Moyen-Orient : La France s'attaque frontalement à von der Leyen sur Israël

  • last year
La crise au Moyen-Orient suscite des réactions intenses, notamment en ce qui concerne les déclarations de la chef de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, sur la situation en Israël. Florian Philippot, chef du parti français des Patriotes, critique vivement sa rhétorique belliqueuse. Il souligne l'importance pour la France de protéger les populations civiles israéliennes et palestiniennes, de désamorcer le conflit et de favoriser des mesures pacifiques dans la région. Toutefois, le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, appelle à une cessation des hostilités et soutient une solution basée sur une formule de « deux États », conforme aux résolutions de l'ONU. Il souligne également l'importance de prendre en compte les populations affectées par le conflit. La tension persiste sur le terrain, avec une attaque à la roquette sans précédent depuis la bande de Gaza et une riposte militaire d'Israël. La résolution pacifique du conflit demeure un défi #CriseMoyenOrient #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #FlorianPhilippot #France #Paix #VladimirPoutine #Israël #Palestine #Conflit #Désescalade #RésolutionPacifique #Tensions #Gaza #PolitiqueInternationale #DeuxÉtats #UnionEuropéenne #Actualités #Déclarations #PopulationsCiviles #RelationsInternationalesmajeur, nécessitant une action internationale concertée.#frt
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Eben Media TV and also share the video.
00:12 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:16 The situation in the Middle East continues to make big headlines, and tensions between
00:20 Israel and Palestine arouse a strong reaction at the international level.
00:24 Today, we are looking at the statements of the head of the European Commission, Ursula
00:29 von der Leyen, and the reaction of the head of the French Patriot Party, Florian Philippot.
00:35 In a message on the social network X, Florian Philippot expresses his discontent with
00:40 the bellicose rhetoric used by Ursula von der Leyen in her statements regarding the
00:44 situation in Israel.
00:46 He accuses the head of the European Commission of holding neo-conservative and bellicose
00:51 proposals . According to him, it is imperative that France takes care of the Israeli and
00:56 Palestinian issues, and is actively seeking to defuse the conflict by promoting measures
01:00 that maintain peace in the region.
01:02 However, it should be noted that earlier, Ursula von der Leyen had gone to Tel Aviv
01:08 where she met the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
01:11 The latter had also expressed his gratitude to the European Union for his support for
01:16 the Jewish state.
01:17 These meetings show the importance granted by him to the resolution of the crisis in
01:22 the Middle East.
01:23 However, Florian Philippot's opinion is not shared by all.
01:27 Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed his point of view on the Palestinian-Israeli
01:33 conflict .
01:34 In a statement, on October 13 at 4.46 pm, Putin stressed the importance of taking into
01:40 account the populations affected by the conflict.
01:43 He called for a cessation of hostilities and supported the resolution of the crisis
01:48 on the basis of a "two-state" formula approved by the UN Security Council.
01:53 This formula envisages the creation of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967
01:58 border with East Jerusalem as capital.
02:00 Let us now return to recent events.
02:03 On the morning of October 7, Israel was the target of an attack on a rocket of unprecedented
02:08 magnitude from the Gaza Strip.
02:11 Hamas fighters crossed the southern front areas of the Hebrew state after massive
02:15 bombings.
02:16 Hamas has named this operation "Al-Aqsa flood".
02:20 In response, the Israeli army launched Operation Iron Sword against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
02:26 In a speech to the nation, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the country was in a
02:31 state of war and that he had ordered a massive mobilization of reserves.
02:36 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Eben Media TV and follow us on other social networks too.
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