So this is like a mini pantry.
11:54 Oh, so Rachel likes to eat in the room.
11:57 Cool.
11:58 Rachel, do you like to eat in the room?
12:00 Yes.
12:01 Do you like to eat in the room?
12:02 This is like you.
12:03 Eating in the room is bad, in the shoe.
12:04 Indeed, our name is Sumatra.
12:06 This is Rachel's collection.
12:07 Look at the camera, honey.
12:09 Because Rachel, I know you like to take photos.
12:11 Yes, I like analog cameras.
12:13 There are analog cameras.
12:15 This is cool, guys.
12:16 This is really cool.
12:17 This is really cool.
12:18 This is cool.
12:19 It can be an inspiration.
12:20 Now we will see Rachel's walking closet.
12:23 The cafe.
12:24 Wow.
12:25 Magnificent.
12:26 This is the room that everyone likes.
12:31 It must be quiet.
12:32 Wow, it's really big.
12:34 Are you selling clothes?
12:37 There are so many.
12:38 Was this like this before?
12:39 No, this was made.
12:40 Oh, this was made.
12:41 This was renovated.
12:42 This is really cool.
12:43 This is a collection.
12:44 There are so many collections.
12:45 One, two, three, go.
12:46 This is what makes everyone want to be an influencer, right?
12:47 Yes.
12:48 It's cool, Rachel.
12:53 It's beautiful.
12:54 You are smart to design your own house according to your own wishes.
13:00 But by the way, Rachel doesn't want to find a new life partner.
13:04 Are you really comfortable alone?
13:06 I don't think so.
13:07 Because recently, Rachel often hangs out together, talking to each other.
13:11 Don't you want to get married right away?
13:13 Wow, Rachel, why do you still choose to be alone?
13:22 And you didn't just get married.
13:25 Because besides having two children, you can stand on your own feet.
13:29 Does it make you think of making another house for men?
13:33 It's better to be independent in a luxurious house.
13:35 1,200 meters.
13:37 It's not a joke.
13:39 That's really my house, my estate.
13:41 For the real thing.
13:43 And for those of you who are a little bit greedy, you have to remember this.
13:47 Maintenance is also expensive.
13:48 Imagine if there is no electricity or water, how much do you pay for it?
13:54 You don't have to think about it.
13:56 It's better to look at the artists of the past who said they had a love affair with Prilly or Contina.
14:05 So we want to check Prilly's first love.
14:09 When Prilly was 16 years old, imagine how brave he was to date a 16-year-old girl.
14:14 Kiki and Prilly will be interviewed by Karyan Ibram.
14:19 Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
14:21 Insert today, we'll be right back.
14:23 [Music]
14:38 This is the spirit of Indonesia.
14:45 The spirit of never giving up.
14:50 Passing through the obstacles is normal.
14:53 As long as it's heavy, it's lifted.
15:03 Light, it's lifted.
15:07 And continue to connect as one.
15:13 That's the spirit that drives Telkomsel to always innovate.
15:20 Open up space and care more.
15:23 And help economic movements for the progress of this nation.
15:29 Telkomsel, the spirit of Indonesia.
15:34 [Music]
15:38 We are different, but if you drink coffee, Kapal Api One.
15:42 The quality of taste is certain from number one, Kapal Api.
15:46 You can adjust the sugar yourself.
15:48 Kapal Api One, clearer, better.
15:51 This, that.
15:53 Shampoo that fights itchiness and itchiness, or shampoo that fights stiff hair?
15:57 I want both.
15:58 Complete package, new shampoo.
16:00 Anti-itching shampoo with pro-vitamin.
16:02 Fight itchiness and stiff hair.
16:05 Complete package.
16:08 [Music]
16:10 [Music]
16:39 Glowing means brightening.
16:41 Fragrant skin every time.
16:44 Glowing means dot, dot, scarlet.
16:47 Always glow on the go.
16:49 Available at your favorite store.
16:51 The creamy, salty, sweet taste of takoyaki.
16:58 Sprinkle with sushi.
17:00 The pleasure is really pleasant.
17:02 Indomie Ramen Series.
17:05 The authentic pleasure is not good.
17:08 Bang Bang Share Eat One Hub Challenge.
17:10 Put it in your mouth in one bite.
17:12 Say Bang Bang Share Eat.
17:14 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
17:20 Bang Bang Share Eat, as good as fun.
17:23 Follow the development of the hottest information with CNN Indonesia.
17:28 Accompany your afternoon.
17:30 We offer current issues that are being discussed in the community.
17:34 Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,
17:37 creates a new rule regarding the condition of graduating from college in the S1 and D4 ranges.
17:42 Watch CNN Indonesia News Update.
17:44 Monday to Friday at 4 pm.
17:46 Live on TransTV and CNN Indonesia on Transvision.
17:51 Yeah, where's the room?
17:54 Just point it.
17:56 Only the tip of the nose from the tip of the choice.
18:01 Use your spirit to face the challenge.
18:04 Make your day more exciting.
18:06 Tip of the nose.
