Islam aur Tasawar e Walayat - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - Episode 3 - 19 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Islam aur Tasawar e Walayat - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - ARY Qtv

Topic: Seerat e Aulia

Host: Prof. Sumair Ahmed

Scholer: Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

Guest: Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqui, Muhammad Kafeel Siddiqui, Muhammad Imran Chori

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00:00 Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alabeen. Allahuma Salli 'Ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa 'Ala
00:07 al Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin. Wabarakatuhu.
00:10 Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
00:12 I am your host, Sumair Ahmed.
00:14 And you are watching exclusive program on ARYQ TV, Islam and Tassawur-e-Wilayat.
00:21 Today is the third episode of this series.
00:25 And today's topic is the biography of saints in Islam and Tassawur-e-Wilayat.
00:31 The biography of saints.
00:33 How do we get their biographies?
00:36 How do we get their life stories?
00:39 By keeping the aspects of the biography in front of us,
00:42 we can study the qualities of saints and can include their teachings in our lives.
00:49 And today, ARYQ TV felt the need to correct the concept of sainthood in Islam.
00:55 The concept of sainthood has many misguidance, misinterpretations and misconceptions.
01:02 It is very important to correct these.
01:04 It is very important to clarify these so that every believer,
01:08 in the light of Quran and Hadith,
01:10 whatever teachings we get from the saints of Allah,
01:14 we can include them in our lives and make the other successors believe.
01:18 And Alhamdulillah,
01:19 I would like to say that he is a distinguished personality of the Islamic world.
01:24 Allah has blessed him with religious knowledge.
01:28 And the best thing is that the way you talk, the way you talk,
01:33 the topic you talk on,
01:35 Allah has given great perfection to Mufti Sahib.
01:37 The way you talk, the reference-based,
01:41 the research-based and the misinterpreted way you talk,
01:44 not only me but the people who listen to you and like you,
01:47 will second and endorse this.
01:49 Mufti Muhammad Asan Naveed Niyadi Sahib is present.
01:52 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:55 May Allah bless you.
01:56 JazakAllah.
01:57 So nice of you.
01:58 And the concept and format of this program is very different and unique.
02:04 And you all are liking that we have three guests with us.
02:09 And they ask questions to our Mufti Sahib who is present in our program.
02:13 And he will surely answer the questions in light of the Quran and Hadith.
02:18 First of all, we have with us our guest,
02:21 Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqi.
02:23 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:28 And we have with us Muhammad Kafil Siddiqi.
02:31 May you also be well.
02:32 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:36 And on the third seat, we have with us
02:38 Muhammad Imran Chudi Sahib.
02:40 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:43 Once again, I welcome you all.
02:46 And the topic of today's program is Seerat-e-Auliya.
02:49 And I am sitting with this conviction that
02:52 the Mufti Sahib who is going to speak today
02:54 will benefit a lot from this.
02:56 And it is not just the purpose of this program
02:58 that you watch and listen to the conversation.
03:01 Rather, it is the need of this matter
03:03 that we have to understand all these things, all these teachings
03:07 and try to include them in our lives.
03:10 Let us see what questions our guests have for us.
03:13 First of all, Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqi Sahib.
03:15 I would like to ask you the first question, Mufti Sahib.
03:18 Mufti Sahib, my question is
03:20 what is the Shari'ah status of the Malfuzaat of the Auliya?
03:23 Shari'ah status, Malfuzaat-e-Auliya.
03:25 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:27 Peace be upon the Beloved, Muhammad and his family and companions.
03:29 For the convenience of all the viewers,
03:32 let me first say what is Malfuzaat.
03:35 Malfuzaat is a term.
03:37 Malfuzaat is a plural of Malfooza.
03:39 Malfooza is the plural of Malfooz.
03:41 Malfooz means what is said.
03:43 The word that is said,
03:45 the word that is being said in that word,
03:48 that is called Malfooz.
03:50 So, for the Auliya,
03:52 we, instead of saying their words,
03:55 we use the word Malfoozaat for them.
03:58 These are basically their sayings.
04:00 The things they say, the conversations they have,
04:03 in their gatherings,
04:05 that conversation is interpreted as Malfoozaat.
04:08 Later, their followers publish it in a book form,
04:12 so the book form is also called Malfoozaat.
04:15 Now, these Malfuzaat,
04:17 because they are the Malfuzaat of the Auliya,
04:19 SubhanAllah, the ones who are Allah's,
04:21 their sayings are also SubhanAllah.
