Computer Basics 5- How To Measure Data Size
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How the size/amount of data is measured, starting from a bit and going all the way up to a petabyte.
Today we're going to be talking about Data Size.
The smallest size we can have is called a bit.
That bit can only be a 1 or a 0, and that goes back go binary we've been talking about.
After that, we've got a Nibble, which is 4 bits, which isn't common but it's adorable.
The Byte, which is very common, is 8 bits.
A lot of things are expressed in binary Bytes.
After we get past the tiny bit and the small Byte, we get bigger really fast.
The next step up is a Kilobyte, 1024 Bytes, or 1,048,576 bits.
After that there's Megabyte, or 1024 Bytes to the power of two.
Then it's Gigabyte, 1024 Bytes to the power of three; Terabyte, 1024 Bytes to the power of 4, and Petabyte, 1024 to the power of 5.
These get much bigger really quickly!