18:08 For the delight of the Indonesian family,
18:11 perfect with Masako.
18:15 Indonesian family flavor, Masako family flavor.
18:21 We've used the white one, but why is his shirt whiter?
18:30 Oh, the white one.
18:31 We use Funnish White.
18:33 Forget the white one.
18:34 Use Funnish White every time you wash.
18:37 With the innovation of Crystal White,
18:39 the node is gone.
18:41 Extra white shirt.
18:43 Really white.
18:45 Cool, the node is gone.
18:48 Really white.
18:49 Forget the white one.
18:51 Choose Funnish White.
18:52 World-class movies color your Halloween night.
18:59 When I was a little boy and told people I was gonna be a comedian,
19:03 everyone laughed at me.
19:05 Well, no one's laughing now.
19:07 You can say that again, pal.
19:10 For my whole life,
19:28 I didn't know if I even really existed.
19:31 But I do.
19:34 And people are starting to notice.
19:40 Trans TV Special Halloween.
19:43 Jogarok.
19:44 31 October, 9 PM.
19:47 On Trans TV.
19:50 (Crying)
19:52 I'll borrow 100.
20:10 What?
20:11 No need to borrow 100.
20:12 The price of online tickets is continuous.
20:15 The price of hotel tickets starts from 100 thousand.
20:17 And the price of plane tickets starts from 300 thousand.
20:20 Stop at Jambglede.
20:21 Order your tickets now.
20:22 This is the new way of the internet.
20:25 Time can only be bought on AXIS.
20:28 Control the internet as you like with Play.
20:32 And Pause.
20:35 AXIS.
20:36 Our MRI is different.
20:38 Guys, welcome back to Insert Today.
20:46 If you're active on social media,
20:48 you must know about a very viral thing.
20:50 It's a boy band that's now a comedian.
20:54 Kiki X Cowboy Junior.
20:56 They say that it was the first love.
21:01 When they were dating,
21:03 Kiki was 14 years old, while Prilly was 16 years old.
21:06 Oh, wow.
21:07 They were dating when they were younger.
21:08 In 2012.
21:09 Wow, that's right.
21:11 It was a thing before.
21:13 They were dating in Brondong.
21:14 So, when you see Luna Maya and Maxim,
21:16 it's normal.
21:18 Prilly and Kiki were dating before.
21:20 If they were dating again,
21:23 would they admit their love?
21:26 Especially if they were kissed by the famous Kulik artist, Rian Ibram.
21:30 They would be exposed.
21:31 They would be exposed.
21:32 Let's see the cover.
21:34 Here we go.
21:35 The singer who became viral on social media a few days ago
21:38 when there was a podcast
21:40 where he met Kiki X Cowboy Junior
21:42 and Prilly Latukonsina.
21:44 But there was an admission from Kiki
21:46 that Kiki was dating Prilly Latukonsina.
21:51 Hello.
21:52 How did you feel when you became Prilly Latukonsina's girlfriend?
21:57 I felt like I was in a love triangle.
22:00 So, what was your biggest achievement?
22:04 Did you join CGR?
22:06 Or did you date Prilly?
22:08 I dated Prilly Latukonsina.
22:12 It was more exciting.
22:14 It was more exciting.
22:15 I'm curious.
22:17 How old were you when you dated Prilly?
22:20 I was 2 years old.
22:22 Prilly was 3 years old.
22:23 You were still in a relationship.
22:25 Be honest. How old were you?
22:27 I was in the middle school.
22:29 Because of the project?
22:30 Because of the project.
22:31 Prilly and I were in the movie "Sinetron".
22:33 We were in a relationship.
22:37 You dated Prilly first, right?
22:39 I don't know.
22:41 What made you believe in love and dated Prilly?
22:47 She was a fun and nice girl.
22:52 She was fun and cheerful.
22:56 Oh, cheerful.
22:57 You were the most wanted teenager.
23:01 Who wouldn't want to date you?
23:03 How long did you date her?
23:06 A week.
23:07 Are you sad?
23:09 After we talked about it, it was only a week.
23:12 It took you 3 weeks to date her.
23:14 It was only a week.
23:15 You got a team.
23:17 Why did you break up?
23:18 Because she was too cute.
23:20 She was too cute or you realized it?
23:22 I realized it.
23:23 I was like, "Why did I date her?"
23:25 "I should break up."
23:26 You realized you were too young.
23:29 Why did you break up?
23:31 Because she was cute.
23:32 She was still young.
23:33 I thought I shouldn't date her.
23:35 Who was the bad guy?
23:36 You or Prilly?
23:38 Prilly.
23:39 She broke up with me.
23:40 Prilly broke up with you?
23:42 Yes.
23:43 Do you regret breaking up with Prilly?
23:45 No.
23:46 We're good friends now.
23:49 We're good friends.
23:50 She's an actress and a great entrepreneur.
23:53 When you hit Prilly, what's the first thing you said?
23:57 "Can you lend me 100 dollars?"
24:00 So that you won't break up.
24:03 I said, "It's normal. You can be my girlfriend."