04:23 The ones who are Allah's themselves are also SubhanAllah.
04:25 The sayings of Allah's are also SubhanAllah.
04:27 The sayings of Allah's are the ones
04:29 that create the love of Allah in the heart.
04:31 They create the emotions of compassion for Allah's creation in the heart.
04:35 The emotions of fulfilling the rights of Allah are created from those sayings.
04:39 The emotions of fulfilling the rights of Allah are created from these Malfuzaat.
04:44 Meaning, they bring the sayings of Allah's closer to Allah.
04:48 The Malfuzaat of Allah's.
04:50 And they bring them closer to Allah,
04:52 they do not distance them from the people of Allah.
04:55 The relationship with the people of Allah,
04:57 is established through these Malfuzaat.
05:00 After reading those Malfuzaat,
05:02 we come to know how to treat the creation with love,
05:05 how to show mercy,
05:07 how to treat the creation with kindness.
05:10 And they say that to distance yourself from the creation,
05:13 so the meaning of distancing yourself from the creation is
05:15 that the connection of the heart with Allah should be established
05:18 so that the connection with the creation is not only for personal reasons,
05:22 but the connection with the creation,
05:24 the good treatment, is for the sake of Allah.
05:27 So the meaning of distancing yourself from the creation is
05:29 that everything should be pure for Allah.
05:32 When it is pure for Allah, it will have its own benefit.
05:36 But here it is also important to explain that
05:38 the Malfuzaat, whether they are of the saints,
05:41 or their explanations,
05:43 or their other sayings,
05:45 the scale in our religion is the book and the Sunnah.
05:48 Everything will be tested on the scale of the Quran and Sunnah.
05:53 So whatever is accepted on the scale of the book and the Sunnah,
05:57 that will be accepted.
05:59 And if something does not fall on the scale of the book and the Sunnah,
06:03 then we will not accept it.
06:06 There is a very famous statement of Ma Malik Rahimullah,
06:09 he pointed to the Holy Fasting of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and said,
06:15 "There is nothing that is hidden from his speech and is rejected by him
06:19 except the owner of this grave, the Prophet (PBUH)."
06:22 That except the owner of this grave, the Prophet (PBUH)
06:26 everything is taken from him and left.
06:30 This is the speciality of the Prophet (PBUH)
06:40 that everything he said is the final statement,
06:44 everything he said is the proof,
06:46 everything he said will be accepted.
06:49 Everything except the Prophet (PBUH)
06:53 will be respected and accepted.
07:00 But if something is not accepted on the scale of the Quran and Sunnah,
07:06 then that will not be accepted.
07:09 Subhanallah.
07:10 MashaAllah, Muhammad Kafil Siddiqui Sahib has also come.
07:12 I would like you to include your question.
07:14 Yes, Mufti Sahib, my question was that sometimes there are some incidents
07:18 that are attributed to the saints that are not followed in any way.
07:24 So, should we accept them or follow them?
07:28 That is, the intellectual mind may not accept them.
07:31 Very good question.
07:32 This is a very good question.
07:33 We really see that sometimes such incidents are stated
07:38 that are attributed to the saints,
07:41 but the intellectual mind does not accept them
07:44 and they do not seem to be correct in the light of the Quran and Sunnah.
07:47 In such a case, we do not own such incidents.
07:53 We categorically disown those incidents.
07:57 We do not accept anything that is against the Quran and Sunnah.
08:01 This is a two-way situation.
08:03 This is a two-way situation.
08:04 There is no doubt in this.
08:06 Whatever is against the Quran and Sunnah, it will be rejected.
08:09 But, it should also be kept in mind that
08:11 one is that something being against the Quran and Sunnah in reality,
08:16 and another is that a common man feels this way.
08:19 A common man cannot be given the power to read anything
08:23 and start giving his own opinion.
08:27 "Li kulli fannin rijal"
08:29 "Whosoever's work is done by him, he is the creator."
08:31 It is the work of those individuals who have knowledge,
08:37 the knowledge of God, which Allah has given them.
08:41 Those who have deep knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah,
08:44 those who have a deep understanding of the Quran and Sunnah,
08:47 they can make this decision.
08:49 There are many technical things that a common man cannot understand.
08:53 What is special, common, common, what is the original,
08:56 what is the word of the word, what is the sign, what is the indication,
09:00 what is the order, what is the matter of the Nasikh,
09:03 what is the matter of the reason for the revelation.
