Bonnes nouvelles: Lina a été retrouvée dans la maison d'un professeur.

  • last year
Bonnes nouvelles: Lina a été retrouvée dans la maison d'un professeur.


00:00 The investigation is taking place in the disappearance of Lina, the house of a teacher who passed away.
00:05 A week has already passed since Lina's mysterious disappearance on September 23.
00:14 That day, the 15-year-old teenager, originally from the Plaine commune, in the Barin, was on his way to Strasbourg with the intention of joining his little friend, Tao.
00:29 Eight days later, Lina still has not given any sign of life while investigators continue their efforts to find her.
00:36 We remind you that Tao, in the state of the investigations, is absolutely not questioned.
00:47 According to our colleagues at RTL, the prosecutors of the Republic of Strasbourg and Saverne opened a judicial inquiry this Sunday for the kidnapping or sequestration and two judges of instruction would have been arrested by the judicial court of Strasbourg.
01:02 It should be noted that no person is currently on guard, as a source has confided to RTL, and that at this stage all hypotheses are studied.
01:14 The investigation began on October 1. A little earlier in the day, we already told you that the gendarmes had been dispatched to inspect a house near the place where Lina and her mother lived, an information relayed by the Eiffel Tower.
01:33 This house, located under seal this Saturday September 30, is in the dispatch hammock and could potentially provide useful elements to advance the investigation into Lina's disappearance.
01:44 The operations began at 8.30 this morning, when a team of synophiles went to the scene, followed an hour later by technicians from the National Gendarmerie's Criminal Research Institute, IRC-GN.
02:01 According to RTL's information, these would be specialized in setting up scenes as well as in the search for traces of clues in the homes and vehicles.
02:12 The owner of the searched house would be a teacher in a high school and someone respectable who moved into the community about five years ago, as revealed by a neighbor to BFM-Television journalists.
02:27 and television.