24:07 She said, "Yes."
24:08 She said yes?
24:09 She didn't think it's long.
24:10 Maybe a week later, she regretted it.
24:13 She said yes?
24:15 Prilly, come on.
24:16 You should've waited for 2-3 days.
24:18 Why did you say yes?
24:19 I was dependent on her.
24:21 I felt like I didn't want to.
24:23 You were dependent on her.
24:24 She was great with you.
24:26 You broke up.
24:27 But after you broke up, you're still in the same project.
24:30 How was it after you broke up?
24:32 It was good.
24:33 She still likes me.
24:36 A few years ago, she called me.
24:39 She asked me about my activities.
24:42 It was good.
24:43 But when you broke up, you were still in the same project.
24:47 How was it at the location?
24:49 It was awkward.
24:51 But we were like, "It's okay. We're just friends."
24:55 So, we just played.
24:56 How was your relationship with Prilly?
24:58 Handshake, hug, kissing?
25:01 Why?
25:02 We held our cups.
25:03 We were like DJs.
25:05 No.
25:06 It was a normal relationship.
25:08 We slept together in high school.
25:10 We used to text each other.
25:11 We used to voice-note.
25:12 And then, you found out that you were dating.
25:17 Wait.
25:18 Prilly was your first girlfriend.
25:20 You were Prilly's first girlfriend, right?
25:22 Yes.
25:23 You were Prilly's first girlfriend.
25:26 Okay. Oh my God.
25:27 But now, it's okay.
25:29 Now, Kiki has a boyfriend.
25:32 And he's getting married soon.
25:34 Amen.
25:35 In a few months.
25:36 No. Please.
25:38 It's not like, "Oh, you're getting married?"
25:40 No.
25:41 Let's pray for him.
25:42 Okay. Let's pray for him.
25:43 He said that he's getting married soon.
25:45 But what do you want to say to Prilly?
25:49 At that time, she accepted you easily.
25:51 And she decided to marry you easily.
25:53 Do you know that your expression was like,
25:55 "Why is it easy for you to accept this person?"
25:58 And why is it easy for you to decide her?
26:01 What's wrong with her?
26:02 For Prilly, whatever happens in your life,
26:05 and now, you're a great person.
26:07 You have a lot of...
26:09 I don't need to say your achievements.
26:11 You've shown it yourself.
26:12 And it's amazing.
26:13 So, congrats for you.
26:14 And I will support whatever your activities.
26:17 And congrats for you too.
26:19 And we will always support you.
26:20 Whenever your wedding party with your girlfriend
26:22 who was waiting there,
26:24 whenever it is, we will always cover it.
26:27 Thank you.
26:28 You can do it.
26:30 You can make her laugh while waiting for you.
26:32 I will insert and cover it.
26:34 Of course.
26:35 "Have we ever been like this?"
26:38 But, those are the two sides that have moved on.
26:40 But, it's funny.
26:41 They didn't get influenced by the media.
26:43 Yes. They were still young.
26:44 Maybe the media wasn't in the shooting location.
26:46 But, there was a shooting location.
26:48 But, the media was in Jihan Almira's shooting location.
26:52 She said that she's more focused on her practice
26:55 than the shooting location.
26:57 Yes.
26:58 If you're a pageant lover,
27:00 you won't be like this.
27:01 With Jihan Almira's name,
27:03 besides bringing Indonesia's name to the international scene,
27:06 now, she turns to be an actress.
27:08 And now, she's a philanthropist.
27:10 She loves to join charity activities.
27:12 And she said that her dream is to build a orphanage
27:17 that can accommodate the orphans.
27:19 This is a great goal.
27:21 We support and pray for it.
27:22 Here's the complete news.
27:24 Jihan Almira.
27:25 Hi, I'm Jihan Almira.
27:27 And today, we're at Agung Al-Muqlisin Mosque in Grogo.
27:32 And today is very special
27:33 because we're here to celebrate the 80th birthday of Bapak Rampunjabi.
27:39 And now, I want to invite you to tour the activities today.
27:45 Do you still remember Jihan Almira's name?
27:51 She's the beautiful girl from Semarang
27:53 who was nominated as the Indonesian Princess of Tourism in 2020.
27:57 She's beautiful, smart, and what else?
28:00 But I heard that after winning the beauty pageant,
28:03 now, Jihan Almira is so lonely.
28:06 No, she's not.
28:08 Because Jihan Almira chooses to focus on a charity activity.
28:12 And this is one of the activities that she held a few days ago.
28:17 Let's go inside.
28:21 Hi, guys.
28:23 Okay, welcome inside.
28:27 There are several spots inside.
28:30 There's a playground,
28:32 a catering,
28:34 and lunch for the kids.
28:37 It's dedicated to the 80 orphans
28:41 that we want to entertain.
28:44 And the activities are divided into
28:47 a welcome party,
28:49 games,
28:51 a nutrition check-up,
28:53 and an education seminar.
28:55 Now, Jihan Almira is more involved in social activities.
29:01 Her mission is to help everyone who needs help.
