Pierre Palmade en liberté sous contrôle judiciaire : les obligations que doit respecter l’humoriste

  • last year
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Pierre Palmade en liberté sous contrôle judiciaire : les obligations que doit respecter l’humoriste

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00:00 The life of Pierre Palmade and the victims of the road accident that occurred while the
00:13 comedian was driving was marked as "never".
00:18 Under the influence of cocaine when his vehicle came across the one on the opposite lane,
00:25 Pierre Palmade was examined for homicide and involuntary injuries.
00:30 As a reminder, a 27-year-old young woman, pregnant at the time of the accident, lost her baby
00:37 following the accident.
00:40 A father is still in a coma with a worrisome state, and his 6-year-old son would have been
00:47 disfigured by the collision. Also taken care of by medical staff, Pierre
00:55 Palmade, the life expectancy of the comedian was no longer quickly engaged.
00:59 On February 27, the Paris Court of Appeal requested his temporary detention.
01:08 His ABC, of which he resigned, sent him to the hospital in the Bicêtre Kremlin.
01:18 Pierre Palmade has therefore, for the moment, not been incarcerated and this could well
01:24 not happen at all.
01:28 Pierre Palmade @drpierrepalmade released on Tuesday, March 17, 2023 that the justice
01:35 has decided to release the comedian under judicial control.
01:39 He can say goodbye to his electronic bracelet.
01:44 However, this does not prevent him from having to submit to several rules as the precise
01:52 BFMTV colleague.
01:55 Thus, Pierre Palmade would have the ban to leave France.
02:02 However, he could go everywhere in France except in Seine-et-Marne where his home is.
02:10 He must also undergo care and be prohibited from driving.
02:15 As for the possible resumption of "Stupéfiant" by Pierre Palmade during this freedom under
02:24 judicial control, the judge of instruction states that it is minimized by the state of
02:28 health of the comedian.
02:29 The possible resumption of "Stupéfiant" is minimized by the current state of health
02:38 of Pierre Palmade and his involvement in the hospital environment.
02:41 In this context, the risk of driving a vehicle after using "Stupéfiant" appears even more
02:50 diminished.
02:51 Is it written in an ordinance?
02:57 The Melun Park has called for the decision.
03:01 A decision that makes a lot of talk on the web.
03:06 This decision did not fail to make the Internet users who have been many on the web to not
03:11 understand this release.
03:13 Here is a snippet of the comments left on Twittler.
03:19 "Interdiction de conduire, mais c'est totalement clownesque"
03:26 "Merci à ses avocats.
03:29 La justice française n'est pas la même pour tout le monde"
03:33 "Mais il doit faire de la prison"
03:38 "Ce n'est pas parce qu'il s'appelle Pierre Palmade qu'il ne doit pas en faire"
03:45 "Ça serait une autre personne pas connue.
03:49 Elle serait déjà en prison"
03:52 "Affaire à suivre"
03:55 "C'est pas parce qu'il s'appelle Pierre Palmade qu'il ne doit pas en faire"
04:15 "C'est pas parce qu'il s'appelle Pierre Palmade qu'il ne doit pas en faire"
04:35 "C'est pas parce qu'il s'appelle Pierre Palmade qu'il ne doit pas en faire"
04:48 ♪ It's alright ♪
