Woman jockey Maria Alejandra Bruzual dies aged 43 after horrific mid-race fall

  • last year
Maria Alejandra Bruzual was flung from her out-of-control horse and smashed into a rail during a contest in Venezuela. She had been riding the favourite, Sun Cab, when the devastating collision occurred.Footage from the race, which Sun Racing is not showing, captured Bruzual racing away from the main body of the field.Her horse appeared to jink into the rail with the jockey coming off and smashing into the dirt.Bruzual was reportedly treated on the track before being rushed to a nearby hospital where she tragically died from her injuries.Footage posted on Facebook showed her 'smiling beautifully' just moments before the fall that killed her.Her passing was labelled an 'irreparable loss' as Kentucky Derby-winning rider Sonny Leon led the tributes.He said: "How sad for all of us equestrians who know you Maria. Rest in peace friend, may God have you in glory."


00:00 Woman jockey dies aged 43 after horrific mid-race fall as sport mourns an irreparable loss.
00:06 Maria Alejandra Broussois was flung from her out-of-control horse and smashed into a rail
00:12 during a contest in Venezuela. She had been riding the favorite "Sun Cab" when the devastating
00:18 collision occurred. Footage from the race, which Sun Racing is not showing, captured Broussois
00:24 racing away from the main body of the field. Her horse appeared to jink into the rail with
00:29 the jockey coming off and smashing into the dirt. Broussois was reportedly treated on the track
00:35 before being rushed to a nearby hospital where she tragically died from her injuries.
00:39 Footage posted on Facebook showed her "smiling beautifully" just moments before the fall that
00:45 killed her. Her passing was labeled an "irreparable loss," as Kentucky Derby-winning
00:50 rider Sonny Leon led the tributes. He said, "How sad for all of us equestrians who know you,
00:56 Maria. Rest in peace friend. May God have you in glory.