29:04 This first-time event with the orphans
29:06 is just one of the social activities that Jihan Almira held.
29:10 Let's see how Jihan Almira interacts with the orphans.
29:14 What do you want to be?
29:16 I want to be a doctor.
29:18 I want to be successful.
29:19 How do you want to be?
29:21 I want to be a doctor.
29:23 So, this event is related to you.
29:29 You'll have a nutrition check-up later,
29:31 so you should know what are the steps to be a doctor.
29:36 How about you?
29:37 I want to be a doctor.
29:38 What's your name?
29:39 My name is Dian.
29:40 How old are you?
29:45 I'm 14.
29:46 You're still young.
29:48 It's okay.
29:49 Usually, kids have a lot of dreams.
29:51 What's your dream?
29:53 I want to be a businessman.
29:59 I'm touched by their spirit and effort.
30:03 Even though they were left by their parents,
30:06 they still have the spirit to be a good friend.
30:11 They still have the ambition to be something.
30:16 I think that's the motivation.
30:19 If you have the intention and gratitude,
30:24 you'll be successful.
30:25 You'll be able to lead them to the right path.
30:34 Her intention to help others is amazing.
30:37 She's only 23 years old,
30:39 but she's already doing something that makes her proud.
30:42 She's a young and productive generation.
30:45 She doesn't just play with gadgets and scroll social media.
30:49 But, I heard that she also wants to build her own health center.
30:54 It's not easy.
30:56 We have to understand why we have to build it.
31:00 What's the foundation?
31:02 What's the motivation?
31:04 What do we have to prepare?
31:05 We can't build a shelter.
31:08 We can't even make a shelter, education, and management.
31:12 We have to be mature.
31:14 That's why I'm used to learn from kids.
31:18 They have a certain feedback for us.
31:20 We can talk about their activities.
31:23 It's an input for us.
31:24 We can gather information.
31:27 We can talk to the managers.
31:30 We can gather information to build a shelter for my children and my mother.
31:38 Usually, if you're young like Jihana,
31:43 you'll focus on your studies.
31:45 So, you'll accept any job offer.
31:49 But, Jihana doesn't have that concept.
31:52 She likes social activities.
31:54 She doesn't accept any job offer.
31:57 She's a good example of Indonesian representative in Miss Supranational 2021.
32:01 I was a side job.
32:04 But, I enjoy it.
32:06 Sometimes, I get a job.
32:09 I was locked in my schedule.
32:12 I'm more into this.
32:17 Some people said, "I've never seen you working."
32:21 But, I'm more into social activities.
32:28 I hope that you guys also enjoy the tour today.
32:33 Thank you so much for joining us.
32:35 There's a saying,
32:47 "If we're kind, we'll be kind to others."
32:50 I hope that this will be a blessing for you.
32:56 Amen.
32:57 She's a celebrity that we want to see.
32:59 She's an inspiration for us.
33:01 She's a good example of community service.
33:08 I agree.
33:09 Next, we have Amar Zoni.
33:11 She said, "If we're kind, we'll be kind to others."
33:14 But, it's hard to be kind to others.
33:16 Because, she's running out of money.
33:18 She's been assigned to a funeral.
33:20 Everyone's taking care of her when she's in jail.
33:22 We'll be back with more news from Amar Zoni.
33:25 Stay tuned on Instant TV.
33:27 I'm hungry.
33:28 [Music]
33:36 I'm hungry.
33:37 [Music]
33:41 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free of Charge.
33:44 Safe for children and family.
33:46 Free of charge, transparent glass.
33:49 Signed by the icon on the third corner, number one.
33:52 Galon Le Mineral.
33:54 For the health of your family.
33:56 Hi, I'm real.
33:58 In the middle of my crazy activity, my body condition is stable.
34:01 I always drink Indomil Steril.
34:03 The benefits are real.
34:04 Real.
34:05 Indomil Steril, the milk is real, the honey is real, the taste is real.
34:08 Indomil Steril, the benefits are real.
34:10 TransTV, always accompanied by an amazing program.
34:17 I deliberately lowered the plane landing gear to use the maximum impact force as soon as it falls into the sea.
34:22 Here, everything goes beyond the limits of human ability.
34:25 The joy is very natural.
34:27 Special package for you who love to get adrenaline.
34:30 Without limits.
34:32 Now available every Monday to Friday at 8 pm past 15 minutes.
34:36 As well as Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm past 45 minutes.
34:39 On TransTV.
34:41 [Cough]
34:43 [Music]
34:47 Blue stone.
34:48 Drink Budrek Blue and Batu P with 3 okey Budrek, effective reduction of blue stone.
34:52 Budrek Blue and Batu P, fast and effective.
34:54 Without limits.
34:56 Every house has its own family flavor.
35:00 The one that warms the house, the one that always serves delicious food.
35:05 Perfect family flavor with Masako.
35:08 With special broth for the delicious food that is waiting.
35:12 [Music]
35:17 Indonesian family flavor, Masako family flavor.
35:21 [Music]
35:26 TransTV, always accompanied by quizzes that make everyone happy.
