How can Pakistan reach the semi-finals of the World Cup? If but the game begins | afzal news urdu

  • 8 months ago
After the defeat by Afghanistan, Pakistan's chances of reaching the semi-finals of the World Cup have definitely disappeared, but they are not over. Pakistan have played five group matches in the tournament so far, in which they have won two and lost three. On the points table, Pakistan is on the fifth position with 4 points. Pakistan now have four matches remaining and if Pakistan wins all of them, their maximum possible points will be 12. The national team will compete against South Africa on October 27, Bangladesh on October 31, New Zealand on November 4 and England on November 11. Looking at the points table, India is first with 10 points, New Zealand is second with 8 points and South Africa is third with 6 points. New Zealand and India have played their five matches while South Africa is playing its fifth match against Bangladesh today.
