সপরিবারে ইডির হাজিরা থেকে বাঁচতেই ভাইপোর এই ধর্না: শুভেন্দু অধিকারী

  • last year
সপরিবারে ইডির হাজিরা থেকে বাঁচতেই ভাইপোর এই ধর্না: শুভেন্দু অধিকারী


00:00 They have no idea what they are saying.
00:02 First of all, there are 144 villages in 150 metres.
00:06 They can say whatever they want about this protest.
00:11 This protest is not for any political reason.
00:14 The reason is very clear.
00:16 All the families have been hit so that they cannot take any action.
00:21 All the families have been hit.
00:27 They have been hit.
00:30 They have been hit.
00:32 There are only their parents with them.
00:35 They have been using the entire family as a thief.
00:41 They are doing all this to save themselves.
00:44 What is the connection with them?
00:46 What is the connection with the people?
00:48 We have never said that the job card holder's 100 days of work is over.
00:52 We have gone to steal.
00:54 I have applied to the minister of Delhi.
00:58 You can go to the independent organization and
01:01 hide the 100 days fake job card and the original job card.
01:06 And some fake schemes,
01:09 like the road, the piling, the IBS garden,
01:15 some have taken money from fake schemes.
01:19 Recognize the fake schemes and the fake job card holders.
01:25 Already, to link with Aadhar,
01:27 1,32,000 job cards have been stolen in the West.
01:31 Of these, 23,50,000 are genuine reasons.
01:35 They don't want to work, they have died,
01:37 they have become urban, they have gone to other places.
01:41 Because of this, 23,50,000.
01:43 From 1,32,000 to 23,50,000,
01:46 above 1 crore.
01:48 Why have they been stolen?
01:50 You can go to Aadhar and link.
01:52 The government cannot tell the reason.
01:55 The most stolen was from South 24 Pargana.
01:59 From there, Sriman Bhai's MP.
02:02 In that district, 35 lakh, 15 lakh job cards were stolen,
02:06 out of 38 lakh.
02:08 Then it was stolen in Musheedabad district,
02:11 13 lakh, out of 33 lakh.
02:14 These fake job card holders and fake schemes,
02:18 a part of the construction workers,
02:20 DM and video, they are connected.
02:22 They have taken money.
02:24 We want to see those who have taken this money in jail.
02:28 And we want to restore the money.
02:30 Our tax money.
02:32 Separate the milk and water.
02:34 Give the genuine job card holders work.
02:38 But first, recognize the fake schemes.
02:42 There is no objection.
02:44 The Indian government's schemes,
02:46 no one has kept the schemes closed.
02:48 And there is no benefit in doing all this.
02:50 The Indian government is not willing to bow to any pressure.
02:55 Our reward will be theft.
02:58 If you get caught, everything will be done.
03:01 I am telling you, the Chief Minister,
03:03 who was a former MP,
03:05 like Neopradeep Majumdar,
03:07 now the Panchayat has become a village committee.
03:09 That same minister was the chairman of Horticulture Corporation.
03:13 In the 17th year,
03:15 25 rupees, I am saying it by name,
03:17 25 rupees of mango trees,
03:19 in Mandraga,
03:21 Horticulture Corporation supplied for 75 rupees.
03:25 And a short list was made,
03:28 those who can be ordered to supply trees without tender,
03:33 those who are State Government undertaking, STU.
03:37 Horticulture Corporation was not the first one among them.
03:41 Neopradeep Majumdar was the chairman.
03:44 He was the advisor of the Chief Minister.
03:46 So, the Chief Minister was directly involved in corruption.
03:48 25 rupees of mango trees,
03:51 were supplied for 75 rupees in Mandraga.
03:55 Again, the same 25 rupees of mango trees,
03:58 was bought by the forest department.
04:00 When from 14th July to 20th July,
04:03 the forest festival was held for distribution,
04:06 when the forest department bought the mango trees,
04:10 the same mango trees were bought by the forest department,
04:14 same year, by the same forest department,
04:17 for 25 rupees.
04:20 And the same mango trees,
04:22 in the same financial year,
04:24 were bought by Pradeep Majumdar for 75 rupees in Mandraga.
04:28 This is the money of the Indian Government.
04:30 The loot.
04:31 We have said to collect the loot.