35:33 Win, 30.
35:35 Two opposing camps with a bunch of questions.
35:38 You're wrong.
35:40 All that succeed will get a bunch of surprises.
35:44 The most anticipated quiz of Indonesian people, especially if it's not Dreambox.
35:48 Indonesia.
35:50 Dreambox Indonesia.
35:51 Now available every day at 5.30 pm on TransTV.
35:56 [Music]
35:57 We are different, but if you drink coffee, Kapal Apiwan.
36:01 Quality of taste from number one, Kapal Api.
36:05 You can adjust the sugar yourself.
36:08 Kapal Apiwan, clearly better.
36:11 Choose the right Indonesian food for you.
36:14 Spicy Indonesian food.
36:17 Extra spicy Indonesian food.
36:20 Spicy Indonesian food.
36:23 Spicy Indonesian food.
36:26 [Music]
36:29 TransTV, always accompanied by culinary program series that will make you taste.
36:35 Let's test your endurance by holding your hunger with two people who are crazy about eating all the delicious food.
36:41 Make you hungry.
36:43 Every Monday to Thursday at 6.30 pm and Saturday and Sunday at 6 pm.
36:49 It's time to cook.
36:50 If you like to cook, here you will be served with various modern food recipes.
36:55 Complete with simple cooking methods, but delicious on the scale.
36:59 Masak-Masak, Saturday and Sunday at 10 am.
37:03 Want to feel the sensation of cooking that is different from the usual?
37:06 Let's wander in the wild while mixing secret spices and special ingredients.
37:11 A special menu full of inspiration from the culinary of the archipelago.
37:14 Don't miss Kuala Barbara every Sunday at 1 pm.
37:18 A bunch of special dishes are present in the culinary program of Special Trans TV.
37:26 Mommy, please.
37:28 Don't worry, there is Mi Oven.
37:30 A healthier choice.
37:32 The product is in the oven, not fried.
37:34 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better.
37:37 Hmm, delicious.
37:39 Mi Oven is healthy and delicious.
37:41 I'll borrow 100 first.
37:44 No need to borrow 100.
37:46 The online ticket price is continuous.
37:48 The price of the hotel ticket starts from 100 thousand.
37:51 And the plane ticket starts from 300 thousand.
37:53 Book now at Jamblede.
37:55 Book your ticket now.
37:56 Trans TV is always with you with the latest talk show.
38:05 Open the day with the program of Siraman Rohani which is full of Islamic teachings.
38:11 Islam is beautiful every day at 5 am.
38:14 Continue to the talk show that makes your morning spirit.
38:18 Discuss everything that is becoming a mouthpiece in society with a different package.
38:23 Pagi Pagi Ambiar, aired every Monday to Thursday at 9.30 am.
38:27 Don't miss the talk show that accompanies your afternoon rest.
38:32 Everything is peeled off with a fresh style and that certainly makes you laugh.
38:37 Brownies, every Monday to Thursday at 11.30 pm.
38:40 Don't miss the talk show that discusses everything that is viral.
38:44 Rumpin No Secret.
38:46 Every day at 2 pm.
38:48 The talk show that is most loyal to accompany is only available on Trans TV.
39:12 Cleaning the face is wrong, causing skin barrier problems.
39:15 Clean with Wardah Agnidor Misteller Water.
39:18 With 3 powerful actions, clean skin effectively reduces acne.
39:22 Wardah Misteller Water.
39:24 Cleaning skill, protect the skin barrier.
39:26 Not tasty.
39:29 Yes, like there is a sweet taste.
39:31 Le Mineral is indeed different.
39:33 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals, which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher.
39:40 Le Mineral.
39:42 It is said that the house of Tessa Kaunang and Sandi Tumewa did not accept violence in the house.
39:58 But it seems that the life of Tessa Kaunang's mother, Julia Stuti, is even more bitter.
40:02 In one of the podcast, Tessa's mother admits that she had a KDRT from her husband until 29 years old.
40:08 As a child, Tessa certainly knows how her father physically hurt her.
40:12 But all this time, Tessa closed her tightly.
40:15 She didn't want to reveal her parents' secrets, but her mother finally spoke up.
40:19 For 29 years.
40:25 So besides Mr. Arthur, he treated me unfairly.
40:32 Besides physically doing KDRT, which is not ordinary.
40:41 Besides he kicked me when I was pregnant with my second child, the late J. Nesika Kaunang.
40:51 At that time, my pregnancy, Tessa was already there for a year.
40:56 Then I was pregnant with my second child and my pregnancy reached 8 months.
41:02 Suddenly Arthur Kaunang, who had been gone for so long.
41:07 Because in 29 years, Arthur had left me and my children for 2 years and returned again.
41:16 Tessa's mother is very aware and more.
41:20 If Tessa was natural, she would have been divorced.
41:24 But her mother was still loyal.
41:26 When her father was away for years, even 10 years, Tessa's mother was still waiting at home.
41:32 But that loyalty was returned by a hard kick in the stomach.
