Tazkiratus Saliheen - Shan e Ghous e Azam - Episode 7 - 23 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Tazkiratus Saliheen - Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani - Episode 6

Host: Nida Naseem Kazmi

Guest: Imtiaz Javed Khakvi, Sehar Azam

#TazkiratUsSaliheen #SheikhAbdulQadirJilani #ARYQtv

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00:00 (Arabic)
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00:38 You are watching a special transmission of the 11th Sharif
00:42 with the title of 'Tazkirah-e-Sualiheen'.
00:45 We are here once again with a new episode.
00:48 As you know, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, may Allah have mercy on him,
00:53 is the beloved of Allah, the friend of Allah.
00:57 We are discussing the teachings of Allah in this episode.
01:01 This is a continuation of the show.
01:04 We will continue this show with the 11th Sharif.
01:09 We will start with a Hadith.
01:12 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
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01:58 We have our guests with us today, who will discuss this topic.
02:04 And you are teaching us about the teachings of Allah.
02:10 Your well-known personality, respected Imtiaz Javed Qaqvi Sahiba,
02:15 we welcome you. Peace be upon you.
02:18 Peace be upon you.
02:20 You are welcome to Tazkirah-e-Sualiheen.
02:23 And with her, the Sanakhana Rasool (pbuh) who is a part of our group today.
02:29 Mashallah, she does Sanakhana in a very beautiful way.
02:33 The renowned Sanakhana of the Islamic world is with us,
02:36 Sahar Azam Sahiba. We welcome her. Peace be upon you.
02:41 How are you, Sahar? We welcome you to Tazkirah-e-Sualiheen.
02:45 We will start with the final speech. In the name of Allah.
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05:00 Mashallah, Subhanallah. You recited a very beautiful speech.
05:05 Let's start our discussion.
05:07 We read in the Quran that you should be with those who fear Allah.
05:13 Sister, the pious people of Allah, the people who love Allah,
05:20 and those whom Allah loves, they are the ones who fear Allah.
05:24 They fear Allah.
05:25 And with this reference, I would like you to say something
05:29 to shed some light on how they fear Allah.
05:33 Thank you, Zainab. Allah Almighty said for the believers,
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05:39 No doubt.
05:40 The believers love Allah very much.
05:44 When this intense love brings the believers closer to Allah,
05:49 it gives them the understanding of Allah.
05:51 Subhanallah.
05:52 And those who are given the understanding of Allah,
05:55 they are the ones who fear Allah.
05:56 Because they are the ones who become aware of His greatness.
06:01 Now, let's see what Hazrat Ali Ibn Hussain says about it.
06:05 Once, it was the last hour of the night,
06:07 and they enter the Ka'bah in such a manner, as if they were wearing a mask.
06:13 People don't recognize them.
06:15 Now, everyone is busy, it's the last hour of the night,
06:18 some are in worship, some are in Ruku, some are in Qiyam, some are in Sajdah, some are in recitation.
06:22 They came in such a state, and they held the cover of the Ka'bah,
06:26 and in the presence of Allah, they started to cry.
06:31 "O Allah, my sins have increased so much,
06:34 "that there won't be so many sand grains,
06:36 "so many leaves of trees."
06:39 They cried so much, that people forgot their worship.
06:44 And in the presence of Allah, they started to pray,
06:47 "O Allah, for the sake of our worship,
06:50 "for the sake of our worship, forgive this young man."
06:54 Now, people think, "I don't know how sinful he is."
06:59 When the dawn came,
07:03 he took off his mask, and started to scream.
07:06 "He is Ali Ibn Hussain, the Imam of the Day of Judgment,
07:10 "who spends his days with fasting,
07:13 "and his nights with worship."
07:15 Despite this, there is a state of fear of Allah.
07:19 It's the time of Hajj, and they remembered something.
07:23 Allahumma, the people of Labbaik say, "We are present."
07:27 The servant says, "This is the time to say Labbaik."
07:31 "So, you say, 'Labbaik, Allahumma, raise the voice of Labbaik.'
07:36 "So, say Labbaik once, and then fall down in a state of fear."
07:41 He says, "I am afraid that I say Labbaik,
07:45 "and from there, I hear that your presence is not accepted."
07:48 No, Allah is Great.
07:50 So, you think about it.
07:53 But, to spend the night of worship, and the day with fasting,
07:59 and then, despite this, to enter the court of Allah.
08:02 SubhanAllah.
08:03 And this has always been the custom of the people of Rabwah.
08:05 And you think, these are the people of Taqwa,
08:07 they are the ones who fear Allah, they are the friends of Allah.
08:10 And this state of Taqwa, this fear of Allah,
08:14 I would like to say, sister,
08:16 that the way we are talking about the fear of Allah,
08:21 we are talking about the fear of Allah.
08:23 When we talk about Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani,
08:24 the Beloved of the Almighty,
08:26 the Great Ghose-e-Azam Dastageer,
08:28 may Allah have mercy on him,
08:30 the fear of Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:34 the fear in your heart,
08:35 tell our sisters and viewers about that.
08:38 Look, Zainab, we study your life and your life story,
08:43 so, we find out that in your actions and worship,
08:46 you were so intense,
08:49 that you would spend the night with your last breath.
08:53 You would spend it in the remembrance of Allah.
08:56 Then, you see, Allah, the Lord of Glory, said,
08:57 (ARABIC)
09:00 That those who are given knowledge, they are the ones who fear Allah.
09:04 So, this is a matter of knowledge,
09:07 and it is also a matter of not contradicting what is said and done.
09:11 So, you have once come to the pulpit and you are giving a speech,
09:17 and a snake, a big snake, comes and falls on you,
09:24 and you continue the speech in the same manner.
09:27 After that, it wraps around your neck,
09:29 and wraps around your kurta,
09:32 and you do not move at all, not a single movement,
09:37 and then it comes in front of you,
09:38 and it is as if it is greeting you and saying goodbye.
09:41 So, when people ask you,
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