09:05 There are many technical things that a common man cannot understand.
09:09 So it is the work of the scholars to make this decision.
09:12 The scholars will tell that this is in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah,
09:16 and this is not in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.
09:19 The third thing is that the things that are attributed,
09:22 we say about them that those who are elders,
09:25 those who have Allah, whose being of Allah is proven,
09:28 the being of the Waliullah is proven,
09:30 because he is a scholar and he is knowledgeable,
09:33 so his being of Allah is proof that he did not say anything against the Shariah,
09:38 someone has attributed it to him.
09:41 This is fabricated, this is fabricated,
09:44 this is fabricated, this is not their incident or their saying.
09:49 And if someone is of Allah in any such condition,
09:52 because sometimes special revelations are revealed by Allah,
09:56 and the person is in the realm of astonishment,
09:59 he is not in his senses,
10:03 this is called in the terminology of the Sufis, the realm of gratitude.
10:06 Now when a person is in the realm of gratitude,
10:08 then at that time the pen is rejected,
10:10 the pen of Shariah does not work,
10:12 in the state of attraction, in the state of attraction.
10:15 So if in the realm of gratitude,
10:17 they have said something or an incident has happened to them,
10:20 then because they are in the realm of gratitude,
10:22 we will not say bad about them,
10:24 but they will not be followed.
10:28 And the same thing will be done,
10:30 which they have said in the realm of consciousness,
10:32 in the realm of Sahab.
10:34 In the realm of gratitude,
10:35 the terminology is the realm of Sahab.
10:37 So whatever they are saying in the realm of Sahab,
10:41 and according to the book and Sunnah,
10:43 we will keep that thing in mind,
10:45 we will accept that thing.
10:47 And the third question will also be included by the viewers,
10:50 and it is very easy to understand,
10:52 whatever Mufti Sahib said to you,
10:54 you should think a little bit,
10:55 that if your spoken English is not correct,
10:57 then you should not go to a Sindhi or Urdu teacher,
10:59 you should go to an English speaking teacher,
11:01 who can teach you,
11:02 who can make you an expert in spoken English,
11:04 you should go to him.
11:05 Similarly, if you look at other things,
11:07 you go to a professionalist,
11:09 you go to the expert of that field,
11:11 you have a stomachache,
11:12 you have a headache,
11:13 you go to a doctor,
11:14 you do not go to a teacher,
11:16 so in Islam,
11:17 when we understand these concepts,
11:19 where does our intellect go?
11:21 We want that if there is any concept in the field of Islam,
11:25 on which we are talking,
11:27 we need an expert opinion,
11:29 we need an opinion,
11:30 we need an expert opinion,
11:32 you have to go to scholars,
11:34 you have to go to scholars,
11:35 who can guide you in the light of the Quran and Hadith,
11:38 in accordance with the Islamic teachings.
11:40 A simple mind can easily understand this,
11:42 to form an opinion on your own,
11:44 or to decide on your own intellect,
11:46 that apparently this thing,
11:48 this may not be related to Islam,
11:50 this is not correct,
11:51 for its correctness,
11:52 it is very important,
11:53 so for this,
11:54 you have to go to an expert,
11:55 to know any terminology,
11:57 any concept,
11:58 any concept of Islam,
11:59 you have to go to an expert.
12:01 The third question is of Muhammad Imran Chudhi,
12:03 what is your question?
12:04 My question is,
12:06 what is the real way to read the biography of the saints,
12:08 and the real way to read the life of the saints?
12:14 The way to read the biography of the saints,
12:16 one is the method,
12:17 and the other is the purpose.
12:19 As far as the purpose of reading the biography of the saints is concerned,
12:22 the purpose is to attain motivation.
12:24 Because when a person sees the real picture of the commandments
12:27 that are mentioned in the books of Sunnah,
12:30 then in people like us,
12:32 then the passion is born.
12:34 So, until that thing is not practical,
12:37 one thing is theoretical,
12:39 but if it is not present at the practical level,
12:42 then it is not so easy for a person to reach it.
12:45 But when a practical example comes in front,
12:48 that a person like us,
12:50 Allah the Almighty has given us a brain,
12:53 a heart,
12:54 a hand,
12:55 a leg,
12:56 a body,
12:58 Allah the Almighty has given us all the same body.
13:01 All human beings are the same.