41:36 At that time, Julie was pregnant with Tessa's younger brother.
41:39 I opened the door, not her face, but her kick.
41:47 Because she came back from a performance, from a show, a show band, wearing boots, LARS shoes.
41:57 The boots were rock and roll music models.
42:05 That's it, it's a kick, it's as strong as the force.
42:09 I was in a state of shock and I experienced an extraordinary bleeding.
42:18 Strangely, even though physically injured, Julie did not leave.
42:23 Then even after being beaten, she was even flushed with hot water when she admitted that she had called all the music studios.
42:29 But she didn't find Arthur there.
42:31 But Julie was still loyal.
42:33 How Tessa's mother is the definition of a wife who is sincere in maintaining love.
42:37 Stubbornly holding a marriage promise.
42:39 In a cornered state like that, she was going to go to the toilet, suddenly she could turn around and she approached me.
42:52 I was making milk, and the thermos that I didn't close the lid, was lifted and thrown all over my body.
43:07 At that time I was wearing a tank top because I lived in a hot area of ​​Rajawali.
43:16 So it was all flushed.
43:20 The horror movie
43:23 Fans still remember the horror movie in the 80s called Designing.
43:27 A horror movie known for the most iconic and phenomenal ghost, the girl named Grady, can make people dizzy.
43:34 The star of the movie, Ibar-Ibari, tried to appear in the Halloween festival by wearing a costume similar to the two daughters of Grady.
43:40 With a beautiful dress and a pale skin, BCL managed to make people dizzy.
43:45 What's more, the horror effect made the audience more and more dizzy when BCL appeared with a spooky expression in front of the camera.
43:52 The disappointment with the character and the appearance of the girl Grady was also real when BCL wrote the opening dialogue of the girl in the movie Designing.
44:00 "Hello Danny, come and play with us. Danny, forever and ever and ever."
44:05 BCL wrote in the photo.
44:08 The BCL's ghost who appeared with one of his friends while dressed like Grady's daughter immediately criticized.
44:15 Not a little bit of the appearance of BCL is too scary.
44:18 Although it was right at Halloween, at least the scary impression of BCL made the audience stand up.
44:22 Nevertheless, some still praise the beauty of BCL.
44:25 Well, what do you think?
44:27 Other than BCL, other than Rachel Fania's fate.
44:33 BCL was criticized because the Halloween costume was too scary, Rachel was actually more slender.
44:38 Her intention to show off the Halloween costume with a purple bra is a little bit open with curly hair resembling the character of Megara in the movie Hercules, was even criticized.
44:46 But the funny thing is not the appearance of Rachel that was criticized, but the beautiful Zalibram was considered to not sympathize with the war events that took place in Palestine.
44:54 Many regret when Rachel and her friends were celebrating Halloween at home, the brothers in Palestine were actually fighting for safety from the war.
45:02 Now this momentum is what makes Rachel popular on social media.
45:05 What do you think, Mr. Inser?
45:07 I regret that I left my wife and job.
45:17 Starting from zero?
45:19 Yes, starting from zero.
45:20 It's hard.
45:26 Ambiar, biar, nasib Amar Zoni. Amar, is it true that drugs are world's poison?
45:32 The house of a broken marriage, money spent in prison, now starting from zero.
45:36 It's like filling in the SPBU, Amar.
45:39 Or starting from zero by coming to Dr. Richard and asking for a job, the door of the shooting set is already closed tightly?
45:47 I'm talking to Dr. Richard, maybe there is a brand that we can collaborate so that we don't have to think.
45:56 Okay, okay, okay.
46:04 Even if you fall in the same hole, can you fall twice?
46:11 The consequences are super heavy, right? Or the price you have to pay is too expensive?
46:15 About the property, it can be found, but the trust of the wife can't be bought, Amar.
46:19 Especially until I heard that Irisbella doesn't want to live in the same house anymore.
46:23 Where do you live, bro?
46:26 In Ferdit.
46:28 Oh, no.
46:29 That's my place.
46:31 Are you looking for an apartment too?
46:34 I'm looking for it.
46:35 For whom? For gathering again?
46:42 Insya Allah, for gathering. But for now, for myself first.
46:46 So Dr. Richard Lee, who has been helping the married couple, now maybe also helps the one who is in the narco.
46:54 Young candidate.
46:55 If, for example, he is not forgiven, right?
46:58 This is not a slap in the face yet, right?
47:00 So it's still in the process of thinking.
47:02 Maybe when you broke up yourself, it was the best time for introvection and also growing old love.
47:09 Because you are disappointed twice, not just once.
47:12 But for Amar Dzung, if you want to find a husband, it's very easy.
47:15 Actually, there are many people who are in line.
47:17 Or maybe instead of thinking about income, it's better to ride a bike first.
47:22 Where do you travel? Riding a motorcycle can heal you.
47:24 If you have money, don't buy drugs.
47:27 It's better to buy traveling or experience.
47:30 We are using the example of four lady bikers who said that besides being cool, fierce, and also enter MC Motorbike or Motorcycle Club,
47:38 they are also diligent in practicing.
