Bundesratkandidatur: Evi Allemann dürfte erneut antreten

  • last year
Evi Allemann tritt voraussichtlich erneut zur Kandidatur des Bundesrats an.
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00:00 Efi Aleman is likely to run for the Federal Council again.
00:05 This would be her second attempt.
00:08 The Berner government councillor and former national councillor Efi Aleman will likely
00:14 announce her candidacy for the Federal Council on Monday.
00:18 This would be her second attempt, after she had already run for the successor of Simonetta
00:22 Sommaruga.
00:25 This attempt failed, however, as she did not make it to the ticket of the party.
00:31 Five men have so far confirmed their interest in the successor of the Federal Council Alain
00:36 Berset.
00:37 This would mean that Aleman would at least receive support from a part of the female
00:41 electorate as the only woman.
00:43 The ballot could also be turned for Aleman thanks to a new election process.
00:49 Because this would give each individual place in the SP party separately.
00:54 Aleman's biggest handicap, however, is her origin, according to the daily newspaper,
00:59 as a Berner is already in the government.
01:02 But her strength lies in her experience.
01:05 She was elected to the youngest councillor of the canton of Bern at the age of 19 and
01:11 was a national councillor for 15 years.
01:14 Politically, she belongs to the right wing of the SP and has committed herself to compromises
01:19 in the past.
01:20 Some of her successes include, for example, the increase in premium allowances for families
01:27 in the canton of Bern.
01:29 Despite her experience, however, her colleagues describe her as inconspicuous.
01:34 This is why she should lack a clear profile.
01:38 As a councillor, she once again committed herself to digitization and digitized many
01:43 processes for the population.