13:03 So, when we see how they are acting on these commandments,
13:08 how they are worshipping Allah,
13:10 how they are treating the people of Allah with kindness,
13:13 how they are becoming a role model for the teachings of the books of Sunnah,
13:18 then we get motivation.
13:20 We get the motivation.
13:22 We get the motivation to worship in the same way,
13:26 to try to be close to Allah,
13:29 to treat the people of Allah with kindness,
13:32 to behave well.
13:33 So, the purpose of reading the biography of the saints is
13:36 that we get the motivation from their life,
13:39 the motivation to act on the books of Sunnah,
13:43 how we have to be attached to Allah the Almighty,
13:47 and how we have to establish a relationship with the creation of Allah.
13:51 What are the precautions to be taken in that relationship.
13:54 This is the basic purpose of reading the biography of the saints.
13:58 And then in this context, it is said that
14:01 since they are the people of Allah,
14:03 we love them because of Allah.
14:05 So, when we love them because of Allah,
14:08 then the increase in their love is also a source of blessings,
14:11 a source of happiness.
14:13 In Islam, there is no personality worship.
14:16 We worship only Allah.
14:18 We worship only Allah.
14:20 But personality worship is natural.
14:24 It is rational and fake.
14:26 It is proven from the books of Sunnah.
14:28 Personality worship is in Islam.
14:30 So, we are convinced of personality worship.
14:32 We are not convinced of personality worship.
14:34 So, this biography of the saints also has personality worship.
14:38 That is, we like those personalities who are liked by Allah.
14:43 We like those who are liked by Allah.
14:46 We like the commandments of Allah.
14:48 We like the pious servants of Allah.
14:50 Those who mention Allah.
14:52 Those who connect Allah's creation with Allah.
14:55 Those who sow the seed of Allah's love in the hearts of Allah's creation.
15:00 Those who bear witness to the oneness of Allah and the prophethood
15:03 and those who propagate it in this world.
15:06 We like such personalities.
15:09 And reading their biography, their love for Allah is a spiritual purpose.
15:15 Because it is for the sake of Allah.
15:17 Now, let's come to the method.
15:19 The method is that when you read any book
15:22 which is based on the biography of the saints of Allah,
15:26 then whatever you understand in it,
15:30 according to the book of Sunnah,
15:32 or the proper references are given,
15:35 you should follow those things.
15:37 You can take those things yourself and state them later.
15:40 But where you feel any doubt,
15:43 then you should not form an opinion on your own,
15:46 do not make a direct analysis,
15:48 but refer to a certified scholar and ask about it.
15:53 If you do not find this thing right,
15:56 then what do you say about it?
15:58 If that thing is right and you have a misunderstanding,
16:01 then that scholar will clear your misunderstanding.
16:04 If that thing is wrong, then he will say that it is wrong,
16:07 someone has attributed it to him.
16:10 Because the status of the books is not the same.
16:14 One is the books of Hadith,
16:16 in which the narrators' conditions are studied and stated by the muhaddithin.
16:21 But the books of Tazkira,
16:23 in which the biography of the saints of Allah is mentioned,
16:26 in this generally that strict standard is not kept,
16:29 which is kept in the Hadith.
16:31 So in this, there are many chances of adding or omitting.
16:36 And many times it happens.
16:38 So that is why you should refer to a certified scholar.
16:41 Mashallah, Mashallah.
16:42 Mufti sahab, I thank you very much.
16:44 So nice of you for being here with us.
16:47 And viewers, the concept of Wilayat in Islam,
16:50 its clarification is very important.
16:52 There are many clarifications.
16:54 It is necessary, especially for our youth,
16:57 the youth who watch us,
16:59 that this clarification should reach them.
17:01 That these things should be interpreted in this way,
17:03 this concept and concept,
17:05 so that according to the Quran and Hadith,
17:07 they can understand this concept of Wilayat.
17:09 Today, the biography of the saints of Allah,
17:11 this was our topic.
17:12 And I hope that you all benefited a lot.
17:14 May Allah the Lord of Glory,
17:15 enable us to make our success possible
17:18 by following the teachings of the saints of Allah.
17:22 I thank all three guests.
17:25 You have included a very good question.
17:27 This program, Islam and the concept of Wilayat,
17:30 will be back tomorrow with a new topic.
17:33 Till then, I will take leave of my guest, Somair Ahmed.
17:35 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
17:38 [Music]