47:40 Wow, this is what we need to take an example.
47:42 Give us the details, stay on Insert Today.
47:45 [Music]
48:00 For the delight of the Indonesian family, perfect with Masako.
48:07 Indonesian family flavor, Masako family flavor.
48:13 [Music]
48:16 TransTV, always accompanied by culinary programs that are appetizing.
48:21 Endol, Surendol, Takendol, Kendol, Mool.
48:24 When the food is served, it's time to taste.
48:27 Wow, it's musty.
48:29 It has a different taste, bestie.
48:30 Guaranteed to make everyone hungry.
48:33 Make hungry.
48:34 Make hungry every Monday to Friday at half past six in the afternoon.
48:37 And make hungry on weekends, Saturday and Sunday at six in the afternoon past fifteen minutes.
48:42 On TransTV.
48:44 Gentlejen now has a sachet.
48:47 Buy three for one.
48:48 Hands are still soft.
48:50 The clothes are also soft.
48:51 The fragrance also lasts a long time.
48:53 No need for a soft fragrance anymore.
48:56 Gentlejen, 8 liters of growth.
48:59 Every house has its own family flavor.
49:03 That warms the house.
49:05 Always serve delicious.
49:07 Perfect family flavor with Masako.
49:11 With a special broth for the deliciousness that awaits.
49:15 Indonesian family flavor.
49:22 Masako family flavor.
49:24 Sassam.
49:31 Tablik, Akbar, Islamit Indah.
49:33 Where else do you want to go?
49:34 South Tangerang is done.
49:36 Jakarta, Bekasi is also done.
49:38 Oh yes.
49:39 Besat Malana, Besat Selang.
49:40 Masha Allah, amazing.
49:41 Let's go to Bandung, Jamah.
49:43 According to polling in the social media, Jamah really wants us to make the city of Bandung crowded.
49:48 Masha Allah.
49:49 Tablik, Akbar, Islamit Indah goes to Bandung.
49:53 The date is Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 8 am.
50:06 Taste the softness of chocolate combined with the goodness of milk.
50:10 Catbury Dairy Milk.
50:12 Taste the softness of goodness.
50:14 Coffee with a cafe.
50:17 When can I?
50:19 Wherever.
50:22 Nescafe.
50:28 This is my cafe.
50:30 World-class movies color your Halloween night.
50:33 When I was a little boy and told people I was going to be a comedian, everyone laughed at me.
50:42 Well, no one's laughing now.
50:44 You can say that again, pal.
50:46 Too often hurt and oppressed.
50:51 Change his true nature.
50:53 Now everyone who has hurt him will receive a reward.
50:58 First time on the Indonesian screen.
51:02 For my whole life, I didn't know if I even really existed.
51:08 But I do.
51:11 And people are starting to notice.
51:16 Trans TV Special Halloween Joker.
51:21 October 31 at 9 pm on Trans TV.
51:27 The End.
51:30 Next Episode.
51:32 Alex often gets fat,
51:34 flustered,
51:35 and uncomfortable.
51:37 This is a sign of a sensitive stomach that often happens to children at this age.
51:41 I recommend Envagro A+ MFGN Pro Gentle Care.
51:44 With higher DHA for a faster learning process and easier to be treated PHP formula.
51:49 Envagro A+ MFGN Pro Gentle Care.
51:56 Healthy digestion for A+ kids.
52:00 Superstar.
52:02 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
52:05 Full Chocolat.
52:06 Superstar.
52:07 Full Chocolat.
52:08 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
52:11 Full Chocolat.
52:12 Superstar.
52:13 Full Chocolat.
52:14 Full Chocolat.
52:15 I've prepared a list of information to accompany you.
52:17 Don't go anywhere, stay with us.
52:19 So, Trans TV.
52:20 Ours together.
52:22 Trans TV is always with you.
52:24 With the infotainment series that is always waiting.
52:27 Starting from the morning, we are here to inform you about the world of your idol.
52:31 Insert Morning, every day at 7.30.
52:34 In the afternoon, we have prepared the latest celebrity life update.
52:38 The following image.
52:39 Insert Afternoon, now present at the following time.
52:43 Accompany your rest, enjoy various news of artists that are packed differently.
52:48 Insert Today, Monday to Friday at 3 PM.
52:51 What's happening in the celebrity world today, get the information only at Insert Story.
52:57 Monday to Friday at 7.30 PM.
53:00 And Saturday and Sunday at 7 PM.
53:02 A deep analysis of every celebrity problem.
53:06 Insert Investigation, Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM.
53:09 The latest infotainment is only available on Trans TV.
53:14 Insert Money, Money, Money.
53:16 Lend me 100 first.
53:17 Eh?
53:18 No need to borrow 100.
53:19 The price of Gledek Online Ticket, the money is continuous.
53:22 The price of Gledek Hotel Ticket starts from 100 thousand.
53:24 And the plane ticket starts from 300 thousand.
53:27 Lend at Jat Gledek.
53:28 Sample your ticket now.
53:29 We are different, but if you drink coffee, Kapal Api One.
53:34 Quality of taste is certain, from number one, Kapal Api.
53:38 You can adjust the sugar yourself.
53:41 Kapal Api One, clearer, more delicious.
53:44 Galon Le Mineral, 100% free of BPA.
53:47 Safe for children and family.
53:49 The characteristic of Galon Bebas BPA, clear and transparent.
53:52 Signed by the icon on the third corner, number one.
53:55 Galon Le Mineral, for the health of the family.
54:07 The third superpower is girls.
54:10 It is said that it is not cool if you can't ride a motorcycle.
54:16 It turns out that this is all destroyed.
54:18 Who said girls can't ride a motorcycle?
54:20 Don't say Jakarta, Bandung.
54:22 This is Makassar, Jakarta, also covered by Lady Barker.
54:26 Which contains four beautiful girls.
54:28 Amazing.
54:29 And it takes four days to get from Makassar to Jakarta.
54:34 I have to wear an umbrella, or sunblock, two boxes.
54:39 I have a motorcycle, and I take a plane.
54:41 It's free, open Lady Barker.
54:44 Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye.
54:46 See you again at Insta Story at 6.30 pm.
54:49 Only on TransTV, we are with you.
54:51 Bye-bye, God bless you.
54:53 What is in your mind when you hear the word "moge" or big motorcycle?
55:03 From the name, many people think that this hobby is filled by men with the ability to ride a motorcycle.
55:11 But do you know?
55:12 In the group of Bikers Brotherhood 1% AMSI, there are some young and beautiful girls who are members.
55:20 Not just following.
55:21 These four beautiful girls come to Jakarta by using motorcycles to get together with other motorcycle clubs.
55:27 When the team insert comes in, the four women are looking at their motorcycles.
55:33 We've been here for four days from Makassar, Sumabaya.
55:37 Riding from Sumabaya to here.
55:40 Four days in total?
55:41 Yes, four days.
55:42 What is the delay in Jakarta?
55:44 It's been two years.
55:48 Only two years.
55:49 Why? What makes you so attached to motorcycles?
55:55 It's actually more comfortable to ride a motorcycle.
55:59 Why?
56:00 It's okay.
56:01 Because women don't have to be afraid of the heat.
56:04 But still, it's hot.
56:06 Of course, it's hot.
56:07 Really, really, bikers are true fans.
56:14 They don't care about the scorching sun.
56:17 These four beautiful girls are determined to ride on the road using their favorite motorcycles.
56:21 This is what is called bikers.
56:23 So, not just riding or following their husband who is a rider.
56:28 But, they are riding their own motorcycles.
56:31 By the way, do they understand the bike's look?
56:34 It seems like the insert team has to find out.
56:37 What is the uniqueness of this motorcycle?
56:39 The person is on the right.
56:42 The brake is on the left.
56:45 The brake is on the left.
56:50 Not all women can use it.
56:54 [Bikers Brotherhood One Person MC]
56:57 Among all the participants, there is also Seth Juna who has a similar style to other bikers.
57:04 What is Seth Juna doing at the Bikers?
57:07 Is he cooking or is there a cooking contest involving him as a judge?
57:11 It turns out not only that, Seth Juna has also officially joined the Bikers Brotherhood One Person MC since 2015.
57:19 At the Bikers Brotherhood One Person MC, we are also a national hero.
57:24 We have six divisions that are truly nationalists and truly help our country.
57:36 For example, the Brotherhood for Nature.
57:39 Our team usually goes to the areas of natural disasters.
57:44 Sometimes, we even go to the areas of big brands.
57:54 We also have the Brotherhood for Children, Education, Health, Social, and a few more.
58:03 If it's just a motorcycle, it can be anywhere.
58:06 This has been our commitment from the beginning.
58:09 If it's just a motorcycle, it's too ordinary.
58:14 We try to find ways to talk to each other, to find what we can do to prove our country.
58:21 One of them is to create programs.
58:24 Together, we committed to do this little by little.
58:28 But, thank God, it has been done so far.
58:32 [Bikers Brotherhood One Person MC]
58:35 Hello, good afternoon.
58:46 We will present you with some interesting, sharp, deep, and entertaining information.
58:50 For the next half hour, I'm Iqbal Kurniati at CNN Indonesia News Update.
58:56 [LRT Jakarta Phase 1B]
58:58 The government is doing a groundbreaking project for LRT Jakarta Phase 1B in Velodrome, East Jakarta, on Monday morning.
59:12 This project will connect Velodrome area with Manggarai.
59:16 LRT Jakarta, Velodrome, Manggarai will have 5 new stations.
59:22 They are Pemuda Station, BPKP Station, Pasar Pramuka Station, Matraman Station, and Manggarai Station.
59:29 The total length of the route is 6.4 kilometers.
59:32 Previously, LRT Jakarta Phase 1A has operated from Velodrome area to Pegang Saan 2 with a length of 5.2 kilometers.
59:41 When LRT Phase 1B is completed, LRT Jakarta will have 11 stations with a length of 12.2 kilometers.